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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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This shouldn't surprise anyone that we're getting Justice League, but I do say that I appreciate Six Flags adding to and updating all the themed sections of the park and not really taking out any huge rides. Sure, it sucked seeing Wheelie, Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and the Bumper Cars go, but at least money is being invested into this park, and there are quality rides that went into their places instead of just empty plots everywhere.

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I am actually excited about justice league. I enjoy rides like that.. yeah I feel it isn't an anniversary style ride for the park but I'm sure it will be a big hit for the park


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So there we go. JLs to SFOG and SFGAdv this year.


I like this news. It's good to see more interest in dark rides in parks outside of Disney and Universal.

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With the family additions they got this year and the Justice League they're really rounding out the park well. I know everyone wants an Iron Horse Cycloe or GASM but I think they're both incredible coasters the way they are, if we are to get a Rocky Mountain addition in the coming years I would like a custom built one from the ground up.

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I hope there's a hurricane harbor additon along with justice league. It's needed

I doubt it. Justice League is a pretty serious investment on its own. If you haven't been on it before, it's a seriously great ride. Best dark ride I've ever been on, bar none. Though I should stipulate that I haven't been to Universal or Disney (hoping to remedy that possibly this fall!).

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So there we go. JLs to SFOG and SFGAdv this year.


I like this news. It's good to see more interest in dark rides in parks outside of Disney and Universal.


Me too. I'm glad to see the company take several steps to really round out the offerings at each of their parks.

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It'll be nice to have another high quality dark ride to pair with Monster Mansion to help spread out guests trying to cool down in the Georgia summer heat.

To go along with that, it's awesome that Monster Mansion is NOT going away for this addition!

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It'll be nice to have another high quality dark ride to pair with Monster Mansion to help spread out guests trying to cool down in the Georgia summer heat.

To go along with that, it's awesome that Monster Mansion is NOT going away for this addition!

Yay to Six Flags for not messing with one awesome dark ride!

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Anything new is a blessin'. (Sorry, my 'Baptist' popped out. Lemme get that back in there. Ha!)


I've heard the JL rides are awesome, and it will be nice to have another indoor and conditioned attraction. Great spot for it, too, I think.


I'll say this, though... the Superman situation is not a good one. One-train operation this summer, and the crew struggled at the beginning of the season getting trains outta there. They've gotten a lot better through the summer, though, I'll say. With as many people as will be in Metropolis Park (?) with the Justice League addition, the Superman situation is going to have to improve. I hate that they spent the money for a dual-loading station and they have barely used it since opening season! Why, SF... why?


Seriously, SplashWater Falls needs some attention: (1) more 'boats' and (2) adjust the splash to go OVER the bridge, like the olden days, not off to the sides. Either that, or remove it, and let's get a Mack Watercoaster. Some stupid-tall one with a steep drop.


I go to the park often... like embarrassingly often. I spent some time to the other day just chillin' on the water-jet bridge overlooking Thunder River. That ride is just so nice. That ride is 34 years old, y'all!


There are some bigger, better (not the same thing) parks than ours, but I LOVE our Atlanta-area park. Seriously. This has been the best year in a LONG time for smiley and helpful staff. The guest experience has gotten better over the last few years. (Can we be honest, and say that there was a pretty rough run for a few years a while back...?)


Let's be thankful for JL!

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Anything new is a blessin'. (Sorry, my 'Baptist' popped out. Lemme get that back in there. Ha!)


I've heard the JL rides are awesome, and it will be nice to have another indoor and conditioned attraction. Great spot for it, too, I think.


I'll say this, though... the Superman situation is not a good one. One-train operation this summer, and the crew struggled at the beginning of the season getting trains outta there. They've gotten a lot better through the summer, though, I'll say. With as many people as will be in Metropolis Park (?) with the Justice League addition, the Superman situation is going to have to improve. I hate that they spent the money for a dual-loading station and they have barely used it since opening season! Why, SF... why?


Seriously, SplashWater Falls needs some attention: (1) more 'boats' and (2) adjust the splash to go OVER the bridge, like the olden days, not off to the sides. Either that, or remove it, and let's get a Mack Watercoaster. Some stupid-tall one with a steep drop.


I go to the park often... like embarrassingly often. I spent some time to the other day just chillin' on the water-jet bridge overlooking Thunder River. That ride is just so nice. That ride is 34 years old, y'all!


There are some bigger, better (not the same thing) parks than ours, but I LOVE our Atlanta-area park. Seriously. This has been the best year in a LONG time for smiley and helpful staff. The guest experience has gotten better over the last few years. (Can we be honest, and say that there was a pretty rough run for a few years a while back...?)


Let's be thankful for JL!

SFOGs Superman has no excuse to be one train, since they were the original one and only one built with a dual loading station, I thought they were the only one to have three trains, so shouldn't they always have two operational??

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^ From what I understand, Superman has only utilized one station for several seasons.


It has, in fact I've been visiting since 07 and they were only using one side then, I think the dual only lasted a couple of seasons. But, I was always understood that they kept the other train from when they had the dual station as extra, so they could always operate with two trains. In fact, I've probably made close to 50 something visits and I don't ever recall seeing Superman down to one train, in fact it's the only coaster I can think of that I've never seen down to one train.

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It's horribly run. Makes me wonder if there aren't some major computer problems with it.


Very possible. I've noticed they have to use the manual locking wrench thing more and more on seats.

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Superman has been on one train ops for years. I recall them using both sides in 2006 or so, but never since then. I am pretty sure they have cannibalized the third train, so it really only has two trains now and with the number of issues the ride has I wouldn't be surprised if they are totally down to one functioning train. The restraints often have to be locked and unlocked manually with the key tool, the ankle restraints often don't shut with the OTSRs, and when the train moves into fly position, it slams pretty hard now. The entire thing needs TLC.


They invested so well to make the ride a capacity monster so it is sad to see one station ops. Even when they have two trains running, the line is frequently two hours and slow moving (all while standing in the hot direct Georgia sun might I add). Now would be a great time to get it back to dual station ops, preferably with three trains, but even dual station with two trains would help prevent stacking and get the line moving...

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Was at the park this morning, and operations for Superman were some of the worst I've seen on any ride, let alone a major(ish) B&M. One train ops with multiple seats in multiple rows not functioning. The crew seemed to be as over it as I was, doing the bare minimum to get trains out at all, let alone full and in a timely manner. No bueno.

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Maybe they will give it a major rehab this off season with it getting a new neighbor next year.

It's faded pretty bad paint wise as well, and a lot of the que theming like the biographies of all the Superman characters could use a fresh coat of paint as well, I'm assuming they're faded from so much sun exposure.

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