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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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The only other time I know of something similar was either 1 or 2 years ago (I think it was 1) in the winter, there was one day where it was cold enough that they didn't want the splash, so they drained the water down to below the scoops. But this is the first time I at least have seen it run without the actual scoops themselves.

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Yeah, I love the colors. They especially look nice with Fakcon's Fury in the background.



Im pretty sure those guys are thinking "One piece down, many many more to go". I wonder how fast this ride will go up especially with the lift being more complicated than normal.

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I wonder how fast this ride will go up especially with the lift being more complicated than normal.


The lift may take a little longer. On the other hand elevator lifts have been done before. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. The rest of the track should go up fairly quick.


It's funny, on almost every coaster being built recently I'm seeing comments like "They're wasting no time on this" and "Wow this thing is flying up". When will people start saying "this is going up at the exact speed I'm expecting a rollercoaster to be built these days"??

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Going to be visiting the park next week. What's a good day for short lines?


You should be good any weekday, I was there this past Wed and it was completely dead. Cheetah was a walk on for the first hour or so and then the highest wait I saw for it was 20 min. Every other ride was a walk on, I was able to do Falcon's Fury 11-12 times in a row in about an hour.

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Like I said before, I am so excited to see this coaster going vertical! I can't wait to see more of this ride progress!!!


It's funny, on almost every coaster being built recently I'm seeing comments like "They're wasting no time on this" and "Wow this thing is flying up". When will people start saying "this is going up at the exact speed I'm expecting a rollercoaster to be built these days"??


In regards to Cobra's Curse...


This is going up at the exact speed I'm expecting a roller coaster to be built these days.

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