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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I have a weird attitude about Millennium Force. It's not in my top ten, but I DO think it deserved the title of "Best Steel Coaster in the World" for all of the years it held it. While it's not my personal favorite, it encompasses everything a coaster should be, for everyone to enjoy. My number 1, 2, and 3 coasters are Outlaw Run, Cannibal, and Boulder Dash, in that order. Those are vastly different rides than Millennium. But it's very fast, very forceful, and it DOES have airtime (it can be weak in the mornings before it warms up, but it's pretty great after that). It keeps great pacing throughout the entire ride, as evidenced by the great airtime on the bunny hill next to the station.


Millennium Force is one of the very few, if not the only ride, where I'm going up the lift hill and actually think, "Wow, this is a really big deal." Think about the station music, the guests waiting to ride, the train returning to the station in cheers, the whoosh of the train next to the station. There's this atmosphere that the ride is a force to be reckoned with, no pun intended. You feel like you're flying the whole ride! The best part is that it's thrilling enough to scare people, but not too intense that you can't keep re-riding it. It's just the perfect mix of speed, force, airtime, length, and overall EXPERIENCE.

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^ I'm still thinking I rode i305 on an off day. Either an off day for me, or the coaster, or both. . . I'll be at the park again in May, and I'm hoping that my opinion might change!

Entirely possible. The first time I rode it last year in May, I wasn't over the moon, and I think that's because in my head I was hyping it up too much especially after riding and being blown away by 305. Then I made a return visit in September and rode it with my son, and we were both having an absolute blast. For me, it was just a matter of not comparing it to anything and taking it on its own merits. And having a happy-go-lucky 4-year-old by my side being totally thrilled to be on his first giga definitely amped up the fun factor.


Actually wearing my MF shirt I purchased that day to the office today. Looking forward to our summer road trip out that way again this year!

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Considering in 2003 when my parents took me to Cedar Point for the first time and I had never been on anything over 200 feet even MF absolutely blew my mind. Even now when I ride it I enjoy it as much as I did that first time but part of that could be me reliving some of the memories. MF has everything going for it the location, the music, the size the thing is just the total package for me.

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^wow thats a brave and awesome 4 yr old! I didnt know kids that small could go on big coasters like that. He is probably like Wacky Worm? Dragon Wagon? LAME!!


Just has to be tall enough. Millennium has an incredibly low height requirement IMO for such a big/fast coaster (48") but if the kid fits, he fits.


My nephew will be 4 this year and is steadily creeping toward the 48" threshold for El Toro. I cannot wait for that day.

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^wow thats a brave and awesome 4 yr old! I didnt know kids that small could go on big coasters like that. He is probably like Wacky Worm? Dragon Wagon? LAME!!


Doesn't matter how young, just if he's tall enough. Millennium has an incredibly low height requirement IMO for such a big/fast coaster (48") but if the kid fits, he fits.


My nephew will be 4 this year and is steadily creeping toward the 48" threshold for El Toro. I cannot wait for that day.


I was going to say Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom only has a height requirement of '44 and there were plenty of kids under the age seven in line including my niece. I believe Fury's is 53 inches.

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Harping on a couple of things others have stated about MF:


-The lighting package and structure is simply beautiful

-The ride is just so fast and never seems to slow down

-Everyone is so hyped from the moment they walk into the station and still glowing as they leave the ride

-Great sustained floater, especially during those hot summer days

-Back seat: the whip around the overbanked turns



The front seat is like nothing else. Seeing that blue track disappearing at light speed in front of you is crazy and the views are stellar. Also geek out at all the details on the cable lift.


Those Intamin trains + t-bars are the most comfortable trains, they're so open, and I guess due to the rarity of them, they just give me a special feeling. You're able to lean forward, look backward, over the side towards the lake, the other side towards the park, go crazy when you fly by the queue line, etc.



...but I will always favor Maverick

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There's been literally pages and pages of marketing and design experts weighing in on it. It's certainly been enlightening to hear from the experts, that I can tell you.

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Millennium Force is a wonderful coaster. It does a couple of things extremely well (never slowing down, length, that drop), but it isn't balanced with enough airtime or intensity during most of the layout to even make it into my Top-15 Steel coasters. There's just too many other Intamins and RMCs that have better airtime/intensity than Millennium Force!


