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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Cedar Downs is (by far) my favorite flat at Cedar Point.     it's SO much better than it looks when observed from the sidelines.

(the Screaming Swing at CP is really good too - tho runs a short cycle.   Can't think of the name of that off top of my head.)

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^^ I wondered when you were going to bring Cedar Downs up. 😋

And I totally agree about that freekin' Swing, too. Short cycle, but omgomgomgomg!


Here it is! And it's called Skyhawk. (Photo from the net)

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So excited about the Fast Lane news. Even on a weekday/event should be worth it for S V and maverick alone, and w limited capacity. Pretty excited. 

Oh shyhawk! I am a hardcore fanboy. I will not go to CP and not ride it, usually a few times. 

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oh. . just realized you're from UK, and we're talking Cedar Downs without throwing up a picture.


(it's NOT a Carousel. . tho it's slightly related.  The centrifugal forces are fun as hell - especially on the outer ring of horses)

I ride it MANY times during my trips to CP







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and don't forget to stop into the petting zoo area in Frontier Town (on the way to Steel Vengeance/Maverick from Millennium Force).

you gotta get your selfie with Samson!



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21 hours ago, bert425 said:

Cedar Downs is (by far) my favorite flat at Cedar Point.     it's SO much better than it looks when observed from the sidelines.

(the Screaming Swing at CP is really good too - tho runs a short cycle.   Can't think of the name of that off top of my head.)

Sky Hawk. I still find it scary...

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Hey all, just reaching out to ask if any members of this thread will be attending Coastermania. I'll be traveling to CP with my family who won't be attending the event, so I'd be interested in riding with some other enthusiasts during the ERTs. If anyone's going and wants to meet up, feel free to shoot me a message. 

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Ok since fast lane is coming in some form. Should I jump in when first available to snatch what I can for September or is it safe to wait until beginning of August?

Also since we are staying on resort for early access I was thinking about skipping the fast lane on Friday to save money and spend Friday getting the lay of the land but purchasing the fast lane for Saturday and Sunday when crowd's are heavier. Hopefully two days of fast lane and early access will be enough.. 

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If I recall, you're coming in on Labor Day Weekend...if that is the case, then yes, you should jump on Fast Lane Plus for Saturday and Sunday as soon as possible.  There is a good chance it will sell out.  Don't bother with the standard Fast Lane, the rides you really need it for are only on Plus.  Saturday and Sunday with Fast Lane Plus should be enough time, barring mechanical or weather related closures.

Taking Friday as a "get oriented day" without Fast Lane Plus makes sense, and you can also try to hit the rides that aren't on Fast Lane Plus (notably, Iron Dragon and Cedar Creek Mine Ride).

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There's no way to really answer those questions. You're taking a gamble no matter what. If you lived in the US I would tell you to book immediately since we don't know how many they plan to sell (it's probably less than normal) but since you're also hoping for international travel restrictions to change knowing that you could be out hundreds of dollars if they don't that does complicate things. It's totally up to you.

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On 4/20/2021 at 8:15 AM, bert425 said:

and don't forget to stop into the petting zoo area in Frontier Town (on the way to Steel Vengeance/Maverick from Millennium Force).

you gotta get your selfie with Samson!


...or with one of the other inhabitants of the Zoo/Farm... 🦃  But Samson is the headliner, to be sure.



Take your pick - back view or front view! June 2, 2017.

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*sigh* Oh Cedar Fair...

Says plain as day on the store page, "Up to 3 reservations may be made per Season Pass."  What do you know, after two, I get the message of "Maximum Number of Reservations Reached."  I mean, it's not like you used this same system all last year....LOL.

You're making it so hard to love you.

But of course I still do.

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Weird.  Guess I'll try again to wait through the queue to be able access the site to try again.  Only 32 minutes.

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Praise the lord I have purchased my fast pass plus for labor day weekend. Couldn't stretch to more than one day at $159 per person but hopefully I can add another day nearer the time.

Managed to get KD at a much more reasonable $65 too. 

So glad to hear that trains will be fully loaded as well

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Yup got mine for June 4. FastLane + ERT + limited capacity (?) AND theyre running full trains?? Gunna be an epic day. 
IDK if there was an anouncement I just happened to check the site and it was open. Was like a 3 minute wait. 

hmmmmmmmmm I see KI's is also open. Ohhhh the temptation 

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BTW its confirmed CP has been running full trains?


5 minutes ago, tndank said:

Do it!

Hmmm maybe. Leaning towards no. Wondering if better to save $ for a FastLane at Carowinds, planning on being there for opening day (just how it worked out ha). 

But yeah so glad Cedar Fair has opened it up. I was prepared to do so...but the thought of CP without FastLane was giving me anxiety ha 

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1 hour ago, JJLehto said:


Hmmm maybe. Leaning towards no. Wondering if better to save $ for a FastLane at Carowinds, planning on being there for opening day (just how it worked out ha). 

I suspect Carowinds opening weekend will be really busy. And they close a little earlier. Not a bad day for FL there at all. 

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2 hours ago, tndank said:

I suspect Carowinds opening weekend will be really busy. And they close a little earlier. Not a bad day for FL there at all. 



Also I assume those of us who bought coastermania tix dont need to reserve our day? The day is already set, and the tickets were bough via that page. Or can we still set our day independently? 

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