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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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We don't have to post a picture of it to talk about it?


What's there to talk about?


Person 1: "Hey, did you see there's an immense top hat being built at the moment?"

Person 2: "No, I didn't."

Person 1: "Well, they're building one. Looks pretty cool."

Person 2: "Hmmm. Cool."

Person 1: "Yup."




Person 1: "So, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"

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This whole top hat thing is confusing me. I'm sitting here trying to figure out if yall are still just goofing around or if there's actually a rumor of a top hat going in.


Not goofing around. The first element after the drop is shaping up to be a crazy tall outward-banked top hat hill/turn thing like 20ft taller than the original turn. I love following along with coaster construction - I wish the park had a normal marketing tactic so we could see this thing grow and develop. The size of this new element basically confirms that the lift hill will have to be raised to 200+ ft.

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