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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^I'd agree with you. I was underwhelmed when I first saw the original announcement but I have warmed up to the concept and I think it will truly end up being a sleeper hit of 2016. Busch Gardens Tampa Bay doesn't often mess up when it comes to new additions, so I have faith that this will be another win in their books.

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I'm going tomorrow for New Years Eve, so how are the crowds during NYE?

Also how long is the average wait for Staminator, and what should I pack in my Fannie pack? Last time I went I chickened out, so how can I avoid that from happening again? Also who manufactured it?

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Hey guys.


I just got home for Busch gardens today. The place was PACKED. We had to park in the Adventure Island parking lot. However, I was able to get on Kumba and Montu. With Montu being a 30 minute wait and, Kumba being a 10 minute wait. If anyone wants anymore information, please tell me.



Sincerly, The mo nerd.

Edited by Themonerd
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Hey guys.


I just home for Busch gardens today. The place was PACKED. We had to park in the Adventure Island parking lot. However, I was able to get on Kumba and Montu. With Montu being a 30 minute wait and, Kumba being a 10 minute wait. If anyone wants anymore information, please tell me.



Sincerly, The mo nerd.

Montu with a 30 min wait? That's unusual.

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Hey guys.


I just home for Busch gardens today. The place was PACKED. We had to park in the Adventure Island parking lot. However, I was able to get on Kumba and Montu. With Montu being a 30 minute wait and, Kumba being a 10 minute wait. If anyone wants anymore information, please tell me.



Sincerly, The mo nerd.

Montu with a 30 min wait? That's unusual.


Yeah. Like I said, Super packed. At least the line moves.

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Speaking of Montu, I just noticed that the ride is going to be closed the entire week that I'm gonna be down in florida and I'm super bummed about missing out on one of the few great coasters this park has. Especially since we're driving 2 hours all the way from Cape Coral to visit the park.

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Speaking of Montu, I just noticed that the ride is going to be closed the entire week that I'm gonna be down in florida and I'm super bummed about missing out on one of the few great coasters this park has. Especially since we're driving 2 hours all the way from Cape Coral to visit the park.


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Speaking of Montu, I just noticed that the ride is going to be closed the entire week that I'm gonna be down in florida and I'm super bummed about missing out on one of the few great coasters this park has. Especially since we're driving 2 hours all the way from Cape Coral to visit the park.
Crap! Heading down there at the end of the month for the first time and was kind of looking forward to riding it. Oh well at least there's always Kumba and SheiKra to fill my B&M fix and already rode it's equivalent at BGW.
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I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I personally found Sheikra to be a lot better than Griffon.

I was just at BGT, and it was PACKED. Not like anything I've seen on New Years Weekend. Monty was a 40 minute wait, Kumba was 50 (WHAT?) and Sheikra was 35. Geez.



Kumba had a 50 minutie wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??


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Montu and the rest of the Egypt area are walled off for the next few weeks as the Cobra's Curse construction starts on the guest area of Egypt. While this is happening, they are also giving Montu a new coat of paint.

Moroccan Palace is also closed down right now for a big renovation, and will be opening up again in February. It will keep Iceploration around as its show, so the renovation must be pretty much entirely focused on the guest side of it.

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Montu and the rest of the Egypt area are walled off for the next few weeks as the Cobra's Curse construction starts on the guest area of Egypt. While this is happening, they are also giving Montu a new coat of paint.

Moroccan Palace is also closed down right now for a big renovation, and will be opening up again in February. It will keep Iceploration around as its show, so the renovation must be pretty much entirely focused on the guest side of it.




Let that title describe my reaction.

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While this is happening, they are also giving Montu a new coat of paint.


It will be great to see Montu get a new coat of paint. I cannot really recall the state of the paint during my visit last year, but I never thought of Montu as a ride that badly needed a repaint. However faded paint would probably stand out a lot more with a brand new shiny ride next to it. Looking forward to see the result.

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