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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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The park has expressed plans to expand Hurricane Harbor and I am honestly surprised it hasn't already happened. They have plenty of space if they don't mind making everyone walk up a hill. They own almost 100 acres behind HH and much of the space directly behind HH is open space with their dumping ground and unused baseball field.


Doesn't White Water own the land that American Adventure is on? I know Six Flags owned American Adventure when it operated, and they still use the facilities of the old Foam Factory for Guest Relations. I don't see why they couldn't expand onto the old American Adventures space.


I could see a B&M wing coaster coming to SFOG, but it wouldn't be my first guess in what they would get.

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I'm not sure how well maintained the flats at AA are, but if they're good, and SFOG owns the land, it'd be nice to restore them and move them to Six Flags and White Water to take over the land. It's a win win for everyone, but I have a feeling Six Flags sold the land to another company.

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I don't see how they sold they land if they still own the foam factory building. American Adventures is pretty heavily land locked between that building, the park's parking lot, and the water park itself. Many of the American Adventure ride pads were very close to the path entering White Water as well and I can't imagine Six Flags giving up land pushing right up on the pedestrian entry to the water park. I'm fairly certain they still own the land and simply ceased operations of American Adventures because it wasn't profitable and they were trying to cut expenses at the time.


The rides were all removed last year or earlier. I am not sure where they ended up or if they were all scrapped.

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^I agree. That land just isn't in a place where it can be sold. It is surround almost completely by functioning Six Flags owned operations.


As for White Water expanding, I do hope this happens soon! I have NEVER been to White Water without the place being almost overcrowded. Even on weekdays after large storms have moved through.


White Water could use an extensive expansion with a second wave pool, a water coaster, and even a substantial body slide complex. Really the park could just use more of anything and everything even though they already have more slides than most water parks.

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Also, I believe Yosemite Sam’s Wacky Wagons which was added to the new Bugs Bunny Boomtown at Six Flags came from American Adventures. At least it is the same model ride. The scrambler went to Great Adventure. I still have no idea what happened to the other dozen rides they had.

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^I'm not sure but it was SBNO for 5 years so there is a decent chance it was scrapped. I recall the removal being sloppy but I'm not entirely sure. It was a small basically portable powered coaster but it was installed permanently with footers so I'm going to say it was probably scrapped as the scrap yard money was probably greater than any realistic selling cost considering it wasn't easy to transport.

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Visited the park on 06/22/2016:


Goliath: Hands down the best coaster in the park. Stronger airtime than the very overrated Diamondback (KI). Not as strong as Magnum XL-200 or Phantom's Revenge. The very back seat hurt my back at the last dip before the break, towards the front seems to be the best location. 8/10


Mind Bender: One of the best Schwartzkopfs I have ridden. Would have to ride this back to back with Schockwave to see which I like better. It would have benefitted from more elements though, but it is an older coaster afterall. It took almost an hour to get on it though 7.5/10


Great American Scream Machine: A decent wooden coaster. I prefer this to what SFOT has to offer (Judge Roy), KD's entire wooden line up, Timber Wolf, Cedar Point's wooden line-up, but it unfortunately is a bit too short and slow for my taste. 6/10


Georgia Cyclone: Meh. 5/10


Blue Hawk: The new train restraints do wonders to help make this ride tolerable. The layout is not fun though. Every Arrow would benefit from these trains. 5.5/10


Dare Devil Dive: It took an hour to get on this thing even though the line was in the station house. Forceless and not fun. 4.5/10


Batman: Worst Inverted Coaster experience ever. Constant headbanging and shortly after we rode it it was shut down. I don't know if something was broke that they fixed or if it is really in that bad of shape. A shame because the theming was in excellent shape. 1/10


Dahlonega Mine Train: A solid minetrain. I wish SFSTL had these trains as it would do wonders for ours. 7/10


I didn't ride the Georgia Scorcher as stand up B&Ms have been painful to me, Superman UF was down a couple times and the wait was 1.5 hours. All I can say is I'm sorry but this park did not impress me at all. Coca-Cola World was awesome and made staying in Atlanta worthwhile.

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^dang, is our batman really that bad? I ride it every visit and I think it's fine.ive heard multiple people say ours is rough.


Like many people have said, I think our coaster lineup is solid, but lacks a ride that is really stands out as being awesome. Park needs an RMC lol.

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My experience with Batman is that a sensor causes one train to become stuck in the station and the other on the brake run.. it's happened to me twice! Once for over 45 minutes.. very hot day when that happened but they kept bringing us little cups of water which was nice. I was stick on the brake run.. they where about to go get a small step ladder and let us off but finally got the empty train in front of us on the lift hill so we could come forward and get off


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No giga, the park will never have one. To close to the airport


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After all these years people still use that excuse after over and over the park itself stating there'should no height limit....back to my rock


One last thing

If we get a coaster next year it's going to be something unique. Every coaster that sfog gets is unique except for batman that was a clone

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^To me that just means that our park can easily afford a clone. They don't have any except for Batman now, and it isn't like the general public would know the difference. SFOG has no competition.


Also, keep in mind Déjà Vu and Viper were clones. Superman wasn't at the time but it has been cloned and that doesn't stop it from being a stand out at the park, much like Batman is still a stand out at the park for the average guest.


I hope we get something unique but there is really no reason decision makers will insist on custom over a clone, unless they are going for something of a very large scale that will become a long term stand out for the park, much like Goliath has been and still is.

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No giga, the park will never have one. To close to the airport


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After all these years people still use that excuse after over and over the park itself stating there'should no height limit....back to my rock


One last thing

If we get a coaster next year it's going to be something unique. Every coaster that sfog gets is unique except for batman that was a clone

I believe the FAA rule in Atlanta is 250ft. Back in 2014 they tried to lower it to 150ft.. Wouldn't that have been bad!


Also the original purpose of Six Flags Parks where that cities could have their own local park.. The majority of people that frequent Six Flags Parks are locals so to them I don't believe clones are an issue.. A lot of them probably don't even know they are clones.. I would say 75% if not more of Six Flags visitors never visit another six flags park.


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^The height restriction is 200 feet. Both Acrophobia and Goliath were built to stand right at 200 feet and you'll notice that they both have the FAA Beacons. The only reason Sky Screamer is 242 feet is because the land its built on is at a lower elevation than the other area's of the park. I believe it has a beacon as well.

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I have a question. I liked "Oak Island Creative" on Facebook because they're amazing and the masterminds behind the "Holiday in the Park" events and noticed a post about the Six Flags over Georgia Fright Fest. Are they this heavily involved in Fright Fest at the other parks or just in Georgia? This seems to be the only one they ever mentioned so I'm curious as to whether or not they might expand their use of Oak Island's services throughout the chain. If Holiday in the Park is any indication then this could be a really exciting development.

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it's looking like I won't make it to the park (again) this year during Dragon*con


it's only open Sat/Sun/Monday, and I was really planning to blow off a day of con, but then they offered free admission to the Puppetry Museum (including the touring "Labyrinth" exhibition) with the Dragon*con badge during the weekend.


I could still do SixFlags, but now I'd be alone, and, to be honest, I'm really INTERESTED in the puppetry museum and the Jim Henson exhibit.


sigh. . . maybe next year. . .

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I have never been to SFoG during Fright Fest so I have question about it. My membership gets me in but do I have to pay $20 for a wristband just to go through the mazes or is that included with admission?

Yes you need the wristband to do some of the better haunted houses.. a lot are free but they will have 4 or 5 that need the band.. I enjoy the band and the pay haunted houses but if you can't afford them you will still have a blast without the band


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