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What was your favorite ride of 2013?

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As far as coasters that I rode for the first time this year, Outlaw Run is far and away the winner. I would pick Powder Keg and Superman Krypton Coaster 2nd and 3rd but I would bet if I could have ridden NTAG and IRAT they would take the spots.

Edited by beatle11
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I only added two new coasters this year: Gatekeeper & Wild Eagle.


Gatekeeper was my favorite of the two, but Wild Eagle deserves some credit for the steel eagle sculpture and station...what amazing workmanship.

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1. The voyage in the pitch black dark in the front seat. Those of you who went to holliwood nights know what I am talking about.

2. Maverick. I was expecting to be impressed(it is intamin after all) but was not expecting to be utterly blown away by the experience.

3. Millenium force. I know that this one can take a lot heat about being forceless but I just loved the huge height and the insane speed.

Next year: i305 and am already reserving it a spot in my top five.

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Rode plenty of greats this year; this might not even be a precise ranking, but they're the 3 that stand out the most.


1. Maverick

2. Outlaw Run - I'm not quite as fervent about it as some, but it's a thrill in an unbeatable setting.

3. Iron Rattler - Possibly the most purely satisfying new coaster I rode this year. Awesome forces and so rerideable.


I'm liking the praise here for Backwards Viper. It really showed me what that coaster can do; it only went up a bit in my rankings, but quite a bit more in my heart. While the backwards element was uniquely exciting and more than just a gimmick, I hope the forward version continues to dish out some great rides that won't disappoint.

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I did two TPR tours last year. New to Mexico, and then Back to Japan.


So that's where my 3 of The Year, came from:


3) Ultra Twister - Rusutsu Park, Japan

The two element changes (lift loading and the mini-Manhattan Express) made this version of the UT

all the more enjoyable. And it was FAST! Faster than the original design UTs. Others agreed with me.


2) Tornado - Selva Magika, Mexico

We used to have one of these Schwarzkopf coasters at my home park, Playland (PNE). And I LOVED it!

Couldn't ride it enough. Then, several years later they took it out . And I never saw it or rode one, again.

This one was kept in really great shape, and although the end 'lap' was a bit long in timing, the (still)

no-seat belt, OTSRs or anything but just hold on, made it even better. Timeless. Still a classic.


1) Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull - Tokyo Disney Sea, Japan

It still is the awesome original in an all-immersive attraction experience (Disneyland),

and Japan ups the ante with a few changes here and there, but all to the benefit of the

'explorers' we are. Many (including myself) absolutely love Journey to the Center of The

Earth, in the same park. But Indy set the bar and it still thrills to this day. For several trips, lol.


My #3 - Ultra Twister - with a couple of ch-ch-changes - Rusutsu Park, Sapporo Japan


#2 - Tornado - Selva Magika, Mexico.


and my #1 - Indiana Jones & The Crystal Skull - Tokyo Disney Sea, Japan - BEFORE that movie ever came out! (o;

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Hmm, just trying to limit this list was difficult.




Boulder Dash



Dare Devil Dive(SFOG)


Outlaw Run

Powder Keg




Superman: Escape from Krypton

Phantom's Revenge

Boardwalk Bullet


All coasters:



Millenium Force

El Toro(added to above list)


non coasters:



Yankee Clipper


I would probably go with Outlaw Run being my favorite ride of 2013.

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My favorite Ride of 2013 was my first run on Screamin Eagle at SFStL this past May. Yes I have ridden Screamin Eagle hundreds of times throughout the years, but I've never ridden it with my Best Friend. This year I finally got to. We had such a fun ride on it! Half the ride was spent trying to retrieve her sunglasses off the floor of the car. We were laughing so hard and the forces kept pulling us away from the sun glasses lol! Also, I had spectacular air time on that ride! It will always be one of my favorite memories!

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