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Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park Discussion Thread

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Went through some old Facebook photos and came across this one that I took back in 2007 I believe. The entire outdoor park was closed because it was the off season. There was this guy (either staff or a trespasser) surfing down some water slides when there wasn't any guests on the property.



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  Comeagain? said:
  djboss302 said:
Good job Mt Olympus, good job.


Someone could sneak in and ride all the coasters and the security staff wouldn't even notice.


Why would someone want to?


Sneaking into the park to ride the coasters?


You'd have no guarantee of what kind of maintenance condition the attractions are in.


You wouldn't have anyone there actually qualified to operate the rides.


You'd know from the second you step foot on property that you might not make it out of there in one piece.


... in other words, it'd be a lot like a typical operating day in the middle of the season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I've been hearing the same things about another park that I would often visit and might visit it again this season - Six Flags America. If Six Flags America can get its Ragin' Cajun coaster running and performing well, then I guess this park will have one thing up compared to Mt. Olympus.


I'm not perfect; I just love to ride!!!

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  palmerleeberry said:
You know, I've been hearing the same things about another park that I would often visit and might visit it again this season - Six Flags America. If Six Flags America can get its Ragin' Cajun coaster running and performing well, then I guess this park will have one thing up compared to Mt. Olympus.


Six Flags America pretty much sucked when I visited, but I didn't get the same feeling of a lack of safety like I did at Mount Olympus.

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It’s interesting how many horrid reviews there are of Mt. Olympus online. I have only visited once, back in 2010, and thought it was a pretty decent park. Granted, I got there when the park opened on an early June Saturday, got on all the rides I wanted in under 2 hours (including 3 rides on the coaster then known as Hades) and didn’t eat there, but aside from the long uphill climb to leave, I really had no problems with the park. I also thought it had some halfway decent theming. Perhaps if I would have visited later in the season or spent more time there I would have seen the negative things that people point out. But during my brief time there, I actually sort of enjoyed it.


Then again, I also was a fan of Son of Beast, Drachen Fire, and the original Steel Phantom, so I doubt my opinion of MTO means a whole lot!

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  jynx242 said:
^ It SHOULD be a nice park with some great rides. Unfortunately, they do not do the work to make it so, which is unfortunate.

Totally agreed. With good customer service and proper upkeep, they could be another Holiday World or Silverwood. The coaster collection has so much unrealized potential--Cyclops is the only one I wouldn't necessarily trust another owner to run better (and that's not to say it's perfect). Hades would be challenging for anyone, but at least the other parks with TGG woodies have a reputation of trying to keep up with them (I know Mt. Olympus finally retracked Hades 360...a season too late). In its early years, even now-overlooked Zeus was well-reviewed. If they had preserved more trees, the coasters would still be highly praised for their settings as well--it's still pleasantly woodsy in parts.

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We also have been there once, back in 2011, and we had a good time and I did not have many complaints, though I knew what we were getting into. I loved Hades (sorry, but I did) and thought the other coasters were okay (Cyclops drop was awesome). I don't think I would risk going back after the Opa incident, though. Also, there was some type of control room or something underneath Hades and while we were waiting for it to open, the employees left the door wide open and walked away, and a little kid ran into the structure unattended for awhile.


I was also annoyed the park opened at 10 or whatever, and we got there right away to be first on Hades, but it did not open until 45 minutes after park open because the employees do not bother to start working until park opening, so we had to wait through testing, brake inspection, etc. We are used to the smooth operations at our home park, SFGAm, where rides open with the park (as is done at every other park I have been too, really).


Oh well, it was worth getting our credits, and it was a really good deal for six of us for only $99 a night.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
Cyclops is awesome unsafe


Cyclops is fine*. This is your reaction to a wild roller coaster having grown up with super tight seat belts, lap bars and B&M. No offense, just sayin.


*Not to confuse that with the fact the park is poorly run and maintained. You have a seatbelt and lapbar on Cyclops. Both will not going to fail at the same time.

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  GayCoasterGuy said:
  gerstlaueringvar said:
Cyclops is awesome unsafe


Cyclops is fine*. This is your reaction to a wild roller coaster having grown up with super tight seat belts, lap bars and B&M. No offense, just sayin.


*Not to confuse that with the fact the park is poorly run and maintained. You have a seatbelt and lapbar on Cyclops. Both will not going to fail at the same time.


But are you 100% confident that the upstop wheels will not fail/break causing a derailment? Or that the braking mechanism will not malfunction?

Edited by larrygator
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I visited Mt. Olympus for the first (and last) time this past summer, and my impression of the place was that it was an weird little independently owned park with a collection of potentially decent woodies and an appalling lack of adult-oriented flat rides (or much else to do at all for adults, other than the coasters, and perhaps the go-karts if you are really into those...well, OK, there was the booze, but that's not what most people go to parks for). I got the impression that this could become a really unique park if the coasters were improved and a few large flats were added (well, some other things would of course need to be done as well). I also didn't find Hades to be the spine-breaker that many have experienced, but then again, my friend and I didn't ride any further back than the 2nd seat, since we did have the feeling that it would be really rough towards the back. I've ridden much better wood coasters, but I've also set foot on a few that were far worse on my back and neck - including one right there in the same park - Zeus (and also SOB, Hoosier Hurricane, and HP's Wildcat, to name a few, that battered me worse than Hades did even in the very front seat).


As for the maintenance (or lack of), I did find it a bit alarming that they had a maintenance man jumping on and off of the track on Hades in the station (dodging the train as it returned) as he was trying to work on something on the brake run. The guy was spraying something with WD-40 and hammering on whatever it was, and he would keep an eye out and jump back up on the platform as the train returned. I think that one of the lap bars in the back of the train was either not locking or releasing as it should have done, because this man was also trying to do something with the lap bar in between passengers getting on and off. I'm sure that is against OSHA (state and federal) regs pretty much anywhere in this country, and if he had been injured or killed, they would have been in even bigger trouble than they are now. Any other park would have shut the ride down, repaired the problem, and then re-opened it. Let's put it this way - the operations at that park were rather unorthodox to say the least in some respects.

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I was in Wisconsin Dells over Easter weekend. Those that have been there before know that there are so many old hotels in that town. When I say "old" I mean the ones that need a lot of TLC. The owner of Mt. O has bought 20 or more of these older hotels. Now I don't know if any of them get an interior refurbishing, but right now they're getting the good ol white with blue trim repaint. Why buy all these hotels over the last few years and not put any money into better staff and upkeep?

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