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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Coaster looks fantastic, and good on 'em for adding a 3 acre garden area. The park could use the extra space to relieve crowding, and as we've seen with DCA, trees, flowers and benches can go a long way to improving the park experience (and Hersheypark is no slouch in that area, of course).

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For all the people who have complaints, look at it this way: it certainly won't be BAD. This is just personal opinion, but I don't think Hershey has ever put out a bad coaster; they are all enjoyable and this looks to be no different. Hersheypark just proves again and again that you don't need to go all out crazy with some record breaking ride--they always find a ride that gives them something unique and 100% fun.


Again, more with the "imo" stuff here, but just look at Storm Runner. It is a short short ride but MAN does it pack a punch. If there's anyone who can deliver a quality exhilerating ride with a very short duration, it's definitely Intamin.


I, like most others, am curious to see how loading operations will be carried out. Either way, I know when I'm sitting in that train, nothing else will matter.

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That's one fixed post that deserve an award, where's the like button lol.


Anyways I love everything about SkyRush I don't care how you load the ride or that it's not 6000 feet long it look awesome to me. 85* degree drop 5 intamin airtime hills new ots lapbar trains how could anyone have complaints.

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1. That picture of Comet and SkyRush really puts it into perspective just how much they intertwine. IMO, part of the charm of comet hollow comes from the compactness of SDL, Great Bear, Coal Cracker, and Comet so this will only add to that


2. Just like everyone else, very interested to see how they handle queuing in the station. Two lines for each row might be very confusing, as a fair amount of theme park goers have trouble getting into the correct row when it's laid out right in front of them. Maybe they could throw all 4 people in one line, number spots on the floor for each person to stand on, and also clearly number each seat in that row. I know some drop towers (Lake Compounce) do this.


3. What exactly does "270 degree panoramic view" mean?


4. Is the lift speed 26 feet of track per second? If so, that's almost 18 mph. Blink and you'll be down the first drop already!

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There is NO issue with the inside seats. Cmon people, the GP sits in the inside seats on inverteds! I never sit in those. But the insides on this look fine still. The rows are plenty far apart, and there isn't a wall of posts in front of you.



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^^ With all due respect, there is a flaw in your logic comparing Skyrush to an inverted coaster. Of course there are no issues with an inverted inside seat because everyone's feet are dangling. With Skyrush, you have a choice of traditional seating or wing-rider - and given how few 4D and wing-riders are out there - I believe the VAST majority of riders will prefer to ride the outside seats. Riding a coaster with nothing below or above you is a very unique experience and will be the major draw of the ride - especially given the tag line "Ride the Edge."

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I'd kill for this thing in Houston. However it seems like Hershey got raped for 25 million for a 35 second ride. Hershey isn't afraid to spend extra cash for unique rides.


But I totally disagree on the lines. A clear view is much more important than dangling feet. It's exactly like an invert. Outside seats with great views and feet dangling. But the inside is still enjoyable with a view. I'm not thinking about my feet on a ride as soon as I'm going down the lift.



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^^ With all due respect, there is a flaw in your logic comparing Skyrush to an inverted coaster. Of course there are no issues with an inverted inside seat because everyone's feet are dangling. With Skyrush, you have a choice of traditional seating or wing-rider - and given how few 4D and wing-riders are out there - I believe the VAST majority of riders will prefer to ride the outside seats. Riding a coaster with nothing below or above you is a very unique experience and will be the major draw of the ride - especially given the tag line "Ride the Edge."

With all due respect, your post is f'ing retarded. Shut up and be happy your getting this kick ass ride.

Edited by robbalvey
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Oh this is reminding me of 8/20/09 when 305 was announced. Quit complaining about the ride until you ride it. I expected 305 to be good, but nowhere near as intense, forceful, and full of airtime as it actually is... now it is my #1 coaster! I'm sure this ride will be great too, plus you guys are going off of that terrible No Limits creation...


As to my thoughts, it looks amazing. Cable lift, a good drop, high speed turns, and airtime. The only thing it's lacking IMO is a good 'ole Intamin "s" transition but hey, not all rides can be like 305.




I'll definitely be up at Hersheypark next year to try it out!

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That's one fixed post that deserve an award, where's the like button lol.


Anyways I love everything about SkyRush I don't care how you load the ride or that it's not 6000 feet long it look awesome to me. 85* degree drop 5 intamin airtime hills new ots lapbar trains how could anyone have complaints.

^ Exactly.


The purpose of this sentence is to increase the number of words in the post so that it avoids being pointless.

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Seeing everybody talking about SkyRush reminds me of an old Dial Commercial: Aren't you glad you used Dial? Don't you wish everyone else did?"...


"Aren't you glad HP has a SkyRush? Don't you wish EVERYONE ELSE DID!?!?!?!"


As for the skyline, yes, it's going to TOWER over everything in the Hollow when it's done- but with only a small handful of columns there, I don't think it's going to be as 'bold' on the skyline as people are saying. It's actually a great place to put the ride in the park- considering that's some empty space behind Comet!

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I don't feel like there will be much debate over who sits where on the train. Think of a B&M invert, and people "debate" on inside and outside seats, but to the point where they are slowing down dispatch times? No.


Should be a good ride for the park though! Won't be the best Intamin around, but it still promises to be a fun ride. Go Hershey!

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