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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Hope it's still cool to drop photo TR's in discussion threads... let me know if otherwise.

Happy month of spooks! Yesterday I got to squeeze out some time to come check out the Pumpkins at Kentucky Kingdom event.


Kentucky Kingdom's been doing a huge "family friendly" push this year, and this event certainly epitomizes it, imo. It's a night and day difference between 2019's HalloScream event with haunted houses, spooky sculptures, and even playing a shortened version of Friday the 13th movie in the 5D cinema. Now it's all about Pumpkins! Lots and lots of pumpkins!

Frankly speaking, I think this event works really well for Kentucky Kingdom. It's a very local-focused event geared toward families having a place to bring their children without any worry of scares or safety issues (decent security and police presence throughout the park). There were multiple new shows in the park including a glow drumming show, a magician, and a country singer from Bardstown, KY named Will Wright. Thrill seekers can still get night rides on all of the park's major coasters (except T3, which is closed for the rest of the season).


People of all ages were out in the park donning halloween costumes, and there were booths set up throughout the front circle of the park for kids to trick or treat at throughout the day.


Here's something I don't think I've ever seen at Kentucky Kingdom before: a parade! The Glow Drummers as well as some familiar and new mascots marched the full front circle of the park twice a day starting and ending at the amphitheater.


In front of Prof. John's Flying Machines, they cleared out some tables to put in a very small hay maze. The walls are just high enough that most kids can't see over.


The two new shows playing in the amphitheater are Glow Drummers and local magician David Garrard (didn't catch his show unfortunately).


They do two shows, a daytime show and a nighttime show.


There's a second stage with two other acts, including Bardstown country singer Will Wright playing his songs between the carousel and Thunder Run.


And last but not least... the pumpkins!


And another friendly reminder, night rides are back as well! They're not quite the pitch-black rides you'd expect at other parks, but still nice getting to experience these rides during unusual hours of the day (and in the colder weather). I managed to be on the last train of the night on Storm Chaser which was also cool.


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It'll be nice to see what they might have in store in the future. Judging off of the vibe Herschend has had for the park, I think if they do any major additions for the park, it'll be geared towards more family stuff.

A side note, but between my last few visits and seeing it be closed during PaKK event, T3 has not been fairing all too well. It had been operating with just one train, and on my previous visit, it closed at some point in the day to have some issue fixed with the train. I don't really like to speculate too much on things, but something in my gut tells me we might not be seeing that coaster around for too much longer. (Again, 100% going off of gut feelings, not any rumors. They could very well spend the $$$ to get the trains fixed and it's good as new next season.)

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On 10/11/2022 at 3:38 PM, Midgetman82 said:

I don't really like to speculate too much on things, but something in my gut tells me we might not be seeing that coaster around for too much longer. (Again, 100% going off of gut feelings, not any rumors.)

Thanks for the info.

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On 10/11/2022 at 4:38 PM, Midgetman82 said:


A side note, but between my last few visits and seeing it be closed during PaKK event, T3 has not been fairing all too well. It had been operating with just one train, and on my previous visit, it closed at some point in the day to have some issue fixed with the train. I don't really like to speculate too much on things, but something in my gut tells me we might not be seeing that coaster around for too much longer. (Again, 100% going off of gut feelings, not any rumors. 

As my grandmother used to say, "from your lips to God's ears"

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It wouldn't shock me; T3 was Ed Hart's baby.  That was a big deal to install that roller coaster back in 1995.  Why they went with KumbaK trains in 2015 instead of Vekoma I'm not sure, probably money.  That said, these historically have held up pretty well.  Have we seen an SLC removed due to end of life and not just park closure?

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7 hours ago, willh51 said:

It wouldn't shock me; T3 was Ed Hart's baby.  That was a big deal to install that roller coaster back in 1995.  Why they went with KumbaK trains in 2015 instead of Vekoma I'm not sure, probably money.  That said, these historically have held up pretty well.  Have we seen an SLC removed due to end of life and not just park closure?

Smart move would be to great nor easter it. Fresh new smooth track with some fancy new Vekoma trains ! 

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On 10/14/2022 at 8:15 AM, willh51 said:

It wouldn't shock me; T3 was Ed Hart's baby.  That was a big deal to install that roller coaster back in 1995.  Why they went with KumbaK trains in 2015 instead of Vekoma I'm not sure, probably money.  That said, these historically have held up pretty well.  Have we seen an SLC removed due to end of life and not just park closure?


Yes he said in an interview that KumbaK's trains were like half the cost Vekoma quoted them for new trains which is why they went with them. Warer Bros. Movie World in Australia recently removed their SLC after it had been SBNO for about three seasons.

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  • 6 months later...
1 hour ago, grsupercity said:

Didn't they remove the old tube slide tower and water coaster recently?

I hope so, lol, that water coaster has never been open on any of the visits I've ever made to the park. So they might as well use the space for something.

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2 hours ago, tndank said:

Park emails announced T3 has been retired and will not reopen.


Even though it wasn't the worst SLC I've ever ridden when I rode it last year, good riddance.

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  • 6 months later...

Has anyone heard any rumors about what will happen to the T3 site or T3 itself? I wish they'd open up that area and put some flat rides on it and maybe a coaster where the old amphitheater is, but I know that probably won't happen.

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^ It's actually going to be a new stunt show arena where the cast just rides T3 over and over for twenty minutes seven or eight times a day.  Real dangerous stuff, I'm surprised OSHA is allowing it.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/20/2024 at 10:14 PM, teacherkim said:

Looks like there is going to be an announcement from the park on March 7.

Ohhhhh!! I'm really interested in seeing what this announcment is!! 


- What ever the announcement is, if it is a new ride... I bet they still get it open before Indiana Beach get's their "new" coaster open. 😉



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/20/2024 at 11:14 PM, teacherkim said:

Looks like there is going to be an announcement from the park on March 7.

Update: they are adding a Christmas event and opening late Nov - Jan 4. 

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