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Everything posted by ricklap77

  1. I hope it is open in late June when I visit. Alpen Fury looks awesome and is the perfect addition to this wonderful park! Also The Mighty Canadian Minebuster is being retracked and reprofiled by The Gravity Group with their new innovative track system. And on top of that a rumor is going around about Wild Beast (in the near future) being RMCed or bulldozed and a new RMC coaster would be built from the ground up!!!
  2. No more Six Flags vs Cedar Fair = ONE company = less competition. That being known it is time for that ONE company to be more profitable than ever and that is the number one goal of any company. Whatever is not profitable enough will eventually be retired no matter what (classic coasters, rides, etc..). As much as we hate it, we can all understand. So it is time to get a ride on your old endangered coaster while it is up and running because there will be more removals in the near future.
  3. The Gravity Group got the contract to retrack 960 feet (from the first drop to turnaround). But it's not only retracking it's also reprofiling with a steeper first drop and extra speed bump I believe. They will also use their new track system (vertical engineered track system)! And Alpen Fury looks awesome!! Can't wait to go this summer!
  4. Yes RIP Anaconda as the demolishing srpee continues with the new Six Flags management! And it's not over yet!
  5. I agree in might not be as interesting for the consumer but that's the way it is. Companies need to make money. That is why I never thought the merging was a good thing, especially for the consumer.
  6. I think the plan within the chain is not only to get rid of some problematic rides/coasters but also to have less of them to save on costs. Having a few less but with high capacity it will balance out. And with the merging of SF and Cedar Fair into one company, they have eliminated a lot of competition and now they can focus primarily on profitability. For sure they will add big rides/coasters in the near future but we will end up having less attractions in total IMO.
  7. Is Nighthawk being scrapped or dismantled to be sold to a park outside the SF chain? It seems they don't bother trying to find a buyer and scrap the rides. I guess with the high price of steel these days it's more profitable for them to do so.
  8. It was smooth and tracking well when it had Morgan trains. The PTC trains are awful on that coaster. If RMC put their hands on Le Monstre it would be such a marketing feat. It has so much potential. The structure is massive. They would have a lot to play with. La Ronde was really on the map in the 80's with such inovative rides; 2nd Boomerang to open, Le monstre (was really something back in 85!) etc... It's deceiving now that SF doesn't put money anymore into new rides or coasters. So again, I think one way to revitalyse the image of the park without losing space would be to revamp Le Monstre with RMC and making it an outstanding attraction. They need a new major roller coaster.
  9. You are right Le Monstre's layout is not that interesting but its massive structure and nostalgia make it interesting! I know it would be a wonderful and forceful ride if one day they go with RMC which apparently was supposed to happen a few years back but got cancelled! RMCing Le Monstre would be a way to put La Ronde back on the map!
  10. I went to the park last July to experience The Bobcat and wow such a great addition. Goog layout, zippy and smooth glass. I wish some parks in the Northeast would order a larger Gravity Group woodie!
  11. I wish Hollywood would start shooting a buch of movies before it is all gone.
  12. I rode it between xmas and new year during their Winterfest 2023 and wow it ran perfectly!
  13. Thanks for the pics! Yes the wait for Thundervolt will be INSANE during the PNE!
  14. Great addition to an already great park! The coaster looks awesome and I love the theme!
  15. This new Vekoma tilt coaster will be a hit and we will probably see a bunch of them being built at other parks.
  16. Great news!! I can't wait to catch a ride on it in a few weeks. Such a wonderful family woodie and the best choice for a new coaster IMO for Great Escape. I hope other parks will notice and do the same.
  17. I actually enjoy the Vekoma SLC's! They do give a wild ride and we all know it.
  18. Well, years ago there were rumors that Seaworld and Disney had made offers to the owner to purchase the park but it was just not for sale. It would make so much sense and be probably very lucrative for a big chain to buy the park. It's in such a hot tourist spot and the land of the park is like 3 times larger than Canada's Wonderland. So much space for huge roller coasters! It would be a shame to see the place being demolished and have condos and houses built on it, because that is also a lucrative possibility.
  19. Probably next year we will see the rides back in operation and most of the animals gone.
  20. They will fix it up this year and it will be running good for many years after. SC is such an awesome coaster and very unique. It was still an expansive coaster and it's a good thing they are addressing the issues.
  21. I've been to the park a few times over the span of 20 years and always enjoyed it. It's a beautiful park and they have some unique coasters, especially the classic Arrow Viper. It one of the best Arrows still in service (size, look, pacing). This is the coaster I want them to keep forever so I hope they take good care of it. Arrow is not in business anymore and Viper is a custom model so getting track pieces fabricated is a little harder. Glad to see Boomerang is getting proper care but I find it weird that they had to replace a piece of track so soon. The Boomerang at La Ronde is one of the oldest Boomerangs and I think it still has its original track pieces. Also glad Predator is getting track work, it really needed it! Superman, or ride of steel should I say, Intamin's first hyper is always good and not like the others. Moto Coaster is a blast, and Tantrum was a wonderful addition. So DL is a good park IMO with good staff. You add the waterpark and the campground next to it, my kids and I have always had a great time there and wanted to go back.
  22. https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/news/niagara-region/marineland-denies-claims-of-layoffs-closure/article_1bed6fca-13c6-5203-b8b1-8ff9bb32dbd2.html
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