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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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RMC Gwazi just got a little more credible! Also, like I said before, ignore the last paragraph. They went over the weekend, but as of Tuesday, the scoops are back on.


Also, they joined the rest of the FL parks in raising parking pricing, but only as much as at SeaWorld, not the others, so it is now $17 instead of $18 ($23 instead of $22 for preferred)

HOORAY! I've been wating for a iron horse gwazi for a while. It would be awesome if it had sustained ejector airtime like El Toro. It would also be cool if it had a expedition geforce like drop.

You do know nothing is confirmed right?

Yes, and now I'm sad Gwazi will be demolished.

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How busy does Busch Gardens Tampa get on Saturday in nov I usually just go in the spring but I'm going nov 7th

It's busy relative to the crowd for the rest of the week, as Saturday is definitely the busiest day, but late September and early November is a very slow time, so it shouldn't be too bad. You should easily be able to do every major ride in the park, plus a show or two and some animals.

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How busy does Busch Gardens Tampa get on Saturday in nov I usually just go in the spring but I'm going nov 7th

Lines for Montu and Kumba aren't long (they usually never are, in any month), Lines for Cheetah Hunt are usually 30 mins-2 hrs. lines for sheikra and Falcon's Fury are usually 15-45 min.

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I don't think Scorpion has ever had a two-train operation. There are two trains, but that's so that a train can be in maintenance while the ride is running. The second train will sometimes be sitting on the storage track in the middle though. But to answer your question, Scorpion ranges between 5-30 minutes on the off season usually, but can sometimes even get to 45 if the crowds are right and the already slow operation slows down even further.

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I don't think Scorpion has ever had a two-train operation. There are two trains, but that's so that a train can be in maintenance while the ride is running. The second train will sometimes be sitting on the storage track in the middle though. But to answer your question, Scorpion ranges between 5-30 minutes on the off season usually, but can sometimes even get to 45 if the crowds are right and the already slow operation slows down even further.


Scorpion absolutely ran two trains at the same time in the past and it's more than possible.

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Haha that's what I figured. I've had an annual pass since I was like 8 or 9, and I've done a lot of research online, but I was never able to find any evidence of it running more than one train, no matter how hard I tried, so I figured it just never did. I wonder why they stopped then. I can understand it in the off season, but the 1 train op in the summer makes the wait time for it absolutely brutal.

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Ok kids,I need some advice...


I'm heading to Universal Orlando on April 25-26 (Monday, Tuesday) with a friend. Unfortunately she needs to go back to work on Wednesday, but I'm off the whole week, so I'm thinking of going to BGT for the first time by myself. Here are my questions:


Is it possible to do the whole park in one day? How long do you think it would take, I'm not really into spinning rides... How long do you think it would take to hit all the big rides? Any small attractions that "don't miss?"


Can you WALK to the park? I, thinking of staying at the Holiday Inn Express across the street, and can't seem to see a break in the fence on google maps.


Any stand out food? Both in and outside the park?

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Is it possible to do the whole park in one day? How long do you think it would take, I'm not really into spinning rides... How long do you think it would take to hit all the big rides?

On a day like those, where it is an off season weekday, you will have absolutely no problem with lines at all unless for some reason a bunch of end-of-the-year school trips decide to come on that day. Even then, it won't be bad. You will easily be able to do everything, even the smaller things. Just don't ride between 10:30 and 1:00 to avoid the line, and everything else will be a breeze. I would say you could do all of the major rides in 3 hours, and add in some shows and smaller rides and you could fill out the rest of the day. Also, know that all rides open 30 minutes after the park does, with the exception of the ones in the front area of the park (Cheetah Hunt and Montu), which opens at opening, and Congo River Rapids, which opens an hour after the park does. If you are there right at opening, ride Cheetah Hunt first, then Montu. Otherwise, go to Montu, the Animal Care Center, or go to the rides further back to catch them at opening.


Any small attractions that "don't miss?"

I'd say definitely do Scorpion, as it's a classic coaster that you don't see much of here in the southeast. Also, Congo River Rapids is an excellent rapids ride that you should do if you are OK with getting wet. If you get to the park early, head the the Animal Care Center ASAP to see if they will be doing any treatments there, as, if they have one that day, they usually happen before 12, often at 10:30 or 11. There's also an area in Nairobi called Jambo Junction located just behind the Hippo statues, and behind that is Curiosity Cavern. The latter especially is something that most people don't notice, and both offer some neat animal encounters. And if you want a great view of the large animals, make sure to get on the train at the Nairobi Station. That's the one that will take you out back into the Serengeti Plain. For shows, I highly recommend Iceploration and Opening Night Critters, and Treasures of the Mirage is good if you have time to kill and you want some AC and/or some food, but it isn't a must see. The others shows you should skip unless you have small children.


Can you WALK to the park? I, thinking of staying at the Holiday Inn Express across the street, and can't seem to see a break in the fence on google maps.

Yes, you can. The pedestrian entrance is located at the corner of Busch and McKinley, on the McKinley side. Here's a Street View of it. So it's a little walk from the hotel, but considering the amount of walking you will be doing all day at the park, it really isn't that much.


Any stand out food? Both in and outside the park?

Best food IMO is at Zambia Smokehouse in Stanleyville next to SheiKra. Their BBQ is amazing, but it is also the most expensive place to eat. Second place goes to Dragon Fire Grill in Pantopia. A bit more affordable, a ton of options of food from around the world, and you can watch Treasures of the MIrage while eating if you time it right.


I also have to say that you should definitely download the Busch Gardens app before you go. It is absolutely invaluable. It will tell you wait times, show times, directions, and pretty much everything else you could need.

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