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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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This reads like a version of what Knott's did with their Ghost Town a couple of years ago. Create "stories" around the town and have the characters interacting with guests, using games, 'missions,' and such. Worked so well they did it again last year, and are I believe doing it again this summer?


Glad to see this kind of interactive with LIVE characters area, that the whole family can enjoy.

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Random and pure educated speculation... my money is on a mammoth B&M flyer in the center of the park come 2021, included with an innovative station setup. I've ruled out an Infinity and GCI with myself. I've got my reasons and I can't convince myself otherwise. I want to hear everyone else's official bets.

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Random and pure educated speculation... my money is on a mammoth B&M flyer in the center of the park come 2021, included with an innovative station setup. I've ruled out an Infinity and GCI with myself. I've got my reasons and I can't convince myself otherwise. I want to hear everyone else's official bets.

500+ Foot, Full Circuit Strata or GTFO!

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Random and pure educated speculation... my money is on a mammoth B&M flyer in the center of the park come 2021, included with an innovative station setup. I've ruled out an Infinity and GCI with myself. I've got my reasons and I can't convince myself otherwise. I want to hear everyone else's official bets.


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It won’t be a flyer. Unless the new regime goes against what Dick Kinzel once said, they won’t install a flyer. I can’t find the article but it was something about a flyer being too gimmicky. He also said they wouldn’t install an Intamin woodie. But, times and management have changed.


I think a huge CGI is most likely. Possibly a launched Infinity if Hangtime proves reliable and popular, which it appears to be. Or a Mack, after Copperhead Strike proves a good investment.

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It won’t be a flyer. Unless the new regime goes against what Dick Kinzel once said, they won’t install a flyer. I can’t find the article but it was something about a flyer being too gimmicky. He also said they wouldn’t install an Intamin woodie. But, times and management have changed.


B&M Flyers are too gimmicky for Cedar Fair. They prefer to focus on Mystical mystery sheds that blast Bonnie Tyler songs at you while you sit on the brake run and shattering 10 totally-not-bullsh*t world records with B&M dive machines.


PS: Dick Kinzel hasn't been the CEO of Cedar Fair in like seven years. You'll probably end up being right for the wrong reasons as they just implied on their latest conference call that the major coaster additions will likely slow down but I guarantee that nobody currently running the company cares what Dick Kinzel supposedly said about flying coasters.

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^My thoughts exactly. I don't see how a big, awesome B&M Flyer is more gimmicky than some of the stuff Cedar Fair has done recently as you mentioned.


Cedar Point or not, I really hope we see another big B&M Flyer come to the US. I feel like there is so much potential for crazy elements and layouts on those coasters that really only Flying Dinosaur has begun to explore.

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Plus, a well-operated B&M Flying coaster is a capacity monster, just like Cedar Point likes them.


Phantasialand is going to build a flying coaster prototype by Vekoma that could potentially start a comeback of said model? Personally, I really like these rides, and GPs always love the idea of flying (just look how freaked out they are at the station when the seats tilt backwards into flying position).


I think given the good relationship that Cedar Fair has with B&M, and given CP's coaster portfolio, a nice intense B&M Flying coaster could be the icing on the cake on Cedar Point's coaster line-up.

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they really could use a good dark ride tho. . .maybe something along the lines of Black Diamond at Knoebel's, or the Mine Train at Knott's. . . so they could call it a "coaster", to go with the "America's Roller Coast" tagline.


hell, they call Pipe Scream a coaster, so I'm hoping for a large Dark Ride (in the current location of the Arcade)

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Cedar Point needs indoor attractions yesterday, because when it rains, it's a goddamned mess. Not just one, but multiple attractions: flying theaters, "immersive tunnels", dark rides, simulators, shooter games like the Plants vs. Zombies or Mass Effect games, the whole 9 yards. The more of it, the better. They've been getting an earful on the conference calls about this for awhile too. There's no excuses that they can't be in some frame aware.

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You'll probably end up being right for the wrong reasons as they just implied on their latest conference call that the major coaster additions will likely slow down but I guarantee that nobody currently running the company cares what Dick Kinzel supposedly said about flying coasters.

I get that they need to install more indoor attractions, but slowing down major coaster additions sounds bad for me.

Although being from Germany, we visit the US every year because of their massive coaster additions (Fury, Leviathan, Valravn, Steel Vengeance,....).

What do you guys think does "slowing down" in Cedar Fair style mean? Only one big coaster every few years for the whole chain, more midsize coasters?

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You'll probably end up being right for the wrong reasons as they just implied on their latest conference call that the major coaster additions will likely slow down but I guarantee that nobody currently running the company cares what Dick Kinzel supposedly said about flying coasters.

I get that they need to install more indoor attractions, but slowing down major coaster additions sounds bad for me.

Although being from Germany, we visit the US every year because of their massive coaster additions (Fury, Leviathan, Valravn, Steel Vengeance,....).

What do you guys think does "slowing down" in Cedar Fair style mean? Only one big coaster every few years for the whole chain, more midsize coasters?


If you look at the stretch of 2004-2012, Cedar Point built one roller coaster for 9 seasons of operation (Maverick). They built flat rides (SkyHawk, MaxAir, Windseeker), a new log Flume (Shoot The Rapids), kids rides, splash bucket, racing water slides, and Dinosaurs Alive.


JMHO, but what's planned for 2019 reminds me of their new for 2009 addition of Starlight Experience (literally lights in the Frontier Trail) That year there was an officially recognized dip of 10% in attendance. But I could be wrong, of course.

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hell, they call Pipe Scream a coaster, so I'm hoping for a large Dark Ride (in the current location of the Arcade)


Agreed. There is so much SPACE in there. If you've ever been upstairs in the ballroom you know what I'm talking about. They could easily fit a nice dark ride in there, as well as a 4D (why stop there, 8D ) game theater. Could we see the first Peanuts dark ride? Like a Toy Story Midway Mania except Snoopy and the Red Barren? That could be fun, if they could ever get the rights to make something like that...


Secondly, I love flyers, but they a BIG! They seem to have a huge footprint. Which we are always arguing "They don't have room," "They have plenty of room..." Can we just agree almost every flyer I can think of has a large footprint, far more than an out and back or compact style coaster that could come.


Also, do flyers handle high winds well, or would they tolerate as well as Gatekeeper?


Personally, I would like to see a GCI come to CP. Even the small ones pack a fun punch. Great for families and thrill seekers. Invard at BGW impressed me far more than I expected. And Mystic Timbers is equally as fun. Small, compact and big punch. Do those look sexy and draw big crowds? No. But they would fill a void and add the the total package. Something that the park can market as they build the resort side of things more and more.


And let's not forget the boardwalk.... With the old Extreme Sports show stadium gone, and more happening at the beach maybe a woodie on the beach... That's a nice way to end the park at night.

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Like a Toy Story Midway Mania except Snoopy and the Red Barren? That could be fun, if they could ever get the rights to make something like that...


The only thing "barren" will be that ballroom


Mystic Timbers is equally as fun. Small, compact and big punch. Do those look sexy and draw big crowds? No. But they would fill a void and add the the total package. Something that the park can market


So to be clear... wood coasters like Mystic Timbers (which helped Kings Island draw record crowds the year that it opened) don't draw crowds yet they're very marketable?

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