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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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I didn't realize Wonder Woman and Rail Blazer were mirrored clones where WW drops off the lift to the right and RB drops to the left, so I guess technically not relly a "clone" maybe. Doesn't really matter but it's kinda cool.

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I went to the first day of Railblazer's public operation yesterday. I heard all about how crazy the ride is. However, I wasn't prepared for the level of "what the f%#k" that the ride delivers. I'm still having trouble processing how such a compact layout can deliver g-forces like that. The positives are really strong, and the airtime is among the strongest I've ever felt (the airtime hill reminded me of Skyrush). The queue was mostly full, but that didn't matter to me. I had a Fastlane (thanks to the unbelievable Presidents' Day sale), and walked right up to the station for each of my rides. Not only did the ride attendant fulfill row requests, I was usually asked what row I wanted. In the end, I got 10 rides: 8 in the front and 2 in the back. I also took one ride each on Flight Deck and Gold Striker, both awesome. I also got a ride on the sky ride. I don't usually go for these, but I felt that I should do it in honor of Bill. It was relaxing and delightful. I haven't ridden Patriot since the conversions, but I ended up skipping it in order to get more rides on Railblazer. I do not regret my decision. All in all, a lovely day at the park on what is easily the best roller coaster on the West Coast.

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Awesome review! Was the regular line packed for opening day? How were crowds overall since it was a Thurs?

I'd say that greater than 75% of the queue was filled consistently. I'd guess at least an hour wait when I was there. Though, it's hard for me to say, since I was using Fastlane. As for general crowds, it didn't seem anything excessive, though it was by no means dead. Gold Striker's line was to the tunnel in the queue, while Flight Deck's wasn't much outside of the station. I didn't really check out too many rides, as I mainly just camped out at Railblazer all day.

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I went to the first day of Railblazer's public operation yesterday. I heard all about how crazy the ride is. However, I wasn't prepared for the level of "what the f%#k" that the ride delivers. I'm still having trouble processing how such a compact layout can deliver g-forces like that. The positives are really strong, and the airtime is among the strongest I've ever felt (the airtime hill reminded me of Skyrush). The queue was mostly full, but that didn't matter to me. I had a Fastlane (thanks to the unbelievable Presidents' Day sale), and walked right up to the station for each of my rides. Not only did the ride attendant fulfill row requests, I was usually asked what row I wanted. In the end, I got 10 rides: 8 in the front and 2 in the back. I also took one ride each on Flight Deck and Gold Striker, both awesome. I also got a ride on the sky ride. I don't usually go for these, but I felt that I should do it in honor of Bill. It was relaxing and delightful. I haven't ridden Patriot since the conversions, but I ended up skipping it in order to get more rides on Railblazer. I do not regret my decision. All in all, a lovely day at the park on what is easily the best roller coaster on the West Coast.


Excellent. The few rider vids Ive seen dont seem to show much airtime or force on them, but as we know POVs are often deceiving. The speed it whips around that track lead to me believe it had to be forceful as hell, and this confirms it

CA is happening next year, and this is one the list. May have to get to the less far away Texas to try one of these beasts.

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From Screamscape:


2020 - Unknown Tall Steel Attraction - Planning - (6/17/18) "While the previous FAA details had vanished, a reader pointed out a new revised application from the park to the FAA for a height variance for a new attraction. A few little things have changed as well, as instead of a 240 foot attraction, the new application lists only building a structure 210 feet tall above ground level and appears to be complete this time, with the park given permission to go ahead with the project with some new timeline dates for construction to be done between March 1, 2019 and finished by December 31, 2019, which would make this a new attraction for the 2020 season.

The location is coming up slightly different as well, as the old coordinates seemed to indicate putting it on the Peanuts Pirates location, instead the coordinates now show it taking over the site of Snoopy's Splash Dance water play attraction".


Do people still think this is for a Sky Screamer? Because I don't...

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^^ I approve! I also approve of the fact that their Sky Ride is one of the few I’ve seen that’s on Fastlane which I’m sure played into your decision.
I wonder if Bill ranks sky rides like the majority of people ranks coasters.
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Anybody else think that it's odd that CF decided to give CGA a coaster so soon after RailBlazer?


I thought they wanted to focus on CW and Carowinds more so than the west coast parks. I believe it's been four years since either of those parks have received coasters. (if you count Wonderland's Guardian as a coaster)

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Cedar Fair has repeatedly said CGA was on the list for major expansion after they reworked their lease with the city. You have to consider that outside of Boomerang Bay the park only received small expansions between Stealth in 2000 (which was removed for the aforementioned Boomerang Bay) and Gold Striker in 2013.


Plus both Carowinds and Canada's Wonderland are receiving major coasters next year.

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I'm one of the biggest fans of the B&M Hypers out there, but I would still love a new Intamin Hyper anywhere! Hopefully, that's the model CGA is getting, though I wouldn't count on it honestly... I think the rumored CF vitriol at Intamin is real! lol

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