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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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Exciting times for Great America fans!! The top 3 now are very strong with Railblazer, Goldy, and Flight Deck. Hopefully Grizzy can get a RMC treatment down the road in a few years. Cedar Points add on looks amazing. (I know Grizzy isn't as big) But it seems like they are getting more aggressive every year with the wood conversion.

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  DoinItForTheFame said:
  RollerManic said:
Spoiler alert: RMC does clones now.


Oh darn. What a tragedy.


This looks much more superior than Six Flags. It's crazy to see the difference a little theming can do to a coaster!


um. . up against the quarry wall (and next to SKK in SFFT). . Wonder Woman is going to look and ride amazing


(just as I expect the CGA version will too).


and don't care it's a "clone". . it's gonna be great.

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You know, this is going to be really random... But no catwalks on the lift hill?


I like the look, it looks much cleaner!!!


(Yes, I know it's just a rendering, and blah blah blah... But as good as companies are at renderings nowdays, catwalks just doesn't seem like a thing they would leave off!)

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  esuvnyx said:
Is this the first coaster at CGA with a covered station? Also, this version also has 3 trains as well. I'm curious if it will feature the same type of moving walkway too.

Grizzly & Gold Striker's stations are completely covered.

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Part of me feels like Wonder Woman is a clone of Railblazer, not vice versa. Railblazer seems to fit in its spot perfectly snug, as if it was uniquely designed for CGA. Even though Wonder Woman was announced first, I really think Railblazer was the "original," and SFFT mirrored and cloned it and slapped it in their park and announced it first to claim "world's first." Just a thought.

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
Part of me feels like Wonder Woman is a clone of Railblazer, not vice versa. Railblazer seems to fit in its spot perfectly snug, as if it was uniquely designed for CGA. Even though Wonder Woman was announced first, I really think Railblazer was the "original," and SFFT mirrored and cloned it and slapped it in their park and announced it first to claim "world's first." Just a thought.


OMG that's not how any of that works and why does it even matter which ride is a clone of the other? Do you realize how silly that post sounds?

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  boldikus said:
  thrillseeker4552 said:
Part of me feels like Wonder Woman is a clone of Railblazer, not vice versa. Railblazer seems to fit in its spot perfectly snug, as if it was uniquely designed for CGA. Even though Wonder Woman was announced first, I really think Railblazer was the "original," and SFFT mirrored and cloned it and slapped it in their park and announced it first to claim "world's first." Just a thought.


OMG that's not how any of that works and why does it even matter which ride is a clone of the other? Do you realize how silly that post sounds?


I guess you're right. I just hear people everywhere saying it is a clone of Wonder Woman when we really know nothing about what went down with the RMC / Six Flags / Cedar Fair relationship behind the scenes. It was just a thought, and it doesn't matter at all since both rides look great.

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
Part of me feels like Wonder Woman is a clone of Railblazer, not vice versa. Railblazer seems to fit in its spot perfectly snug, as if it was uniquely designed for CGA. Even though Wonder Woman was announced first, I really think Railblazer was the "original," and SFFT mirrored and cloned it and slapped it in their park and announced it first to claim "world's first." Just a thought.

The raptor track was always intended to be a stock/cloned ride, RMC has talked about this since they were first introduced. Not to mention the blueprints for the layouts have been out for years, doubt it was designed specifically for CGA or SFFT.

Edited by Superbatboy
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  Superbatboy said:
  thrillseeker4552 said:
Part of me feels like Wonder Woman is a clone of Railblazer, not vice versa. Railblazer seems to fit in its spot perfectly snug, as if it was uniquely designed for CGA. Even though Wonder Woman was announced first, I really think Railblazer was the "original," and SFFT mirrored and cloned it and slapped it in their park and announced it first to claim "world's first." Just a thought.

These rides were always intended to be stock/cloned rides, RMC has talked about this since they were first introduced. Not to mention the blueprints for the coasters have been out for years, doubt it was designed specifically for CGA or SFFT.


Gotcha. I didn't know that. I guess I was just surprised at how well Railblazer fits in that spot, giving me the idea that it was specifically designed for that spot and not some off-the-shelf ride.


I just find it so fascinating that Six Flags and Cedar Fair are adding the exact same prototype ride in the exact same year. That doesn't happen too often!

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  robbalvey said:
California’s Great America Debuts First of its Kind Single Rail Steel Coaster for 2018


Wow. I'm still in shock that CGA is really going to have a ride of this magnitude. For starters, it shows that CF isn't just going to let the park be in a state of limbo like it was during a portion of the Paramount years.


  RAWKIN_coaster38 said:
I love the rock work! Who cares if it's a clone? It looks like it's going to be a great ride and fit in really well at the park, and it'll be unlike anything else in the state. Congrats, CGA!


Yeah I've already read some youtube comments whining about this. Nobody cares. Its obviously going to blow minds and I don't give a rat's rump if it has a clone in Texas. In the coming years we'll be seeing more of these and that fact has neither a positive or negative impact on CGA having Railblazer.


  robbalvey said:
  RollerManic said:
Spoiler alert: RMC does clones now.

The very first comment after the announcement. THE VERY FIRST!!! And it's someone complaining and bitching.




After the 2017 year we just had where very little was built, very little was innovative, absolutely NOBODY should be complaining about new and unique rides being announced. NOBODY!!!


Seriously go find another hobby "RollerManic" because no one wants that type of crap attitude around here.



Even though I mainly just lurk, this site quickly became one of my favorite forums. I get flabbergasted whenever I see that type of post. We've already known for a few months that 2018 was shaping up to be incredible. Now that the reality is starting to set in with these announcements and it increases the anticipation of what's to come, its unreal to see anything resembling negativity or criticism.


This park's getting a major coaster. Period. Anyone who loves roller coasters and especially those in this area or planning a trip here in 2018 should be doing cartwheels down the street.



  805Andrew said:
Now all that needs to be done is tearing out Grizzly for another kick A$$ ride and the transformation of CGA is mostly complete.

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  jarmart said:
Can we just appreciate the fact that CGA is getting a new coaster? The drought is over.


I mean this park went through a 12 year dry spell before Gold Striker was added.

Congrats to CGA! Looks like an awesome addition, love the theming too!

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  jarmart said:
Can we just appreciate the fact that CGA is getting a new coaster? The drought is over.


Is it even really that much of a drought? Gold Striker came in 2013, just four years ago. That's not that long to me.

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Can we just get a Alan Schilke thread going? He is slowly becoming my roller coaster god. who would have ever though one man and once company combined could change the industry so much. Who cares if it is a clone, You can never have too much RMC in one park.

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