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Your first Arrow Dynamics coaster

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Big thunder mountain railroad in FL

I thought that BTM at Walt Disney World was from Vekoma...... Or am I thinking of Expedition Mount Everest? If BTM is an arrow, it would be my first, but if not, then my first would be Carolina Cyclone.




Dynamic Structures (California)

Arrow Dynamics (Florida)

Vekoma (Tokyo, Paris)

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My first Arrow was Drachen Fire at Busch Gardens Williamsburg about '94 when I was 9.


After a nearly two-decade coaster hiatus, my second Arrow was Ninja at SFMM, in December of last year.

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Mine was (then) Top Gun (now Bat) at Kings Island! Was also my first adult coaster. I was only 8-9 at the time and it terrified me. I remember bawling in the station until half way down the first drop. By the time I got off, I was hooked on roller coasters.

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