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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Okay....here is my take on this. We can get rid of the Rebel Yell name, but let's get rid of Kwanzaa as well (due to crime in

black neighborhoods). If one group can't have its heritage, nobody can. This is only fair. Let us get rid of the AmeriKan flag at while we are at it. What the country has become is offensive to me. Snowflakes run everything. Snowflakes have given the country away. Understand that my comments come from someone who is from the north and who is proud that Ohio fought on the side against the confederate army. With that being said, there were no real winners as the result of the Civil War. God Bless Johnny Rebel.

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By the way-I love the name Apple Zapple for a family coaster. It shows some creativity. Racer 75 is offensive and makes me want to vomit. Losing the Rebel Yell name because of its connections to the south is like banning Kwanzaa due to crime in black neighborhoods. I hope people get the point of what I am saying. Nothing is perfect.

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Okay....here is my take on this. We can get rid of the Rebel Yell name, but let's get rid of Kwanzaa as well (due to crime in

black neighborhoods). If one group can't have its heritage, nobody can. This is only fair. Let us get rid of the AmeriKan flag at while we are at it. What the country has become is offensive to me. Snowflakes run everything. Snowflakes have given the country away. Understand that my comments come from someone who is from the north and who is proud that Ohio fought on the side against the confederate army. With that being said, there were no real winners as the result of the Civil War. God Bless Johnny Rebel.


Are you drunk?

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I am not drunk. I am just stating a sad truth. As a country, AmeriKa has had it so easy that we have to invent things to be offended about. I have visited the south many times and I can tell you that southerners (both white and black) have a lot to be proud of. Heritage is heritage PERIOD. There was also other causes the south was fighting for besides slavery. We also can't support anything without it being connected to something screwed up somehow.

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I am not drunk. I am just stating a sad truth. As a country, AmeriKa has had it so easy that we have to invent things to be offended about. I have visited the south many times and I can tell you that southerners (both white and black) have a lot to be proud of. Heritage is heritage PERIOD. There was also other causes the south was fighting for besides slavery. We also can't support anything without it being connected to something screwed up somehow.


Okay you have an opinion and that’s whatever but most of the people on this website come to this website to discuss roller coasters and theme parks not heritage and politics.

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I am not drunk. I am just stating a sad truth. As a country, AmeriKa has had it so easy that we have to invent things to be offended about. I have visited the south many times and I can tell you that southerners (both white and black) have a lot to be proud of. Heritage is heritage PERIOD. There was also other causes the south was fighting for besides slavery. We also can't support anything without it being connected to something screwed up somehow.


I think you're referring to a massive propaganda movement known as The Lost Cause.

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Am I the only one who never really cares about the name of things and more about the experience itself when I visit a park? They could rename every future RMC just the rollercoaster. At the end of the day when you take things like the experience of the ride or the theming of a ride or lack thereof, the name pretty much has the least effect out of those


Even if the reason for removing is wanting to be more PC it’s pretty inconsequential in the end. How many people really stop and discuss the name in detail over the actual rides.

Edited by Garet
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Apple Zapple reminds me of the (stopped) campaign in the 1980s to use food irradiation on apples. Supposedly to kill moths, it was also destructive to vitamins, created carcinogens and the idea of exposing foods to high levels of ionizing radiation from nuclear waste was not popular.


I'd name it "Wild Mouse Number One" but I'm unlikely to be asked …

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Here is a behind the scenes history lesson. Black people in the south were involved in the confederacy. Their involvement was similar to women during WWII. During the Civil War blacks in the south built roads, worked at a naval plant (making up about 3/4 of the workforce) and some even served in the army under Robert E. Lee. I always thought Kings Dominion was cool for having the Mason Dixon Music Hall (which the name has not been used in years) and Rebel Yell. This could serve to educate guests about history. I knew nothing about the history of Texas, other than music and the Alamo, until I visited Six Flags Over Texas. The revision of history is causing a loss of IQ points. Confederate names and monuments aren't offensive in the least.

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This announcement happened recently, and I am already tired of seeing all these complaints. I have political opinions, but I never post them here. The reason why is because I do not believe politics are a thing that needs to be discussed in an amusement park forum. Politics are the exact type of thing I go to amusement parks to escape from.


Had the park kept its current name, that would not have affected my ride experience in any way. This name change will also not affect my ride experience in any way. Politics can and should be discussed elsewhere, but a roller coaster is neither the time nor the place. Please just enjoy the damn ride, and let others do the same.

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This announcement happened recently, and I am already tired of seeing all these complaints. I have political opinions, but I never post them here. The reason why is because I do not believe politics are a thing that needs to be discussed in an amusement park forum. Politics are the exact type of thing I go to amusement parks to escape from.


Had the park kept its current name, that would not have affected my ride experience in any way. This name change will also not affect my ride experience in any way. Politics can and should be discussed elsewhere, but a roller coaster is neither the time nor the place. Please just enjoy the damn ride, and let others do the same.


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Who knew that changing the name of a roller coaster would cause so many meltdowns. I'm seeing people on Facebook and Instagram claiming that they're not going to buy park passes and stop going to the park solely because of them changing the name of Rebel Yell. If someone is seriously THAT UPSET about a coaster name change then maybe you don't need to go to theme parks. Whether the name change has a political connection (which I highly doubt it does) or not, that shouldn't stop you from going to the park altogether. The name of a coaster doesn't add or take away from the ride experience. Another thing, nobody is forcing you to call it Racer 75. If you don't like it, don't say it. It's really not that serious.


But, to each their own. It's not gonna stop me from going to my favorite theme park. I wouldn't care if they called it Humpty Dumpty.

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Oh, "Rebel Yell" is most definitely a political name. It was a Confederate war tactic designed to intimidate Union troops. I'll spare everyone the history lesson, since you can easily look it up on the Internet. It even has its own Wikipedia article.


I don't think it's necessary to learn history from a theme park. They don't do a good job of teaching it, amd most people are just there to ride stuff and have fun. The National Park Service does a great job of explaining our history, and would you look at this! There are 5 sites in the same county as Kings Dominion where they do exactly that!

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