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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Well there's more clues apparently, and I want them to have a drop tower! So I'm really just stating what I want - like an Intamin buy-a-SkyRush-get-a-drop-tower-free sort of deal!


However, if Hershey ends up with a drop tower in the near future, I'm going to claim that I called it!


Why would Intamin give away a 5 million dollar ride?

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^I'm sorry, here's my disclaimer:


I'm not stupid, it was a joke. Yet again, I just want to see them get that rumored drop tower that was speculated about as a 2011/2012 addition. And, of course, there was Rudie talking about Hershey's "pregnancIES."


Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the Internet. Next time, I'll load up on smileys or something.

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And the clues keep coming.




Lightly printed in the lower-left corner are a series of numbers.


‎1/16 3/2 3/44
4/4 4/66 5/2 6/10 7/52 8/26 8/47 8/76
9/19 10/17 11/8
12/16 13/12 13/46
14/11 14/23 14/25 15/32 15/37 16/10 16/30
17/1 17/29
20/58 20/82 21/2 21/34 21/46 22/5 23/9 23/44
23/56 25/10 25/20 26/2 26/47 27/7 28/10 28/27 28/51 29/18


I solved this yesterday.

The key was the symbol just before the series of numbers, which matches the symbol at http://ctpilots.com/lawsuit.pdf

Using each number pair as row/letter, starting on the row in the lawsuit document with the symbol, and excluding spaces and punctuation, I got:











If anyone wants to try out the spreadsheet I used to solve this, you can download it at http://www3.zansstuff.com/files/afwChapter7.xls

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^ Yeah I thought that when I first saw these trains as well. I wonder if Intamin is maybe subcontracting their train designs now for some reason as a result of the recent issues they had with the old style trains. Or maybe they hired an engineer away from Mauer to develop new trains for them.

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Well there's more clues apparently, and I want them to have a drop tower! So I'm really just stating what I want - like an Intamin buy-a-SkyRush-get-a-drop-tower-free sort of deal!


However, if Hershey ends up with a drop tower in the near future, I'm going to claim that I called it!


Why does Hersheypark need another one? They already have a GyroDrop tower! The only downside is that the drop is very heavily braked.



As for the coasters- Hersheypark does have a nice collection of coasters- Except for 2 cookie-cutter coasters, each coaster is unique. SooperDooperLooper is a great coaster for the younger ones starting out into the coaster enthusiast world!

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I have to say that I find this whole "inside vs. outside seat" thing to be a little odd... Based on the press releases and advertising for the coaster thus far, the park really seems to be touting how exciting the outside seats will be--even though they only represent 50% of the seats on each train. I think we've all seen some arguments take place over who gets to sit on the outside of a B&M invert, and that's without parks actively promoting how one seat is better than another.


I'll be anxious to see the difference in ride experience on an outside vs. inside seat, and how this effects the ride's capacity. Seems to me that this should have been more of an "all or nothing" situation.

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This ride is definitely a great addition to HP! Everyone got the 200 footer they wanted, and they threw in winged seats. Pretty awesome! I wasn't planning on going to Hershey next year, but now I have to somehow fit it in! OH MY. 2012 seems to be a great year for the new stuff.

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The whole seating situation would have been so much easier to work out if the ride was designed as a plain old Wing Rider than the staggered design, IMO.

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Regarding the restraints, choosing seats, and first drop, we should have these answers by the first of next week. If anyone has any additional questions, they need to be submitted by this Saturday. There will also be a meeting this Friday with all park employees to explain the game and provide all the answers to the game. If you have game related questions, they need to be submitted to park employees before Friday.

Edited by Thom25
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I really don't see the problem with the seating. I mean wouldn't it be like Apollo or Nitro, since the outside seats aren't set back as far as Diamondback or Intimidator?



I think we've all seen some arguments take place over who gets to sit on the outside of a B&M invert, and that's without parks actively promoting how one seat is better than another.


Hershey needs to make it clear to everyone throughout the line and while waiting for the gates to open for their train that the order you approach the train is the order you sit, from the far seat to the closest seat. ...No ifs, ands, or buts!!!

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One word - AWESOME!!


I'm incredibly stoked about this addition to the park! I honestly don't get some of the complaining, but I guess that's cause my home park added a new coaster in 1999, incredibly reprofiled one in 2001, then didn't build another new coaster until last year! In other words, be HAPPY that Hershey is adding pretty great coasters (the last 3 now from Intamin) at an every 4 years clip.


And to me, what's not to like?!? 200-foot drop? Check. 85 degree first drop? Check. Several airtime hills? Check. Some low twists and turns? Got that too. Fastest coaster in the park now, at 75 mph? Yup. Oh yeah, and we'll also throw in floorless seats and regular floored ones!


Count me in as someone who is not only eager to ride, but also thinks that a trip to Hersheypark next year just became a definite!

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And the Schwarzkopf is one of his weakest. Just because is was made by Schwarzkopf, doesn't necessarily mean that its good


Grouchy, Party of One, your table is now available.


Arguing about seats.....






I had to say this before in another thread: The haters gotta hate, the grouches gotta grouch, and there will people who will find some ENDLESS fault with a new ride that's not even OPEN yet!!! GET OVER IT. IT'S A NEW COASTER. BE HAPPY ABOUT IT.

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And the Schwarzkopf is one of his weakest. Just because is was made by Schwarzkopf, doesn't necessarily mean that its good


Grouchy, Party of One, your table is now available.



At least this one still only has lap bars!!!! I always ride it the most of any of the coasters at HP every time I visit. It was also the first one to get the kids on that went upside down, gotta love the low height requirement!

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I found it interesting that they didn't really provide and detailed pictures of the train considering the big selling point with this ride is the new train design.


Also, figuring out who sits where on this ride will never be as complicated as it is with any of the GIBs....



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Grouchy, Party of One, your table is now available.


Make it a party of two. Sooperdooperlooper is a fine family ride, but it is very weak for a Schwarzkopf.

Three. It made such a huge impression on me that I actually forget from time to time that the park even has a Schwarzkopf.

Sorry, this was one of his duds.

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And the Schwarzkopf is one of his weakest. Just because is was made by Schwarzkopf, doesn't necessarily mean that its good


Grouchy, Party of One, your table is now available.


Arguing about seats.....






I had to say this before in another thread: The haters gotta hate, the grouches gotta grouch, and there will people who will find some ENDLESS fault with a new ride that's not even OPEN yet!!! GET OVER IT. IT'S A NEW COASTER. BE HAPPY ABOUT IT.


Grouches gotta grouch.......lol!

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Sooooo kind of off topic here, but I went to the park today since I haven't been since june, and some interesting things happened...

1. They've put up a construction fence with little windows in it near where the new path is supposed to go... don't know how long that's been there, but I thought it was cool. Istill can't visualize a huge intamin in the hollow, but it will happen...

2. Wildcat was running GREAT. I don't know why or how, but a back seat ride felt *almost* as smooth as lightning racer...i kid you not.

3. I was riding Storm Runner on the back seat, and the airtime coming off the top hat made my ipod, which I was SITTING on, rise out of my back pocket and go halfway up the back of my shirt!! Thankfully it stayed in; I guess air time applies to iPods too!

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