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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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On 12/10/2020 at 9:52 AM, pianojohn said:

Interesting how Cedar Point has so many on site hotels to encourage guests to extend their vacations, and yet Kings Island closed their own hotel years ago. Why won't they build another one?  Knotts has a hotel, and even Carowinds built a new one a few years back.  It just makes no sense why they would not want to capitalize on their guests.
These cabins are a nice start, but they really need a full hotel with on site restaurants. 

I wonder if KI signed a non compete clause with Great Wolf when that was built? Didn't KI own than land and sell it to them?

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I don't know the whole history behind the Kings Island Resort Hotel, but right now that land is owned by "Warren County Holdings LLC" -- a faceless company with a PO Box and no names attached. They purchased the property from "OHMI Investors LLC" in 2018. That's a whole lot of boring nothingness to basically say I have no clue who actually owns that property or what they're doing with it.

On a similar note, it's interesting that the Camp Cedar property isn't owned by Cedar Fair. The plot is owned by "Kings 71 LLC" which appears to be related to Terra Firma Associates, who are mentioned as co-owners of the camp in the press release on the previous page. Cedar Fair has contracted to manage the property.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really getting down into the 50-year-old (factoring in the time period it was built) base structure and ledgers for the Racer trackwork, total ledger-up retrack in these parts for the first time ever.



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10 minutes ago, PKIDelirium said:

Really getting down into the 50-year-old (factoring in the time period it was built) base structure and ledgers for the Racer trackwork, total ledger-up retrack in these parts for the first time ever.



Glad to see KI giving Racer some much needed attention.  It's still a fun ride, but it was definitely on the rough side when I rode it a few months ago.

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4 hours ago, PKI Jizzman said:

Interesting, so they're not ground up builds? Looks like they are homes that were rolled in.

Yep, common pre-fab campground cabins. SFDL has them too, as well as a few "camp resorts" like Jellystone and higher end KOA's.


I'd hope that they put up a berm or fence though, unless they plan on charging for "DD and McD's drive thru view" cabin classes. 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

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