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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Maybe they will give it a major rehab this off season with it getting a new neighbor next year.


I would like to see SFOG repaint the whole Cotton States Area, and maybe replace the themed elements like trash cans.

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Does anyone know how big this parcel of land they opened is? The permit said that the "disturbed area" would be around 1.6 acres. If there is more room, do you think we could get a coaster as well?



A great idea, yes. But not likely at all.

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I stay at wingate right beside the park.. good free breakfast and easily walking distance.. its actually closer than most parking lots. To me it's worth the extra $30 for the breakfast and free parking.. no need to fight the ATL traffic either


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Going to be visiting SFOG this weekend for the first time. Any good areas that has nice hotels that is no more than 30-45 min from the park. I like to go further out because rooms are usually cheaper.

Like others have said, the hotels right along the park are decent and not that expensive, but if they are sold out or if you want to save more money I would suggest staying west of the park along I-20. Keep in mind, SFOG is literally 10 minutes from downtown so anything to the east is close to the city. The area immediately east of the park is VERY ghetto and I would not suggest staying anywhere east of the park. I had to stop for gas once off the exit just east of the park and I had a group of unfortunate looking people eyeing me and as soon as the cop that was present left, one came over and asked me if I was looking for sex or drugs. So unless you need a sketchy prostitute or drugs, I would avoid staying in that general area.

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The area immediately east of the park is VERY ghetto and I would not suggest staying anywhere east of the park. I had to stop for gas once off the exit just east of the park and I had a group of unfortunate looking people eyeing me and as soon as the cop that was present left, one came over and asked me if I was looking for sex or drugs. So unless you need a sketchy prostitute or drugs, I would avoid staying in that general area.

What about a non-sketchy prostitute?

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The area immediately east of the park is VERY ghetto and I would not suggest staying anywhere east of the park. I had to stop for gas once off the exit just east of the park and I had a group of unfortunate looking people eyeing me and as soon as the cop that was present left, one came over and asked me if I was looking for sex or drugs. So unless you need a sketchy prostitute or drugs, I would avoid staying in that general area.

What about a non-sketchy prostitute?


Downtown ATL has a few.

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The area immediately east of the park is VERY ghetto and I would not suggest staying anywhere east of the park. I had to stop for gas once off the exit just east of the park and I had a group of unfortunate looking people eyeing me and as soon as the cop that was present left, one came over and asked me if I was looking for sex or drugs. So unless you need a sketchy prostitute or drugs, I would avoid staying in that general area.

What about a non-sketchy prostitute?


Downtown ATL has a few.

A very limited specific part of downtown that people aren't afraid of being in after dark has a few.



Not speaking from experience

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Going to be visiting SFOG this weekend for the first time. Any good areas that has nice hotels that is no more than 30-45 min from the park. I like to go further out because rooms are usually cheaper.

Like others have said, the hotels right along the park are decent and not that expensive, but if they are sold out or if you want to save more money I would suggest staying west of the park along I-20. Keep in mind, SFOG is literally 10 minutes from downtown so anything to the east is close to the city. The area immediately east of the park is VERY ghetto and I would not suggest staying anywhere east of the park. I had to stop for gas once off the exit just east of the park and I had a group of unfortunate looking people eyeing me and as soon as the cop that was present left, one came over and asked me if I was looking for sex or drugs. So unless you need a sketchy prostitute or drugs, I would avoid staying in that general area.



lol thanks for the advice!

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SFOG mark my words get a JL:BFM and a coaster next year. The reason is that a Justice League dark ride takes up about .52 acres, but the permit SFOG said that they would be using 1.6 acres next year. So what could they use that extra acre for... A PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTER! Think, It cant be a T-Rex because the GM said that their new attraction(s) have been done before. An S&S 4D Free Fly with a huge queue wouldn't even get close to taking up that much room, and the only other things Six Flags installs besides RMCs, Justice League Dark Rides, and S&S's, (on the coaster side) are PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTERS!!!!

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SFOG mark my words get a JL:BFM and a coaster next year. The reason is that a Justice League dark ride takes up about .52 acres, but the permit SFOG said that they would be using 1.6 acres next year. So what could they use that extra acre for... A PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTER! Think, It cant be a T-Rex because the GM said that their new attraction(s) have been done before. An S&S 4D Free Fly with a huge queue wouldn't even get close to taking up that much room, and the only other things Six Flags installs besides RMCs, Justice League Dark Rides, and S&S's, (on the coaster side) are PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTERS!!!!


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SFOG mark my words get a JL:BFM and a coaster next year. The reason is that a Justice League dark ride takes up about .52 acres, but the permit SFOG said that they would be using 1.6 acres next year. So what could they use that extra acre for... A PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTER! Think, It cant be a T-Rex because the GM said that their new attraction(s) have been done before. An S&S 4D Free Fly with a huge queue wouldn't even get close to taking up that much room, and the only other things Six Flags installs besides RMCs, Justice League Dark Rides, and S&S's, (on the coaster side) are PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTERS!!!!

That's a lot of money by Six Flags standards to be investing into a single park in a single year.

it's gonna be a super-loop with a GIGANTIC queue line

We already got a Super Loop.

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SFOG mark my words get a JL:BFM and a coaster next year. The reason is that a Justice League dark ride takes up about .52 acres, but the permit SFOG said that they would be using 1.6 acres next year. So what could they use that extra acre for... A PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTER! Think, It cant be a T-Rex because the GM said that their new attraction(s) have been done before. An S&S 4D Free Fly with a huge queue wouldn't even get close to taking up that much room, and the only other things Six Flags installs besides RMCs, Justice League Dark Rides, and S&S's, (on the coaster side) are PREMIER RIDES LAUNCH COASTERS!!!!

Six Flags wouldn't get a ROI for two major attractions in the same year. There's 0% chance of a coaster and a dark ride happening in the same year

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