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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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It's a Non Discolsure Agreement. I would remove them ASAP.




1. a direct marketing technique in which a company persuades internet users to forward its publicity material in e-mails (usually by including jokes, games, video clips, etc)

2. a marketing strategy in which conventional media are eschewed in favour of various techniques designed to generate word-of-mouth publicity, in the hope of creating a fad or craze

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Anyone know where I can find quick credit run advice to get through Hershey the most efficiently? Like what lines have the bad lines to try to get through right away, and the ones that are high capacity and won't have as bad of lines.. I'm sure someone's posted something, but it's nearly impossible to find.



I've found that it really depends on whether you go on a weekday or weekend. Weekdays you can hit up Storm Runner around 3:00 or so and there's minimal waiting. But with the new trains, Sidewinder seems to always have about a half hour wait. I try to head straight to Fahrenheit then head all the way back to Lightening Racer and work my way back to the front of the park by staying to the left on my way around (Wildcat, Wild Mouse, Sidewinder, Storm Runner, Trailblazer, Great Bear, Looper, Comet). I find that if I take my time and let my kids ride the flats along the way I rarely hit anything aside from Fahrenheit that has a long wait time.

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If in fact the layout is like that sketch, I may just pass out with excitement!! It looks like a megalite-type layout, only with a bigger first hill....and that would be fantastic!! I haven't followed along with the viral campaign, but I still must say that the level of detail they are pouring into it is very impressive. I'm definitely getting more and more pumped for the announcement!

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If in fact the layout is like that sketch, I may just pass out with excitement!! It looks like a megalite-type layout, only with a bigger first hill....and that would be fantastic!!


...with a EGF style first drop??? I would sign up for that in a heartbeat.

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I should apply. I am certainly a genius in my own little fantasy world. That counts.


The only thing that I'm not sure about is the work start date. I would love an opportunity, but if I was needed to go to Hersheypark quickly for some reason, I wouldn't be able to, because I don't have a car.

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To me, that blurred image screams Intamin (and apparently it has already been confirmed as such?). I agree with some of the others and really hope Hershey becomes the first American park with a Mega-Lite. And by the picture that would mean a unique layout (heck yeah!).


This is just a quick thought, but doesn't that element at the very left side of the image looks it could be a "Horseshoe Roll" like on Maverick instead of airtime hills? I highly (HIGHLY) doubt it, but I'm just saying there's a resemblance.


By the way, I'm new here... to posting at least. I'm pushing myself to come out of my shell and get involved. And hopefully I will meet some of you at ECB!

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I think it goes without saying... I've applied. And I sure do hope I get picked- after 9 months, it's been like a 5500 long, 212 foot tall, 81 MPH wingrider that's the love child of Expedition GeForce and I305 baby to me.




As for the ride itself, I'm putting my 'best perspective' of what I see the ride being:


A 5500 foot long, 212 foot tall wingrider, with many different elements, including several overbanked turns, negative G pop hills, and some interesteng elements. Seeing the layout to me is like I305 wasn't careful with EGF- and we're the ones that benefit from it!



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I applied! Can't wait to see the final layout renderings (though I hope they hold off on those until a little while after vertical construction has begun. I love trying to figure out the layout just from the pictures of the footers).

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Just got this HP Email


Be Among the First to Hear the 2012 News!


Come to Hersheypark on Tuesday, August 2 and "Rush The Hollow" at 12:12 PM for the big unveil of what's coming in 2012! Enjoy a great day in the Park and join us as we share the exciting news.


While you're here, cool down with our 9 refreshing water attractions of The Boardwalk at Hersheypark, including a lazy river, wave pool, East Coast Waterworks, and more!

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"In the end only 4 will ride."


Not sure, it could be referencing the train design. Perhaps "In the end" means in the last car. Intamin trains have 4 seats per car...


Just an idea.


That's kind of like saying Intamin trains have wheels.

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