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Everything posted by ricklap77

  1. This new Vekoma tilt coaster will be a hit and we will probably see a bunch of them being built at other parks.
  2. Great news!! I can't wait to catch a ride on it in a few weeks. Such a wonderful family woodie and the best choice for a new coaster IMO for Great Escape. I hope other parks will notice and do the same.
  3. I actually enjoy the Vekoma SLC's! They do give a wild ride and we all know it.
  4. Well, years ago there were rumors that Seaworld and Disney had made offers to the owner to purchase the park but it was just not for sale. It would make so much sense and be probably very lucrative for a big chain to buy the park. It's in such a hot tourist spot and the land of the park is like 3 times larger than Canada's Wonderland. So much space for huge roller coasters! It would be a shame to see the place being demolished and have condos and houses built on it, because that is also a lucrative possibility.
  5. Probably next year we will see the rides back in operation and most of the animals gone.
  6. They will fix it up this year and it will be running good for many years after. SC is such an awesome coaster and very unique. It was still an expansive coaster and it's a good thing they are addressing the issues.
  7. I've been to the park a few times over the span of 20 years and always enjoyed it. It's a beautiful park and they have some unique coasters, especially the classic Arrow Viper. It one of the best Arrows still in service (size, look, pacing). This is the coaster I want them to keep forever so I hope they take good care of it. Arrow is not in business anymore and Viper is a custom model so getting track pieces fabricated is a little harder. Glad to see Boomerang is getting proper care but I find it weird that they had to replace a piece of track so soon. The Boomerang at La Ronde is one of the oldest Boomerangs and I think it still has its original track pieces. Also glad Predator is getting track work, it really needed it! Superman, or ride of steel should I say, Intamin's first hyper is always good and not like the others. Moto Coaster is a blast, and Tantrum was a wonderful addition. So DL is a good park IMO with good staff. You add the waterpark and the campground next to it, my kids and I have always had a great time there and wanted to go back.
  8. https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/news/niagara-region/marineland-denies-claims-of-layoffs-closure/article_1bed6fca-13c6-5203-b8b1-8ff9bb32dbd2.html
  9. It must have had cracks because I know that a lot of older Vekoma Boomerangs still have all their original tracks.
  10. Good thing it is getting more new track. That coaster was so brutal a few years ago when I rode it.
  11. I rode the Skyflyer once. The year it opened waaaaaay back in 96!
  12. Oh that is no good. I am wondering what the future holds for the rollercoasters and the rides.
  13. Lovely park! I visited it about 10 years ago. I love the Morgan train with flanged wheels on the Jack Rabbit. It tracks very well.
  14. The Condor at La Ronde was installed in 1990. I don't know if they are removing it or just doing maintenance on it.
  15. Yes losing a flavor for sure. I understand the economics behind this merge and I believe it makes sense but in the end the customer will probably lose in one way or another. Whether it be membership pricing or perks, possible park closures, etc, I doubt having less competition will do anything good for the enthusiasts and customers. I have to admit that I find it sad to see the Cedar Fair name dissapear. I've always enjoyed the Cedar Fair experience over the Six Flags experience! But again I understand the move and everything. The pandemic was really bad for the amusement industry and others. We are slowly starting to see the aftermath. And we have to add the looming recession and wars going on. I have been an enthusiast for 30 plus years and it's been interesting to see how parks developped and added attractions over those years. We can all blame Six Flags for many reasons, but we can't forget how much they spoiled us enthusiasts with so many major rides or roller coasters in the span of a few years (and sometimes several the same year!), especially at the turn of the new millenium.
  16. I wonder which park(s) will end up closing for good!? There is no way they are keeping ALL the parks in the long run.
  17. Can't wait to ride this new beast! My only visit to the park was in 2003! A lot has changed since then. I wish they kept Hercules. I got to ride it several times the Sunday of the Labor Day weekend. The next day it was giving its last rides but no one knew.
  18. Perfect addition for the park! I wish some other SF parks could get one too!
  19. Thanks for the info AmyUD06! I remember seeing that concept art. At some point it was getting close to being built. But now I guess it is dead for good.
  20. I wonder if someone would know but many years ago Mr. Morey lais out plans to build a huge twister/out and back wooden coaster that would start on one of the piers and travel underground to the next pier. I don't know if it's still one of his plans!? Does anyone know?
  21. I rode WR at the end of June and WOW that coaster is awesome! But it is quite intense and it made me question myself; when will they reach the limits? I mean as intense as it is and with the structure swaying like crazy, some parts must be getting loose after a short while. I know it has to sway but maybe not so much. It must be a maintenance nightmare, and the ride is new. The elements, the pacing, etc, is perfect on that ride but I just can't see some RMCs standing very long (20 plus years) because they might become too problematic. I hope I am wrong because I think it is right now one of the best if not the best coaster manufacturer-designer on the market. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing more and more RMCs with a steel frame like Arie Force One.
  22. The park is apparently for sale and according to the mayor of Niagara Falls it should eventually become a park like Canada's Wonderland filled with rides!
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