I've actually had the privilege of riding every Giga and I'd rank as follows:


1. Intimidator 305 (#1 steel!)

2. Fury 325 (#6 steel)

3. Millennium Force (#16 steel)

4. Leviathan (#19 steel)

5. Steel Dragon 2000 (#26 steel)

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I haven't checked this page in a while because it was a dumpster fire but all this talk of Millennium Force is awesome! It's been my favorite coaster since I rode it in May 2000. It still hauled ass last year when I went to CP which is amazing. The lift hill is a thing of beauty, the station music, the comfortable trains, the drop right next to the lake, airtime hills and uninterrupted speed galore! Love, love, love it.


JRice - did you ask to be reassigned or did they pull you off MF? Congratulations to everyone else who is getting a position at CP, hope to see you there this summer!

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JRice - did you ask to be reassigned or did they pull you off MF? Congratulations to everyone else who is getting a position at CP, hope to see you there this summer!


I asked for something new. I love and will always love working Millennium Force, but it was time for me to move onto something new. Time to learn a whole new control system, something faster paced, something with new technological goodies. I'm stoked to be the Supervisor of Valravn this season!

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JRice - did you ask to be reassigned or did they pull you off MF? Congratulations to everyone else who is getting a position at CP, hope to see you there this summer!


I asked for something new. I love and will always love working Millennium Force, but it was time for me to move onto something new. Time to learn a whole new control system, something faster paced, something with new technological goodies. I'm stoked to be the Supervisor of Valravn this season!




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I'm glad that I've never allowed hype to set my expectation bar unreasonably high.


How sad would it be to ride a roller coaster as amazing and fun as MF only to be disappointed because it wasn't quite as spectacular as making love to God.


Whether it's your favorite coaster in the whole wide world, or your #23 steel, MF is a fun as hell ride no matter how you slice it.


Not believing the hype is the secret to happiness. Never be disappointed again!

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I always thought Millennium Force was sorta the real big and fast family ride. And a great ride it is!


A friend told me MF tries to do too little and Maverick tries to do too much. Both highly sensitive issues, but it's one way to look at it. (I'm one of the oddballs who loves Maverick, but some of the *snaps* are almost too hard for me. I think it would be better if it were a couple mph slower; on a comparison note, I LOVE Voyage and have no problem with it's intensity.)


One thing is for sure, whatever you don't get from MF you will get from Maverick! But then some of us still love the coaster/scenic railway feel of Gemini. Variety is the key! If all the coasters felt the same, our passion would be boring.

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^I love that intense whipping Mavrick has please dont slow it down!! lol. But yea as I said before myself,both coasters are very different but still a lot of fun in their own ways. Thats what makes Cedar Point so fun it has a big combo of awesome fun coasters! When RMC Meanstreak is built it will even be more epic! Thing is most great parks only have one or two flagship coasters but CP has quite a few so thats what makes CP so unique and awesome! Still however I do wish to one day travel to the other parks to mainly check out their flagships. Like Fury325,I305,Skyrush,El Toro and KK,Outlaw Run,etc.

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^Definitely... I wouldn't want Maverick slowed down on my account. People love that snapping. I don't get it, but that's ok. The snaps just feel a little too much for me, maybe it's cuz I'm a little taller (6-1). When I ride Maverick, I know what I'm in for, and I usually love it. However, I only rode it once with the old/hard restraints. I didn't want to do that again. It's much better now!

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^ I'm 6'1 and I love Maverick, and the snappyness is a big reason behind that.


Millennium has held up so well. 17 years later and it's still in a ton of top 10s, even on this website with some of the most well traveled enthusiasts. Best investment in Cedar Point history?

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The only version of I305 I rode was in 2010 after they added the giant trim down the first drop, and even in that form I would still put it ahead of Millennium Force. Don't get me wrong, MF blew my friggin mind when I rode it in 2000, and it will always be an awesome ride, but it's too drawn out and majestic for me to put it really high on my list. I prefer crazy, out of control, and straight-up bonkers. Probably why X2 is my number 1.

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