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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Maybe it's just my experiences, but just as recently as this past weekend I've seen groups of two on Hydra at Dorney (a floorless coaster) who rode together in the center 2 seats. Face it, some people just feel more secure with a track below them, regardless of the fact that the restraints are the same for all seats.


Also, I know the renditions aren't always true, but these seats seem much closer together than on the recent B&M hypers, so maybe it won't matter as much to the groups as to who "gets punished and ousted" to the end seats. I'm just happy Hershey is getting another coaster, regardless of the fact that it looks to be sweeter than chocolate! And am I amongst the minority who is interested in this whole new area opened up for walking just because of Skyrush?!

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Honestly, I actually prefer the inside seats. When you sit closer to the middle of the track, you're feeling more of what the ride was designed to feel like. When you're on the outer seats, it's a cool and unique experience, but it's not exactly what the ride would feel like if it was "normal".

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Honestly, I actually prefer the inside seats. When you sit closer to the middle of the track, you're feeling more of what the ride was designed to feel like. When you're on the outer seats, it's a cool and unique experience, but it's not exactly what the ride would feel like if it was "normal".


But this ride was designed with this train in mind so actually, it was designed for the experience you describe and designed for a different experience on the outside so to say sitting on the outside will not give you the experience the ride was designed to give is not accurate and so "normal" on this ride would be wherever you sit.

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Maybe it's just my experiences, but just as recently as this past weekend I've seen groups of two on Hydra at Dorney (a floorless coaster) who rode together in the center 2 seats. Face it, some people just feel more secure with a track below them, regardless of the fact that the restraints are the same for all seats.


Also, I know the renditions aren't always true, but these seats seem much closer together than on the recent B&M hypers, so maybe it won't matter as much to the groups as to who "gets punished and ousted" to the end seats. I'm just happy Hershey is getting another coaster, regardless of the fact that it looks to be sweeter than chocolate! And am I amongst the minority who is interested in this whole new area opened up for walking just because of Skyrush?!


So are they opening a path between the entrance area and this part of Comet Hollow? I think that would be fantastic as well!

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Layout looks great, trains seem like a bit of a gimmick but a pretty cool one at that, overall should be an awesome addition to the park. Hershey is slowly building one of the best coaster collections around.






HP's collection, while not full of B&M coasters -is- one of the best collections of coasters in America- and that's a well-rounded collection from the Great Anton Schwarzkopf, through Intamin's finest. Yes, they don't have a flyer, yes they don't have a floorless- they DO have everything else, though- in all formats. Outside of HolidayWorld and Disney, there aren't too many parks where the collection has every single level of ride imaginable, and for every type of rider.

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Looking at the drawing of skyrush in relation to comet, when it's making its way back to the station does it weave through Comets structure or just go over it? Going through Comet would heighten the thrill in my mind. Sorry I'm not the greatest at reading the drawings.

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HP's collection, while not full of B&M coasters -is- one of the best collections of coasters in America- and that's a well-rounded collection from the Great Anton Schwarzkopf, through Intamin's finest. Yes, they don't have a flyer, yes they don't have a floorless- they DO have everything else, though- in all formats. Outside of HolidayWorld and Disney, there aren't too many parks where the collection has every single level of ride imaginable, and for every type of rider.


Apart from Storm Runner, it's basically a collection of family-friendly coasters. This new addition looks as if it will bring some more thrills to Hersheypark.

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With the 63 seconds of a ride time...the lift hill will be crazy fast and will be around 10-15 seconds before going down the drop. Maybe they managed the time from the drop until the brakes??? Even if it is NOT AS LONG AS PPL WANTED IT TO BE...WHO CARES??? Hersheypark is getting a ONE-OF-A-KIND Ride and ppl need to stop complaining about it. I'm making a trip to HP next yr to ride it. Can't Wait!

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Layout looks great, trains seem like a bit of a gimmick but a pretty cool one at that, overall should be an awesome addition to the park. Hershey is slowly building one of the best coaster collections around.






HP's collection, while not full of B&M coasters -is- one of the best collections of coasters in America- and that's a well-rounded collection from the Great Anton Schwarzkopf, through Intamin's finest. Yes, they don't have a flyer, yes they don't have a floorless- they DO have everything else, though- in all formats. Outside of Holiday World and Disney, there aren't too many parks where the collection has every single level of ride imaginable, and for every type of rider.


A new major coaster every 4 years, and 6 what I would consider to be high quality coasters and 6 other better than average but really not that great coasters I would say slowly building their collection is accurate.


And how does Holiday World and Disney even begin to enter the conversation about coaster collections?

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And the clues keep coming.




Lightly printed in the lower-left corner are a series of numbers.


‎1/16 3/2 3/44
4/4 4/66 5/2 6/10 7/52 8/26 8/47 8/76
9/19 10/17 11/8
12/16 13/12 13/46
14/11 14/23 14/25 15/32 15/37 16/10 16/30
17/1 17/29
20/58 20/82 21/2 21/34 21/46 22/5 23/9 23/44
23/56 25/10 25/20 26/2 26/47 27/7 28/10 28/27 28/51 29/18

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A new major coaster every 4 years, and 6 what I would consider to be high quality coasters and 6 other better than average but really not that great coasters I would say slowly building their collection is accurate.


I hear what you're saying, and you're right from a certain point of view. But you could also say that they have added 8 coasters from 1996-2012, which is a good number in my opinion. Also, how many parks really have more than 6 high quality coasters in their collection? A few here in the US, but not as many as you would think. ...And for the record, I would consider it a moderate pace.


Still, if they keep adding Intamin coasters, one every 4 years is fine by me.

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And the clues keep coming.




Lightly printed in the lower-left corner are a series of numbers.


‎1/16 3/2 3/44
4/4 4/66 5/2 6/10 7/52 8/26 8/47 8/76
9/19 10/17 11/8
12/16 13/12 13/46
14/11 14/23 14/25 15/32 15/37 16/10 16/30
17/1 17/29
20/58 20/82 21/2 21/34 21/46 22/5 23/9 23/44
23/56 25/10 25/20 26/2 26/47 27/7 28/10 28/27 28/51 29/18


What?....the game is not over yet?

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I'm disappointed we haven't gotten to see some nice artwork yet. After all, it sounds like they are pretty much changing the face of Comet Hollow from the press release, there are a lot of details left unrevealed.

And that's awesome the area is getting attention...in needs it sorely; it's been ignored since Great Bear cut a huge swath out of the midway and they painted everything blue.

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