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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. I've got to go with Prowler. I love the strobe light from the photos right before the dark part of the ride. Right after the flash is a sweet s-curve so you just get thrown everywhere. It takes your eyes until about the turn around to adjust.
  2. Best - Outlaw Run. It's impossible to hit that brake run not giggling like a school girl. Best Worst - Adventure Express. Biggest build up to nothing ever. Worst - Any Boomerang ever. After you get your butt whooped going forward you climb a slow lift to your certain death in reverse. Not one moment of the second half can even be argued as even close to enjoyable.
  3. We were here today for this event, and had a really good time. Great food, and a great beer selection for a good price. Highly recommend you guys check it out if you are on the fence. A good concert is a great way to end a day here. Alan Jackson was very good!
  4. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, and Tumblr are my main ones. All are easy to use and quite addictive. It's easy to find custom amusement park related content on all of these. Personally my favorite Theme Park Review content is on Vine, and I would like to see more on Instagram with pictures. I think expansion in Tumblr would be fun too, as I have a Tumblr amusement park themed blog and would share a lot of your content (as I already do on there).
  5. Their low-lying areas are a joke. That park is going to kill someone someday. I remember seeing their main midway and a ride area to a wooden coaster blocked off by a cone when I went there this summer.
  6. Now riding at Coasting for Kids at Worlds of Fun! Super excited!
  7. I don't feel like there will be much debate over who sits where on the train. Think of a B&M invert, and people "debate" on inside and outside seats, but to the point where they are slowing down dispatch times? No. Should be a good ride for the park though! Won't be the best Intamin around, but it still promises to be a fun ride. Go Hershey!
  8. Ummmm- not a facepalm. I for one think there should be some sort of seating on -every- major ride for people with disabilites/challenges. It doesn't have to be always used as such- but a seat that could be easily, quickly and safely modified for guests who need additional restraints (Amputees) or who can't easily get into/out of a seat. Being handicapped myself, I find that a few rides DO have adaptations for getting into/out of seats- and differently built restraints. Volcano:TBC for example, has one seat on each train where the side-bar for the leg can be lowered out of place- making it easier for me (and others, I'm sure) to get onto/off of the ride. There are two restraints- on the side and in front, to prevent any problems along the way. While I don't stand there and scream EVERY ride should be handicapped accessible (It's simply NOT practical, even if well designed) it should be a consideration for all rides. I'm not going to cry if a park has a ride I can't go on due to the seats/restraints- nor will I force a park to let me on if I can't ride. I completely agree with you on providing adaptations for seats. My sister has down syndrome and is short, heavy, and not exactly a jumper. It can be quite the task helping her get into a B&M Invert. I really feel that amusement parks need to do a better job of considering those with handicaps, and design their parks with these people in mind.
  9. When I went back in 2008 it seemed like the cars bumped into each other quite a bit. I didn't notice it when I went last year. Is this a natural thing for this ride? It was between the unloading and loading station.
  10. Holiday World not being able to get the Timberliners going on Voyage. Love the park, but a little upsetting. EDIT: As stated above. Haha beat me to the trigger! I guess Ozark Wildcat still SBNO is a good one?
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