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Indiana Beach (IB) Discussion Thread

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  Canobie Coaster said:
Do we know if any rides were removed or sold by Apex? I can't seem to find any confirmation that they have or have not.
According to a coaster studios video some rides were sold but nothing about which ones.



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  AndrewA86 said:
  Canobie Coaster said:
Do we know if any rides were removed or sold by Apex? I can't seem to find any confirmation that they have or have not.
According to a coaster studios video some rides were sold but nothing about which ones.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Most credible rumor is that only the carousel and the growler spinning tornado ride have been removed. Nothing to worry about.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  ElvisLuv said:
Open this country up, if I'm going die, I want to be riding coasters to the end.

Are you okay? Do you need help? It's okay if you're not okay. Talk to someone.




I'm fine, living in fear ain't my thing, son of a crop duster.

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Of all the articles I've read, I think this one provides the best insight about the sale and the new owner.




Chicago resident purchases Indiana Beach

By MICHAEL JOHNSON editor@thehj.com Apr 23, 2020


MONTICELLO — Indiana Beach has a new owner.


Gene Staples, managing broker and consulting engineer at Austin Affiliates, a construction company in Chicago, has purchased the 94-year-old amusement and water park resort, it was announced Thursday. He is now CEO of what is being called Indiana Beach Holdings LLC.


“As an amusement park enthusiast and entrepreneur, I find it exciting to be part of a new era for Monticello,” Staples said. “Generations of families have enjoyed summer fun on the shores of Lake Shafer. With their ongoing support and the commitment of local officials, we will be sure future generations get the same type of relaxation and enjoyment we all desire.”


No purchase price was announced.


“I had known about Gene’s interest for quite a while,” White County Commission President John Heimlich said Thursday. “We’re certainly happy that there was interest in keeping Indiana Beach an amusement park.”


Indiana Beach’s social media pages hinted at a possible reopening since April 13, when messages were posted on Twitter and Facebook teasing the possibility.


For the “Light Monticello Blue for Essential Workers” initiative, the park’s Ferris wheel was illuminated with blue lights — another hint that things were in the works.


“We were so encouraged this week when we saw that Indiana Beach had turned on the blue lights at the Ferris wheel in support of ‘Light Monticello Blue for Essential Workers,’” Monticello Mayor Cathy Gross said. “We hope and believe this is just the beginning of a great relationship and want to thank everyone that has made this possible.


“This is truly good news and we welcome them to our community family.”


The White County Commissioners kept mum when asked about the postings as recently as last week, with Heimlich responding via email “I don’t have anything new to report today.”


Apex Parks Group, Indiana Beach’s former owners, abruptly announced Feb. 18 that it was closing the park because of financial reasons. State and local officials had worked since then toward locating a potential buyer.

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Supporters of Indiana Beach began an online petition to save the park, then staged a rally Feb. 29 in hopes it would persuade the owners to either keep it open or ramp up the search for a new owner.


Less than a month after the closure, the White County Commission and White County Council passed a resolution to offer up to $3 million in incentives for any potential buyer. On March 31, the commission and council, with the help of attorneys, established a revolving fund into which the $3 million will be shifted — a move that was required according to Indiana law.


On April 8, Apex Parks Group filed for Chapter 11 protection with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del.


“At least we don’t have to pretend anymore,” Heimlich said Thursday of the sale. “We knew about the purchase right before the Apex bankruptcy (filing).”


Heimlich maintained throughout the process that the commissioners would not be involved in making the purchase announcement because it involves private entities.


“We don’t get into that,” he said.


According to his LinkedIn profile, Staples, who is CEO of what is called Indiana Beach Holdings LLC, has business degrees from Triton College and St. Leo University. He also spent time in communications and aviation in the U.S. Navy from 1991-95.


Heimlich said the county’s agreement to provide $3 million from its revolving fund has not been finalized.


“(Staples) made the purchase before the bankruptcy, but our loan agreement still has a couple of details to work out,” Heimlich said. “We hope that will be done soon.”


Staples told the Republican that much of the work necessary to prepare the campground and amusement park for opening will continue to be disrupted by stay-at-home orders amid the COVID-19 health emergency, but plans are being made now to open the resort as soon as the situation allows.


Gary Fawks, general manager of Indiana Beach, said 2020 season passes and reservations will be honored and plans are under way to prepare for a May campground opening pending restrictions surrounding COVID-19.

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Will everything work out? Who knows? But this certainly isn't bad news!


And it sounds like the city knows the value of having the park--most cities usually only figure that out once it's too late.


So a slightly cautious "HOORAY" from me. I love Indiana Beach (when it's running properly).

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The only hiccup appears to be that Store Capital, an Arizona investment company, owns the land. It looks like Gene Staples is trying to purchase it from them. The article I saw in the Chicago Tribune suggests that Staples's purchase of Indiana Beach is contingent upon also buying the land.



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  Canobie Coaster said:
The only hiccup appears to be that Store Capital, an Arizona investment company, owns the land. It looks like Gene Staples is trying to purchase it from them. The article I saw in the Chicago Tribune suggests that Staples's purchase of Indiana Beach is contingent upon also buying the land.





I was about to post this. One thing I read in another article that may benefit Staples is that Store Capital may need immediate cash due to the hit it is taking amid COVID-19.

