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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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I don't believe in conspiracy theories...people's stupidity & greediness in general just annoys the hell out of me.


Anyway....back on topic. I didn't mean to break off the subject of Cedar Point's FOOD! (although I know that it pisses some people off)!

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^ Tin Foil Hat time! That remark wasn't to you by the way but there IS this conspiracy theory around that there is a cure for cancer going around. About how the Big Guys are hiding it away from the general public so the insurance companies can still make their money. So they are saying these people rather have their money then save lives and how they dont care if you loosed loved ones and are in mourning. My dad even believes in it! I just hope this isnt true because if it is there is some sick people running this world.....So back in their mind they would be like "Hey Kid I dont care if your grandma dies I just want my gold planted Bugatti!!" But in all honest I dont know if this is true or if its just another tin foil hat theory. Sorry I didnt mean to get dark but when I read that it made me think of that. It will be messed up if people who value money over human lives actually run our world...

Thank you for your contribution, storms... as usual.




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^ Tin Foil Hat time! That remark wasn't to you by the way but there IS this conspiracy theory around that there is a cure for cancer going around. About how the Big Guys are hiding it away from the general public so the insurance companies can still make their money. So they are saying these people rather have their money then save lives and how they dont care if you loosed loved ones and are in mourning. My dad even believes in it! I just hope this isnt true because if it is there is some sick people running this world.....So back in their mind they would be like "Hey Kid I dont care if your grandma dies I just want my gold planted Bugatti!!" But in all honest I dont know if this is true or if its just another tin foil hat theory. Sorry I didnt mean to get dark but when I read that it made me think of that. It will be messed up if people who value money over human lives actually run our world...

Thank you for your contribution, storms... as usual.


I cant tell if thats sarcasm or not...

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^ Tin Foil Hat time! That remark wasn't to you by the way but there IS this conspiracy theory around that there is a cure for cancer going around. About how the Big Guys are hiding it away from the general public so the insurance companies can still make their money. So they are saying these people rather have their money then save lives and how they dont care if you loosed loved ones and are in mourning. My dad even believes in it! I just hope this isnt true because if it is there is some sick people running this world.....So back in their mind they would be like "Hey Kid I dont care if your grandma dies I just want my gold planted Bugatti!!" But in all honest I dont know if this is true or if its just another tin foil hat theory. Sorry I didnt mean to get dark but when I read that it made me think of that. It will be messed up if people who value money over human lives actually run our world...

Thank you for your contribution, storms... as usual.

I cant tell if thats sarcasm or not...


Yes, it is.


I know you have social anxiety and all, so here it is nicely: this isn't really the place for nutjob conspiracy theories. It's not true.

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I never said i believe in them I just said i heard about them. Seriously I think they are stupid as the next guy so please dont assume I'm this crazy nutcase. It just seem to fit right with what that guy was saying when he was mentioning greed and the trouble with getting help for his sick loved one because of said greed. I wasn't trying to cause controversy here....

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Is Pink's at Cedar Point worth checking out? Any menu suggestions for when I visit in June? I've seen people rave about the other locations and I've also read that the one here has a smaller menu and isn't as good. I don't love hot dogs but I'm all for trying food that isn't the typical generic garbage that a lot of corporate parks serve up.

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Is Pink's at Cedar Point worth checking out?


This is like asking if Maverick at Cedar Point is worth checking out.


Like Maverick, Pinks is amazing, and well worth the time and money.


Woah now. I don't think any hot dog can possibly be that good.

It really is, honestly. These are the most ridiculously awesome hot dogs you will ever have (unless you go to the Pink's in Hollywood, which is the same but with about 30 more varieties--no exaggeration).

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I think one of the coolest parts about Cedar Point is the solid chance that a massive storm can brew up, tear through, and be gone within a couple hours. I'm talking a monsoon for 15 minutes and then 30 minutes later it's all sunny again like nothing happened.


This happened on the first day of my most recent trip and it was really exciting.


I also highly recommend going on a slow day. Combo with fun pix. Try and take ridiculous pics on Dragster. It's effing hard.


Trying to get the praise + dab combo and those positive G's on the drop ruin your plans 9/10 times

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Last year when we visited Cedar Point, we tried Pink's for the first time and thought it was absolute crap. We also saw the one in Hollywood when we visited this past summer, but decided to pass since the one at Cedar Point was so god awful. But other than that, we do enjoy eating at Cedar Point. The Midway Market buffet is really good and a great value for theme park standards and you can't beat escaping the park and going over to Hotel Breakers and eating in there and chilling at the bar. But as far as Pink's go...I'll pass.

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I've only had Pink's at the original location in California. Even then I was hesitant but we figured since it was the original and since we were right near it we would try it out. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I always assumed the other locations weren't as good. Am I wrong in assuming that? If so maybe I'll give it a shot at Cedar Point.

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