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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Aren't the Roots the Jimmy Fallon show band?


... wow


The Roots are a Grammy-Award winning, platinum-selling band, and Questlove is an incredibly accomplished producer and musician with a long list of credits. They're definitely more than just a show band! Before they got the Fallon Gig, they had huge hits in the Hip Hop/RnB charts, but they're multi-genre and dable in other kinds of music. "You Got Me" with Erykah Badu even has a little 90s Drum N' Bass. Check out "Things Fall Apart" to start - classic album. Much respect for Questlove & The Roots!


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  • 2 months later...
I miss 1999 IOA!!!!


Totally agree, I loved my first visit back in the fall of 2000. I remember being completely blown away by the Spiderman ride, which is still one of my favorite dark rides. Dueling Dragons actually dueled at that time and it was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had at a park. It wasn't that busy of a day, so we got tons of rides on the Dragons--and didn't have to go through metal detectors! I've been back to the park several times since then, but that first time back in 2000 is still my favorite visit.

Edited by VegasBaby
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great pics, John!


especially the DD ones.




but I have to give you kudos for the color blocking on this one. . . how perfect that y'all are all "Red up top"



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I know it's not the same park it was when it opened up but, I think what USO has become is more of an atrocity than IoA. We've lost Lost Continent and DD, and added metal detectors, but we've also have gotten some pretty awesome additions over the years too - Forbidden Journey, new Hulk, and this kickass Intamin you can see being built below in this video from a local news chopper:




IoA flyover starts around 4 and lasts till around 11


The Jurassic Park area is about to get a lot better than it ever has been (so long as they leave JPRA alone)!

Edited by RollerManic
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^ You can make up for it with Epic Universe.


For everyone's sake I sure hope it can measure up to IOA's premier.


If they can pull off a huge, industry-changing attraction like they did with Spider-Man I will be very happy. I'm not going to hold my breath, though, as back then the Universal parks invested in large-scale, innovative, practical attractions for practically everything, as opposed to the previous decade-plus trend of glorified simulators with the oddball traditional ride (albeit heavily-themed) every now and then.


My first visit to IOA was that opening year in October. Every single thing was brand spankin' new (except Dr. Doom, really), immersive as hell, spectacularly themed, and essentially stood for everything a teenager wanted that Disney didn't offer. As a 15 year old at the time, I loved the hell out of it. I still do, though I've not visited since 2012. Other parks, namely Disney, have stepped up their game dramatically in response and have since outdone Universal at their own game multiple times in both new lands and entire new theme parks. I really hope Universal can come out swinging and hit a homer. I really do, but I'm honestly not sure.

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I know it's not the same park it was when it opened up but, I think what USO has become is more of an atrocity than IoA. We've lost Lost Continent and DD, and added metal detectors, but we've also have gotten some pretty awesome additions over the years too - Forbidden Journey, new Hulk, and this kickass Intamin you can see being built below in this video from a local news chopper...


Okay... What the heck did I miss?!?! What is this new coaster being built!??!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Universal Orlando City Walk will partially open on May 14th: Details: https://www.universalorlando.com/web/en/us/terms-of-service/operations-update?linkId=88480280


May 14 CityWalk is Opening for Limited Operations


Select CityWalk venues are opening for our guests to enjoy from 4–10 pm daily. Our team and all of our guests should follow all recommended CDC guidelines.


- We are requiring temperature checks for all guests upon their arrival. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater will not be able to enter CityWalk. As part of our standard procedures, Team Members will undergo temperature checks as well.


- Everyone – including all Team Members and guests – is required to wear face coverings while at Universal CityWalk.


- Each venue will limit capacity to help enforce social distancing


- All chairs, tables and high-touch surfaces will be thoroughly and frequently cleaned and disinfected




Self-parking is complimentary. Valet parking is not available at this time. Subject to change.


In addition to shopping at the Universal Studios Store and select merchandise carts, there are plenty of tasty temptations across CityWalk, each is opening with a delicious but limited menu, as well as limited seating.

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Lot of videos from Citywalk's first day of post-lockdown operation on Youtube. It's obviously quieter than normal but a nice amount of people and it appeared to be well organised with the majority of people following the rules.


In the car park, every other space was being filled until people had left their cars, then the empty spaces were filled which seems like a good system. There is a contactless temperature check prior to security and markings on the ground but no obvious queues as it's such a fast process.


Some parts of City Walk are quite cramped/congested compared to Disney Springs, so it will be interesting to see how queues outside places like Starbucks are managed when more places open, particularly when the parks reopen and there's additional foot traffic.

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