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Fingers crossed. This park has been on my radar since Lost Coaster opened. I sadly never found the time to make it out cause I wasn't at a "travel alone" comfort level yet. Now, I say F**k it and travel alone all the time. I no longer allow other people being lame and not wanting to go on trips to limit my fun! lol


I am a survivor of losing my cherished homepark of GL and I will like to help support this park and get out there this summer or next, depending on when things are allowed to open. Plus, I will admittedly be hesitant to visit larger parks when things begin to re-open, so smaller, family owned parks may be my summer 2020 plan.

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  ElvisLuv said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  ElvisLuv said:
Open this country up, if I'm going die, I want to be riding coasters to the end.

Are you okay? Do you need help? It's okay if you're not okay. Talk to someone.




I'm fine, living in fear ain't my thing, son of a crop duster.


God bless you and your family.

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  jconsolmagno said:
  ElvisLuv said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  ElvisLuv said:
Open this country up, if I'm going die, I want to be riding coasters to the end.

Are you okay? Do you need help? It's okay if you're not okay. Talk to someone.




I'm fine, living in fear ain't my thing, son of a crop duster.


God bless you and your family.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got 2 bricks and 4 tickets to the VIP Opening Day on the 26th for my kids and me! As coasterbill alluded to above, Indiana Beach was not the park I expected to be my first of 2020, especially when I thought they were closed forever not too long ago. But 2020 is indeed a wacky year, and no, certainly not boring!

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The Taco Shoppe is returning




Indiana Beach announces opening day and Taco Shoppe return

James D. Wolf Jr. Staff Reporter May 18, 2020


Indiana Beach has set a tentative date for reopening and has announced that longtime favorite the Taco Shoppe is returning to the boardwalk.


The Beach officials have been teasing out details of its opening on social media, including making the announcement of the Taco Shoppe’s return at 1 p.m. Monday with Greg Johnson, owner of the long-time family business.


The Taco Shoppe had left at the end of last season after being at the Beach more than 30 years, announcing the departure in July 2019 and walking tacos out to the parking lot so customers didn’t have to pay admission price. The restaurant was once featured on the Food Network.


Indiana Beach’s opening won’t be the traditional Memorial Day weekend. The park announced a limited access VIP Grand Reopening Day scheduled for June 26, and the reopening for the general public is set for Saturday, June 27, according to a statement the amusement park.


The dates depend on how things open due to COVID-19 social distancing measures.


The campground owned by the amusement park will open at 12:01 a.m. May 24, but K.O.A. is not prepared yet, according a Facebook video on the Indiana Beach page.


Existing reservations will still be valid, and the park is taking reservations.


In a Facebook broadcast, someone who identified himself as “Tom” said that all 2020 season passes that people bought from the previous owners, Apex Parks Group of Aliso Viejo, California, will be honored if people didn’t get a refund via their credit card company.


Apex had announced Feb. 18 that Indiana Beach would not open in 2020 and the company couldn’t find a buyer. But Indiana Beach Holdings LLC bought the amusement park in April after being in negotiations since shortly after Apex announced the closing. The company’s CEO is Gene Staples.


In the videos the new owners posted on the amusement park’s Facebook page, Tom said that ticket prices will be announced coming soon and he assumed that they’d be the same or similar to what Apex charged.


People have been asking online if there’d be less expensive passes for those just walking the boardwalk so they didn’t have to pay full price. Monticello residents were angry when Apex ended the ability to go to the boardwalk and its restaurants without paying admission.


In one of the Facebook videos, Tom said that one merry-go-round was gone but one remained and that most everything was still there. Maintenance is there every day working on the rides, he said.


The Shafer Queen paddleboat is getting repainted and the iconic “Fascination” game is once again ready to roll.


To be eligible to get in the first day for the VIP opening, people are required to buy a paver brick for the “Road to 100 Years” project.


“Space to this event will be extremely limited,” the official statement read.


A 4-by-8 inch brick is $75 without the VIP package and $169 with the package, and an extra $30 for “an exact duplicate of the brick that you are purchasing from your organization, with the addition of felt backing,” according to the email sent by the park.


“All proceeds from this initiative will go directly to infrastructure improvements throughout the amusement park, as well as the campgrounds,” it continued.


The VIP package includes two tickets to the event, the chance to see the park before anyone else, live entertainment and music, access to rides and more.


There will also be an 8-by-8 inch paver available for businesses that comes with four tickets, Tom said. Pricing for that option was not give.


He also said that Indiana Beach is working on more benefits for the VIP program. The pavers will go in later this year, he said. The order form for pavers can be found at https://www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/indianabeach.


The “Road to 100 Years” project is for the approaching anniversary of the park, and the bricks are this year’s fundraising effort, according to the statement.


All lodging for the park will be open for reservations starting May 24, about a month before the park itself opens, the official announcement stated.


The amusement park is also hiring, according to its revamped website at http://www.indianabeach.com


The site also has a “coming soon” post that promises information on daily tickets, season passes and season memberships.


Indiana Beach officials and the new owner, Gene Staples, have not responded directly to emails for an interview with the Pharos-Tribune.

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^ Um... I wonder what made them spell "Shoppe" that way?


I find it amusing, that they really probably had to spell-check that spelling,

throughout the announcement, heh. Just to make sure they didn't f-up the 2 p's.

Or forget that 'e'. Happy Taco Tuesday!

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It seems like the new owners want to place emphasis on some of the icons of the park. The taco stand, the River Boat, and fascination. I guess they have an understand of the appreciation for nostalgia.

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I wonder if the park is going to offer subsidies to the taco shop to stay inside the park? It's GREAT that they are coming back... but it doesn't really fix the issue of why they left in the first place. Unless i'm missing something?

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