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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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How strange it was that not very long ago I was half-heartedly joking to someone that due to the accelerated expunging of historical nomenclature, one day soon KD would ditch the name "Rebel Yell".... That said, it seems surely they could do better than that which sounds exactly like a clone of the KI Racer. And it won't surprise me if the ignorant GP don't think that is the case. A better option might have been "_______ Racer" with another word before "Racer". Maybe paint the railings red and call it "Red Racer" to go with the apple theme....


But I don't know, I'm 47 years old, and it was called Rebel Yell when I was a child, and ever since then, and to me it will always be the Rebel Yell, even if they were to re-brand it the "Dog Fart Coaster".


Now as for "Apple Zapple"....that's just downright bizarre! Sounds like a brand name for a fruit flavored chewing gum!

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My only gripe about this decision is the name they chose. You're telling me not one person in their creative department could think of something better than "Racer 75"?


When I finally visit KD this summer, all I expect is a middle of the pack woodie, regardless of name.

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If Racer75 is named after ACE, when are we going to get a TPR-themed coaster?


They should start adding little plaques commemorating great quotes from Robb's POV videos.


"And we're turning... turning... and... we're turning some more!" - R.A., TPR


These would be some really fun plaques!

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So, how bout that Twisted Timbers, eh?


Actually, I heard there was a group of skaters who got offended the park used the word "Twisted" in the name. The skaters felt like they were being singled out, and picked on. So the park is currently looking to rename it.


Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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I just have to say that Apple Zapple made my day when I first read it.


"Hey Mom! I wanna ride the APPLE ZAPPLE."


10/10 Name right there





Edit: Got rid of the reference to the pre-cleaned up thread (Thank God for Chuck)

Edited by jrd64fan
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I just had to clean out this thread. All of you who wish to debate politics and history, please do so over email or private messages, where you can hurl all the epithets you want at each other.


Thank you.

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I just had to clean out this thread. All of you who wish to debate politics and history, please do so over email or private messages, where you can hurl all the epithets you want at each other.



^ Thank you, Chuck. This thread was getting way out of hand.


Anyway, I simply cannot wait to get to this park again. Sooner rather than later. Well, except opening day, because it's going to be absolutely insane

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So, how bout that Twisted Timbers, eh?


Actually, I heard there was a group of skaters who got offended the park used the word "Twisted" in the name. The skaters felt like they were being singled out, and picked on. So the park is currently looking to rename it.


Captain Planet and the Planeteers are also quite perturbed that they're using the word "Timbers." Save the trees, ya'll!

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^ Me too - I like the concept, so I'll be interested to hear from folks if these are any good or not. Have any other CF parks offered this before?


I wonder if you would start with a scoop of mac and cheese and then you add whatever toppings you want to it buffet-style, or if they do like 15 different types of "gourmet" bowls?


Oh and...just because...Apple Zapple!

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I can't wait for some "gourmet" Mac and Cheese. Hopefully it'll be part of the dining plan. I don't see why it wouldn't be.


I believe I saw the park said it was on facebook to a non-hostile commenter. I hope it's legit Kings Dominion could use a nice improvement to the food options granted it would be hard for me not to go to Panda Express because I love their orange chicken.

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While I think the rename of Ricochet may sound odd for adults, kids are going to eat this name up. The name hits right in the targeted age group. A lot of kids are going to be wanting to ride and pestering moms and dads excitedly, they can't wait to go on Apple Zapple, please mommy, please daddy, let's go on Apple Zapple. Then tell their friends when they get back home, they rode Apple Zapple. It's catchy for the kids.

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While I think the rename of Ricochet may sound odd for adults, kids are going to eat this name up. The name hits right in the targeted age group. A lot of kids are going to be wanting to ride and pestering moms and dads excitedly, they can't wait to go on Apple Zapple, please mommy, please daddy, let's go on Apple Zapple. Then tell their friends when they get back home, they rode Apple Zapple. It's catchy for the kids.

So true! This is a family coaster. People are acting like they changed i305’s name to speedy deedy lol. At least KD is trying to make their themed sections and coaster themes correlate. Safari village needs some work though with flight of fear and i305. Anyway, I think the name changes are tolerable and won’t interfere with the actual ride experience.

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I can't wait to try the mac and cheese bowls. My daughter will be very happy about this.


I don't think twice about the names but agree with posters that any make over of a ride is a good thing.


I was mentioning to my family about the name change and instead of saying "Apple Zapple" I blurted out "Yapple Dapple". I loved the genie cartoon as a kid and it just came out.

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Anyone have any hotel recommendations for lodging located between Fredericksburg and Doswell? Preferably in the $75 or less/night range? Reading through reviews online and I don't always trust them. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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Just don't stay at the Super 8 in Carmel Church and you'll be fine. That place is f*cking terrible, even for a Super 8. That exit and the Ashland exit (after you pass the park) are your best bets for being as close to the park as possible while being within that price range.

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