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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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To imissopryland,


I looked it up and a JL:BFM with a queue would take up .75 acres and thats if the queue if half the size of the building, which I highly doubt. I am not familiar with the geography of SFOG, but I defenitly know that the closer they built JL:BFM to the old Dodge City Bumper Cars ride, the less ground shifting they would have to do. So if they built it there, I would expect a new ride and I gave my theories of that ride on the last page


-Mr. Corn

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To imissopryland,


I looked it up and a JL:BFM with a queue would take up .75 acres and thats if the queue if half the size of the building, which I highly doubt. I am not familiar with the geography of SFOG, but I defenitly know that the closer they built JL:BFM to the old Dodge City Bumper Cars ride, the less ground shifting they would have to do. So if they built it there, I would expect a new ride and I gave my theories of that ride on the last page


-Mr. Corn

But you're thinking Six Flags would add both a Justice League and a roller coaster in the same year which they wouldn't do.


For all we know, they could be expanding Metropolis park out and adding a plaza for Justice League, or they could be replacing the service road that is probably going to be removed for Justice League. Just because the building is going to take up a certain amount of land doesn't mean that they're not doing landscaping, infrastructure, or other stuff to the land not being taken up by Justice League. There's a lot of stuff that has to happen around and under the ride before it can be built.

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SFoG does a pretty good job with keeping up themes (their Gotham is fantastic.) That being said - if they are doing the Justice League ride where the bumper cars were - I can see them connecting that with Metropolis plaza (where Superman is) and making some attempt at keeping a coherent theme with the two.


I don't know what this does to the Cotton States Exhibition, which is one of the original Six Flags Themes for that side of the park, but I'm hopeful .

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^That makes me happy to see honestly! I really don't want them messing up the Cotton States Exposition theme (they already removed the sign when you are coming from Lickskillet, which frustrated me) so the fact that it looks like the entry plaza will be inside Metropolis Park makes me very happy! This could be a really well placed addition.


(Side note - Six Flags PLEASE bring Superman back to dual station ops and fix all the system issues to go along with this addition. Superman will only experience more traffic. Oh and some nice touch up to Cotton States Expo and GASM would be appreciated too!)

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SFOG mark my words get a JL:BFM and a coaster next year. The reason is that a Justice League dark ride takes up about .52 acres, but the permit SFOG said that they would be using 1.6 acres next year. So what could they use that extra acre for...


Maybe a Zamperla frisbee and endevour?

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Yesterday was my first visit to the park yesterday and Superman was having a lot of restraint issues. One of the trains only had half the seats available in the front along with random other seats.


That sucks. Instead of SFOG running half the train, they should shut down the ride for a few days for some repairs so they have time.


I'm not complaining that it was open. Besides, no matter how few people it fits, the capacity will be greater than Dare Devil Dive. I thought the "60 minutes from this point" sign had to be a joke, but it wasn't. I literally had 40 people ahead of me.

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Yesterday was my first visit to the park yesterday and Superman was having a lot of restraint issues. One of the trains only had half the seats available in the front along with random other seats.


That sucks. Instead of SFOG running half the train, they should shut down the ride for a few days for some repairs so they have time.

I belive more people would complain if the ride was shut down completely. In a few more weeks six flags will go back to a weekend only schedule.. that should give them time to make repairs before Fright Fest and Holiday in the Park.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.


It is a very unique ride. I am glad to have ridden it many times!

It's pretty neat that besides Batman and Superman, every coaster at the park is unique.

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.

While I do agree with that statement, the ride is build with a dual station and three trains so this issue should've been addressed nearly a decade ago now honestly. It has slowly gotten worse and worse since then with no noticeable effort to fix it, even though the ride usually has a two hour line on busy days even with two trains, and everyone waiting is stuck standing directly in the sun). I get that it is the Six Flags way, but it would be nice for them to take care of things before they are barely functioning with one train. I actually prefer Six Flags to Cedar Fair (excluding the great ops of Cedar Point) but Cedar Fair does a MUCH better job in that particular department. If something you invested in breaks, fix it. Don't try to drag it out for years until the entire ride is barely functioning.

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.


It is a very unique ride. I am glad to have ridden it many times!


EDIT: Besides the fact that it is a clone


Is it a clone though if it's the original one?? It opened before the ones at SFGADV and SFGAM. For example, I don't consider Batman at SFGAM a clone, since it's the original one.

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.

Yeah, well, try being stuck on the brakes in the flying position for 15 minutes barely able to breathe. Superman can go die in a fire.

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Last time I was stuck on the brakes they just moved us to the other station.. this was earlier in the year.. it was no more than 5 mins


One train was stuck in the station and wouldn't go to the flying position so they let us off on station number 2


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.

Yeah, well, try being stuck on the brakes in the flying position for 15 minutes barely able to breathe. Superman can go die in a fire.


Eh... if it's not your thing don't ride (though I know that's not the norm and I agree that the brake runs on flyers suck) it but I applaud them for having it open even in a limited capacity. I still say it's better than being closed.

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.

Yeah, well, try being stuck on the brakes in the flying position for 15 minutes barely able to breathe. Superman can go die in a fire.


Eh... if it's not your thing don't ride (though I know that's not the norm and I agree that the brake runs on flyers suck) it but I applaud them for having it open even in a limited capacity. I still say it's better than being closed.


The thing is they're damned by the GP no matter what they do. If they closed it, they'd be complaining, if they keep it open with limited capacity then they complain about the astronomical wait time.

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The thing is they're damned by the GP no matter what they do. If they closed it, they'd be complaining, if they keep it open with limited capacity then they complain about the astronomical wait time.


I love how enthusiasts say "by the GP" to make themselves feel better about themselves. We're on a forum with a bunch of enthusiasts and they're also complaining about the wait times right here in this thread. In my experience enthusiasts complain way more than "the GP".


The ride is better open than closed. If the wait times bother you then don't ride it but the people that want to ride it still get to while they work out their problems. Sounds like a great compromise.


I'd rather hang with "the GP".

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Keeping Superman open, however limited, is better than it being closed.


I don't see how anyone can disagree with this statement.

Yeah, well, try being stuck on the brakes in the flying position for 15 minutes barely able to breathe. Superman can go die in a fire.


That happened to me at Great Adv on the brake run and I was able to breathe just fine. I still enjoy riding it and loved it @ SFOG. Hating a ride because it malfunctioned for a few minutes once while you were on it is a little dramatic.

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I'm glad SFA only runs one train on Batwing because with their operations you actually would be on the brakes for 15 minutes but lying down facing the sun.


I'm actually with Boldikus here on this one. I enjoy Superman at Great Adventure but wouldn't wait more than 20 minutes for it. I'm definitely alone on this but I feel like the brake run kind of mimics those zero gravity chairs that decompress your spine and I kinda like it, lol. Maybe it's a body type thing but I've never minded being in that position.

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Yeah I never will ride it if the wait isnt at or near the bottom of the steps, or unless we have FP like we did at SFOG and skipped a 2 hour wait to do a double ride in the front row. #winning


Superman was my first flyer and I was totally weirded out thinking I would get sick or something in that position, but I think the restraints are totally comfortable and have no issues whatsoever with them. Vekoma flyers on the other hand...

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