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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Yeah I never will ride it if the wait isnt at or near the bottom of the steps, or unless we have FP like we did at SFOG and skipped a 2 hour wait to do a double ride in the front row. #winning


Superman was my first flyer and I was totally weirded out thinking I would get sick or something in that position, but I think the restraints are totally comfortable and have no issues whatsoever with them. Vekoma flyers on the other hand...

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The thing is they're damned by the GP no matter what they do. If they closed it, they'd be complaining, if they keep it open with limited capacity then they complain about the astronomical wait time.


I love how enthusiasts say "by the GP" to make themselves feel better about themselves. We're on a forum with a bunch of enthusiasts and they're also complaining about the wait times right here in this thread. In my experience enthusiasts complain way more than "the GP".


The ride is better open than closed. If the wait times bother you then don't ride it but the people that want to ride it still get to while they work out their problems. Sounds like a great compromise.


I'd rather hang with "the GP".


The wait times don't bother me.. Superman isn't a bad ride, but outside of the pretzel loop it's not very exciting, not to mention the flying position makes me nauseated the older I get, I'll usually give Superman a ride once or twice a year, but that's about it.

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Hypothetically, if SF were to replace the cars on DDD with the eight seat cars, would it help with capacity, or would it really not make that much of a difference?


Probably not, and if they keep VR on it, it's going to be a nightmare regardless. It's never been great on capacity, but at least they had halfway decent dispatches without the VR, now it's a complete clusterfuck

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The 6 seat cars were new when DDD was built and as far as I know are still the only lap bar only option. The ride experience is amazing with the 6 seat lap bar cars compared to the 8 seat with OTSRs. The difference in capacity is minimal and the current trains are great. Before VR it would still get a two hour line most days and the hourly capacity is a joke for such a large busy park, but the ops were always surprisingly fast compared to ops in the rest of the park. VR needs to go. Hopefully they will drop it after this season. It'll be old news next year anyways.


What DDD really needs is a station with an unloading dock and a loading dock separate. The trains always stack and you are stuck in them until you reach the front of the stack. If they got rid of VR and made it so you could unload while the car in front is loading, and then the empty car would move forward for the next load, it would really benefit capacity. The ride has a block before the lift, mid course (though stopping there isn't practical), in the brake run, and two blocks in the station, so it can run 4 cars but even without VR there is never more than one car moving on the course. It always stacks so any capacity efficiencies really would need to happen in the station with the loading/unloading process.

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The 6 seat cars were new when DDD was built and as far as I know are still the only lap bar only option. The ride experience is amazing with the 6 seat lap bar cars compared to the 8 seat with OTSRs. The difference in capacity is minimal and the current trains are great. Before VR it would still get a two hour line most days and the hourly capacity is a joke for such a large busy park, but the ops were always surprisingly fast compared to ops in the rest of the park. VR needs to go. Hopefully they will drop it after this season. It'll be old news next year anyways.


What DDD really needs is a station with an unloading dock and a loading dock separate. The trains always stack and you are stuck in them until you reach the front of the stack. If they got rid of VR and made it so you could unload while the car in front is loading, and then the empty car would move forward for the next load, it would really benefit capacity. The ride has a block before the lift, mid course (though stopping there isn't practical), in the brake run, and two blocks in the station, so it can run 4 cars but even without VR there is never more than one car moving on the course. It always stacks so any capacity efficiencies really would need to happen in the station with the loading/unloading process.


I'm totally with you on the lap bar only experience. In my opinion it is vastly superior to the OTSR experience. One note on the loading and unloading of cars. They have actually kind of implemented what you're talking about this year. Prior to this season, only one car could be loaded and unloaded at a time. When VR was added this year, they added an additional operator control stand as well as the necessary electrical components to load/unload two cars simultaneously. I've only been on DDD one time this year because the VR is *such* a capacity nightmare, but when I did ride that's what they were doing. I'm not sure that it would be more efficient to have separate load and unload stations due to size of the cars, but hopefully they will continue unloading and loading two cars at time whenever VR leaves. Really the ride should have been capable of this from day one, but at least it's installed now.

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^I've heard about the double load and unload but have yet to see it myself. I've been many times but haven't been in the last month or two so it must be new for summer. I'm very happy to see them trying though.

I hope they do that with Superman. They need to start using the duel loading station again because I hate waiting in the heat before getting back in the station. Also will the Justice League Dark Ride affect Supermans operations and lines? I hope it does so it will have better operations and less lines. Also, when do you guys think SFOG will get a new coaster and what will it be. Originally, I thought this year would either be an RMC Topper Track or and IBOX. I think they might either add a T-REX, IH, or TT RMC eventually. This might be one of the park's that could get the T-REX since they haven't added an RMC yet. Also, do you think there is any possibility of a B&M coming in the future like a wing, dive, florless, or giga? I think this park could also get something from Premier Rides or Mack. I'd love an Intamin but that probably won't happen. If this park ever gets an S&S 4D Free Spin, I hope they get the larger type. Since we know Six Flags, I don't think they'll get the larger version as Six Flags likes to clone. I really want a coaster at this park.

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I think that another b&m is possible and would be great but six flags hasn't bought one recently and I don't see it happening. There's no way sf would buy a dive or giga so that leaves it to a wing or floorless. But I really just don't see it happening.


Do you guys think a hurricane harbor expansion is coming? Cause I hope so

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SFOG has a very well-rounded coaster lineup. If they do get a coaster within the next couple of years, based on recent trends it'll be an RMC conversion of one of the park's woodies or the same version of the S&S 4D that SFFT and SFGAdv received. Hope all you want for the larger model, but if SFGAdv didn't get it, SFOG certainly won't, either.

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I don't see a hurricane harbor expansion due to they don't want to compete with six flags white water. But anything is possible.


Sfog doesn't have the land to compete with white water.


In fact I'd love to see ww pick up some of the land that used to be the dry park beside it and expand there but have no idea the current legal status of that land.

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Yeah, American Adventures is a real eye sore when visiting White Water. Six Flags could tear that whole place down and build the biggest water park in the southeast and make it something really special. White Water is always packed every time I visit so I know it would be a great investment for the company. As for SFOG getting another coaster, I'm hoping 2018 is the year. SFGAdv got a coaster this year and getting a JL:BFM next year so it's not out of the question for SFOG to have the same plan.

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