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  1. I am without a doubt one of the biggest Intamin fan boy on this thread. I LOVE them with RoS/Bizarro in my home park. What I find interesting and concerning is that Intamin has no new rides on the books for 2013, AND after building the #1 coaster in the world (MF) and certainly the most iconic, CF has migrated to B&M. Let's be honest. When was the last flawless Intamin coaster installation, with minimal "issues" during the first year of operation like B&M? I thought it was going to be Skyrush, because it really operated well this year. But clearly that isn't the case....
  2. Thanks for the response Eddie. Yeah I saw it from some random poster and assumed he heard it from the Dippin Dots guy.
  3. My question was more to Eddie about his "Rash Speculation" comment asking what else he heard/read. All I've seen is the fact the ride was on the HPITD operating ride list under Scare Rush, and is now off the list as of yesterday.
  4. Skyrush has been taken off the Hersheypark in the Dark operating ride list, so we can assume it is down for the rest of the year, since it was on the list last week.
  5. Do you have a source, because the official site ABC7 isn't listing anything - http://search.abclocal.go.com/search/client?q=Six+Flags+Hurricane+Harbor+valencia&st=kabc&time=Recent&rType=article,video,photogallery,bio,other
  6. And let's not forget thunder and lightning from storms that could easily form over 3 hours.
  7. I'm with ya Johnny, Gatekeeper is perfect for the park and GP. Given all the comments so far, I don't think enthusiasts will ever be happy and relish in complaining. I'm going to bring some cheese to the opening for all the whiners. None of us have ridden the ride yet, but many are predicting it will be forceless. (how?) And then when rides like Skyrush open and produce extreme forces with lap bars, people complain about how their legs hurt. Every ride is different, every manufacturer is different, and parks do their best to deliver to their customers. Sure problems occur and the great parks address them asap. Gatekeeper is made by B&M so it will be a capacity monster and reliable, while it's design will "wow" the GP and really make a powerful statement at the front gate. I for one am thrilled with the new management and believe they are making all the right decisions moving forward.
  8. I live in Boston and drive to NYC all the time. On a Saturday, especially in the morning you shouldn't have any trouble going over the GWB over the NJTPK, then down to exit 7A. Of course, if the President is in town or there is some huge race/parade, avoiding the GWB is best, but I'm not aware of anything that should cause a problem. Taking the Tappan is a decent alternative, but it's going to add at least 30 minutes to your travel time.
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