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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Hmm, a resort, you say? Busch Gardens could use an on-site hotel...


Not so sure I'd want to stay in a hotel in that area. I took an Uber from the park to the Hard Rock Casino...it didn't exactly look like an appealing area with lots to do besides BGT.

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Quick question for regulars to the park. I am shortly going to be one of those hayseed tourists the week after Christmas (my brother and his wife recently adopted a baby and live nearby). With Quick Unlimited, what would be a good estimate on number of roller coaster rides I could get in, provided my family is there from open to close with brief breaks for eating and gazing at some mammals?

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Looks great! I've been wanting to see the layout of this! So I heard there was a forwards part, backwards part, and then spinning part. I'm assuming the spinning is after the second lift, but which part is the backwards part?

Jeff Hornick said in an interview with Screamscape that you go up the second lift backwards and start spinning at the top. I wouldn't be surprised if that long brake run before the lift is the part where it switches direction, as it seems awfully long to be just a brake run. If that's the case, then that little twisty part between the brake and lift will also be ridden backwards.


Quick question for regulars to the park. I am shortly going to be one of those hayseed tourists the week after Christmas (my brother and his wife recently adopted a baby and live nearby). With Quick Unlimited, what would be a good estimate on number of roller coaster rides I could get in, provided my family is there from open to close with brief breaks for eating and gazing at some mammals?

You should have no problem getting multiple rides in with Quick Queue Unlimited, even with the crowds. The lines are almost always under 10-20 minutes, except for sometimes Cheetah Hunt before lunchtime on the busiest of days. With the extended hours, you'll have plenty of time to ride everything you want many times. Make sure you also plan to leave time after sunset to just walk around the park and enjoy all of the Christmas Town decor, lights, and experiences.

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Hmm, a resort, you say? Busch Gardens could use an on-site hotel...


Not so sure I'd want to stay in a hotel in that area. I took an Uber from the park to the Hard Rock Casino...it didn't exactly look like an appealing area with lots to do besides BGT.

Nonsense. All the liquor stores and check cashing places one could ever wish for!

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They could build the hotel in the upper north corner of the undeveloped land! The views don't have to face the unappealing areas! It could face the Serengeti Plain and there could be a whole immersive environment so that you can't really see over and what is unappealing. They could add a separate hotel entrance to the park from there and then you would have first dibs on Kumba!


Oh wait...Kumba...it is over by that side of the park and it is really loud...maybe a hotel over there wouldn't be the best idea because of how loud it is...it could cause complaints.

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^^Don't forget about Recycleasaurus! What would Tampa be without Recycleasaurus?


Damn...not sure how that one slipped by me!


But is he as cool as Niagara Falls' own Totes McGoats?


Here's to hoping that I don't get shot by a crack dealer & dumped over the Horseshoe Falls!

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