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What was your favorite ride of 2013?

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New to me:

Polar X-plorer - legoland billund - Everything 13 should have been, the section before the drop is great fun.

Thunderbird - powerpark - Good, but not the best GCI

Salama - Linnanmaki - I love me some maurer spinning!


New for 2013:

Orkanen - Farup sommerland - A great family coaster

Juvelen - Djurs sommerland - May have been higher, but we only got one ride on it.

Smiler - Alton towers - I have a strange liking for gerstlauer and inversions



Nemesis (at)

Piraten (djurs)

Saw the ride (thorpe)


Rethemed since last time:

X - thorpe park (was X:no way out, cars turned forwards)

Raptor attack - Lightwater valley (Was rat ride, now has dinosaurs!)

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I basically did all of my coastering last year in Mexico and at the Disneyland Resort, so my list is a little weird:


1. Montana Infinitum @ La Feria

2. Superman el Ultimo Escape @ Six Flags Mexico

3. Medusa Wood Coaster @ Six Flags Mexico

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Hard to narrow it down since I went to a ton of parks in 2013, but here goes:


New Rides

1. The Voyage

2. Maverick

3. Outlaw Run



1. El Toro

2. Skyrush

3. I-305

4. The Voyage

5. Maverick


Outlaw Run would be higher if it didn't try to break my shins in half on every ride.

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