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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ just an assumption. . but every 'event' I've been to - including an event at SFFT, and upcoming Coasterstock at KI - the event covered the "reservation" need. . so was not required.


but since Coastermania! is only one day, and you're there multiple days?   you should reserve the days around it (that's assuming reservations are still a "thing" by the time of the event)

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Just now, bert425 said:

^ just an assumption. . but every 'event' I've been to - including an event at SFFT, and upcoming Coasterstock at KI - the event covered the "reservation" need. . so was not required.


but since Coastermania! is only one day, and you're there multiple days?   you should reserve the days around it (that's assuming reservations are still a "thing" by the time of the event)

Nah I'm there just for the 4th. This is why the FL news is so exciting, I haven't done multiple days at CP in ages, I go pretty hard and sleep in big the next day lol   But yeah I was thinking the event covered it. Once Im home may check and see if you can reserve days w/o needing to buy a ticket, if so no harm in doing it

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14 hours ago, anonymouscactus said:

So the low/high this year for Fast Lane + is $101 for the slow days and $159 on the peak days. I'm surprised they didn't go higher honestly. I think in 2019 the low was $85 for slow days (don't quote me), so still an increase.

Fastlane has always been fluid, I wouldn't be surprised to see the price go lower if it didn't sell well for the day or even higher if the demand is there.

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Cedar Point No Longer Requiring Face Masks

-Face maks no longer required on rides, though it is still recommended

-Temperature checks for guests have been discontinued.

-Health-screen questionnaires will be conducted at entrance gates, not through the Cedar Point mobile app.

Also Cedar Point said face coverings would still be required while guests are indoors, unless actively eating or drinking.

“In addition to continued guidance from health professionals, none of our rides are long enough to meet the criteria that’s been established by the CDC as consistent exposure,” -Tony Clark

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34 minutes ago, jamesk25 said:


-Health-screen questionnaires will be conducted at entrance gates, not through the Cedar Point mobile app.


I like how they still pretend this was actually something folks needed to do.


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On 4/28/2021 at 4:05 PM, Haymaker said:

Hallelujah! I ran back and forth like an idiot last year getting line tickets while my son marathoned SV. Although I am not sure we will make it up there until October this year due to several other trips planned but we are intending to go for a weekend to do Halloweekends never having done CP at that time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh good. I didn't follow all that since I didn't do parks last year but it sounded like kind of a pain and stressful. Glad to hear. I did this basically to make use of the CF platinum pass I got as a Christmas gift  in 2019 lol but sounds like its turning into a pretty normal visit! 

I do hope the Coastermania itinerary is released sometime soon. I mean less than a month away! I notice the park hours currently end at 8, not 10 (covid change I assume) this makes me kinda happy. Assuming they do night ERT, wont have to go till 1230 or 1 or whatever it was. Not that I minded, and a nap got me through but even for me that was one helluva long day. 

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14 hours ago, qpb2004 said:

With the park now closing at 8, it makes me even more grateful to attend the event for the night rides it will offer!

I'm guessing those hours will change, but we'll see...

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22 minutes ago, tndank said:

Really wish I could just watch SV opening weekend to see people dealing with the lockers. This latest experiment looks a bit crazy. Interested to see how the new lockers work out. 

I missed it.  What did they change?

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Theres a huge bank of lockers to the left when you get to the stairs. To retrieve, you exit, go back to the entrance, then go down to the other side of the lockers. Just seems like it might be a god awful mess while they figure it out. 

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They are free but nobody has been able to tell me how you actually lock and retrieve. Do you have to memorize your locker # and pin? Biometrics? Use a ticket or your season pass that you need to hold on to? etc. -- Steel Vengeance will F up your memory so hopefully it's not a PIN lol and what happens when you ultimately forget :)


Guess I'll find out tomorrow!

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The old ones were PIN based...if it didn't ruin your memory of your locker number and PIN before it won't now.  Jeez.

Give it two days; I'm sure someone here is going to the park on opening day and can report.

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Happy Opening day! Anyone going today, have fun! I'm sitting by my computer this morning watching the live cam on the side. Does anyone else wish that there was a really good microphone on these cams to hear the B&M roars and seagulls? Just me? 

Planning to get out there in August this year. So, until then... #rideon

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On 5/13/2021 at 5:13 AM, tndank said:

Really wish I could just watch SV opening weekend to see people dealing with the lockers. This latest experiment looks a bit crazy. Interested to see how the new lockers work out. 

The filter won't work anymore, no matter how hard you try.

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