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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Montu and the rest of the Egypt area are walled off for the next few weeks as the Cobra's Curse construction starts on the guest area of Egypt. While this is happening, they are also giving Montu a new coat of paint.

Moroccan Palace is also closed down right now for a big renovation, and will be opening up again in February. It will keep Iceploration around as its show, so the renovation must be pretty much entirely focused on the guest side of it.


When I was at the park last week, it looked like they had large new 'video' screens that were being taken inside the Moroccan Palace.

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There were some spots on the track where paint started to peel a little. She will look like a million bucks once they're done. A nice compliment with a new ride set to open along side it.


Excuse me? Montu is a "HE"


Pretty sure Montu is an "IT!"

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^Sometimes the local hotels will offer discounted tickets if you stay with them. Occasionally the park will run local promos (typically found at a fast food place like Burger King or Wendy's or at the local CVS or Walgreens) for discounted tickets. Never considering buying from unauthorized ticket sellers or re-sellers--you run the significant risk of the tickets being invalid or counterfeit, and when that happens, you're out the money because the park will not accept or compensate for these.

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There were some spots on the track where paint started to peel a little. She will look like a million bucks once they're done. A nice compliment with a new ride set to open along side it.


Excuse me? Montu is a "HE"


Pretty sure Montu is an "IT!"


I'm worried this discussion will draw in the CP fanboys who like to call coasters "Maggie" and we'll end up with people calling Montu, Monty.....

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^Sometimes the local hotels will offer discounted tickets if you stay with them. Occasionally the park will run local promos (typically found at a fast food place like Burger King or Wendy's or at the local CVS or Walgreens) for discounted tickets. Never considering buying from unauthorized ticket sellers or re-sellers--you run the significant risk of the tickets being invalid or counterfeit, and when that happens, you're out the money because the park will not accept or compensate for these.


1. How long is Montu supposed to be down for repainting/maintenance and Cobra Curse construction?

The Busch Gardens attraction update page lists Montu as reopening on Feb 13th.



Thank you guys for the responses. Look like I'll be able to ride Montu after all, really looking forward to riding a non Batman invert again. Also I will shop around when I get to Miami for cheaper park tickets. I really don't want to pay front gate prices, if anything I'll buy tickets online.

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Official construction update:


On site, the block walls for the maintenance building are complete and roof trusses have been installed. The ride track in the station and maintenance have been set as well. Last week, we temporarily closed down the Egypt area of the park so we can install underground utilities and pour new pathways. During this time we will also give Montu some TLC. Once Egypt re-opens, it is going to look very different!












source: Busch Gardens

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Official construction update:


On site, the block walls for the maintenance building are complete and roof trusses have been installed. The ride track in the station and maintenance have been set as well. Last week, we temporarily closed down the Egypt area of the park so we can install underground utilities and pour new pathways. During this time we will also give Montu some TLC. Once Egypt re-opens, it is going to look very different!












source: Busch Gardens



Cobra's curse looks amazing as usual!

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^^^The SeaWorld Parks & Resorts parks almost always (I'm 98% positive they do every time, but I could be forgetting an instance in which they didn't) soft open their rides before the grand opening. It presents an opportunity for the parks to iron out the operational kinks, test out evacuation procedures and allows the team members to become comfortable with the operation so when the ride is expected to operate for every day of the year without pause, they can deliver. The best part (from an operational standpoint) of a soft opening is that the park can open and close the ride as they see fit without truly negative repercussions. Guest expectations once the ride is officially open are very different than they are when the ride is still in technical rehearsals.

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^ Actually, I have the feeling that as a result of ALL the coasters opening this year, around the world,

there will be a SLEEPERS' HIT LIST of 2016, which might be a first in a long, long time.

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