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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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They didn't soft open Cheetah Hunt to the public and that opening was a disaster.


Also, Cobra's Curse ride vehicles have started to arrive! (From their Twitter account)

Can't believe Mack is still not using steering bogies on this one!


Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


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Love that last picture! The whole area is going to look fantastic once it's done. The views from the paths around the ride should be great!


They didn't soft open Antarctica either. It wasn't cleared for human riders until days before it opened and had only 1/3 of its vehicles in an operable condition.


Yeah but those things are the least of the issues that ride has!


LOL so true!!!

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They didn't soft open Cheetah Hunt to the public and that opening was a disaster.


Also, Cobra's Curse ride vehicles have started to arrive! (From their Twitter account)

Can't believe Mack is still not using steering bogies on this one!


Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!

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Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!


Except.... the cars will be spinning at that point, so not sure how much sideways airtime there will be.


Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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^Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has animals.


Still not as true as the US needing more Mack coasters!


While I do agree with you, I would still consider that statement as an opinion. In which case, a cunning linguist would argue that there are a plethora of truer statement that exist in the universe.


Guy "And yes! I did use the term cunning linguist. Twice!" Koepp

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Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!


Except.... the cars will be spinning at that point, so not sure how much sideways airtime there will be.




Well, there goes the buzzkill for sideways airtime.

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^Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has animals.


Still not as true as the US needing more Mack coasters!


While I do agree with you, I would still consider that statement as an opinion. In which case, a cunning linguist would argue that there are a plethora of truer statement that exist in the universe.


Guy "And yes! I did use the term cunning linguist. Twice!" Koepp



But what about good ole Colonel Angus?



Hey....page 666!


I myself never cared much for Colonel Angus - he just rubs me the wrong way. I'm not sure why...I can't put my finger on it.

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Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


Imaging the feeling of sideways airtime alone is awesome!


Except.... the cars will be spinning at that point, so not sure how much sideways airtime there will be.

Although I haven't experienced it, form my understanding sideways airtime is when you're sideways (obviously) and feel Gs that pull you off the seat which means the Gs are actually lateral but so are you. Therefore you should get the same feeling no matter where the cars are pointing on that element.

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Doing some trip planning here. The week of August 25, I'm moving to the Tampa area for college and am going to spend at day at the park. So a few questions:

-Area schools are back in session, correct?

-Average price of a Bacon Pretzel Fury and related food items

-How fast do the Cheetah Hunt/Falcon's Fury lines move?

-Keeping in mind that the 25th is on a Thursday, what day of the week would be most optimal to visit?


Lodging, admission and food (except the BPF) are already accounted for in the planning.

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Doing some trip planning here. The week of August 25, I'm moving to the Tampa area for college and am going to spend at day at the park. So a few questions:

-Area schools are back in session, correct?

-Average price of a Bacon Pretzel Fury and related food items

-How fast do the Cheetah Hunt/Falcon's Fury lines move?

-Keeping in mind that the 25th is on a Thursday, what day of the week would be most optimal to visit?


Lodging, admission and food (except the BPF) are already accounted for in the planning.



1. Yes

2.I Honestly don't know

3. Cheetah Hunt moves at a normal pace. Fury will be faster and shorter than Cheetah

4. Wednesday

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^Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has animals.


Still not as true as the US needing more Mack coasters!


While I do agree with you, I would still consider that statement as an opinion. In which case, a cunning linguist would argue that there are a plethora of truer statement that exist in the universe.


Guy "And yes! I did use the term cunning linguist. Twice!" Koepp



But what about good ole Colonel Angus?



Hey....page 666!


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you are picking what I consider one of the best times to go. Yes, schools are in session and during the week you may feel you have the park to yourself. I cant speak for the weekends as I never go on a weekend. (I hate lines) Most rides will be either walk on or a train wait. Falcons Fury may have a 10 minute wait at the very most during peak hour. Last august I got on FF 3 times in a row with only a 1 loading time wait each. As for the bacon pretzel thingy, dont miss it. When we were there a few weeks ago they had it offered as a platter,dont know what was on the platter for 8.99, but it is cheaper just by itself and a whole one is quite filling. We usually split one for lunch.

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Another note to Captn, as long as you're moving here for school, if you use your student ID from a florida university, you can get the florida resident pass which is "pay for the day get the year free deal". I always get a pass. I used to work at an office down the street and would go to the park for lunch to grab 1 ride on a coaster, a quick bite and be back in time for the rest of the afternoon at work, raring to get back to work again. My fellow workers always knew when I did this , and would chuckle, as I was really stoked for the rest of the day. good times.

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Can't believe Mack is still not using steering bogies on this one!


Also is it just me or this turn looks like a wave turn that gives sideway airtime?


I'm not quite sure as to which turn you were referring, the U shaped turn in the front or the one in the back of the photo, but either way it doesn't really look like one of RMC's "wave" turns which pop outward at the apex of the hill/turn. I guess there still could be airtime though depending on the speed at which the turn(s) are taken, but it doesn't look like the wave turns on Outlaw Run and Lightning Rod.

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Doing some trip planning here. The week of August 25, I'm moving to the Tampa area for college and am going to spend at day at the park. So a few questions:

-Area schools are back in session, correct?

-Average price of a Bacon Pretzel Fury and related food items

-How fast do the Cheetah Hunt/Falcon's Fury lines move?

-Keeping in mind that the 25th is on a Thursday, what day of the week would be most optimal to visit?


Lodging, admission and food (except the BPF) are already accounted for in the planning.


- yep

- been a while since I've gotten one. They used to be $6.99 and were sold by themselves, but now I believe they are $7.99 and come with some chips they make themselves.

- Cheetah Hunt's line moves faster, but has 2-4x more people in it, so still takes longer.

- Tue-Thur are the slowest days, followed by Monday, then Friday, then Sunday, and Saturday is the busiest.

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CaptainUnknown, if you are moving to Tampa for school, just get an annual pass/Funcard. It's well worth it to ride coasters all the time. And yes the Pretzels always come with chips, it's required oddly enough.


And if you're at USF you could even get a job there, It's an easy bike ride from that campus.

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