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Indiana Beach (IB) Discussion Thread

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  • 3 months later...

I'm not used to saying "The problem with this ride in it's prior location was poor maintenance but Indiana Beach will take much better care of it"

Also, this Quimera thing is so crazy that nobody has mentioned that they're naming a ride "Polyp" yet.

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^ I have to give the new owners credit, 5 of the 6 roller coasters weren't broken by the end of my visit in 2020 and a piece didn't fall off of Cornball's train.

I'm stunned Indiana Beach is saving Quimera and that this is the Schwarzkopf from La Feria that was saved first.  I'm certainly not complaining though since Quimera may possibly be the most intense coaster I've ever ridden.  That was partially because of Mexico City's altitude and partially because La Feria ran it without the brakes.  I imagine Indiana Beach will actually use the trims and run this coaster as it was designed, but that still makes it a fantastic ride on par with Galaxyland's Mindbender.

I can't decide what's more shocking- Luna Park getting the first Intamin single rail out of nowhere or this.  I'm going with this.  Indiana Beach seems to be one of the few parks with good news in 2020.  It was saved from the grave and then adds a coaster that many thought was going to be scrapped.

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1 hour ago, SharkTums said:

Pretty sure it's Chimera from Chapultepec Park in Mexico City!  Who would have ever guessed that a park that was super closed and bankrupt would reopen, and save a coaster we all assumed was doomed!!!!  2020 baby!



2020 is right , who would have expected Indiana Beach, too add something amazing in 2021. This year just keeps bringing mysteries.

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3 hours ago, SharkTums said:

Pretty sure it's Chimera from Chapultepec Park in Mexico City!

Just in case there was any doubt, it looks like one of the park reps has posted on Reddit and confirmed that yes, it is in fact Quimera!

I'm stunned (but in a good way). Definitely looking forward to returning to IB next season!

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2020 really is full of surprises! A park we thought was dead is now adding a new coaster when many parks are not, much less a relocated kickass Schwarzkopf that I was 99% certain was getting the axe.

And yeah, I know it's off-topic, but an Intamin single rail at Luna Park Australia too? What is evening happening?

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^ 'Tis the Season.... for unexpected stuff to happen. All things considered. 🎀

And "Polyp" to me, sounds like some kind of skin "thing" I do not want to touch!

(Even though I am pretty sure it has something to do with seaweed or kelp, etc.)

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^ I rode it in Mexico too, during the first TPR Mexico Tour, in 2013! Soooooo awesome, I know several of us rode it again and again, after our ERT time, when the park was open to the gp. We queued up with everybody else to enjoy it again and again. Same with the shuttle loop coaster. Several times. 😍


Lovely thing. TPR 2013 Mexico Tour.

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