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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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:lmao: I chuckled at that when I read it. "The first floorless coaster in Maryland" when there's one in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Oh man I better get there next year to ride the ride with that selling point.


Well...it "is" the first floorless coaster in the state. Just about every park that announces a new ride that is a first for that state, cashes in on that.

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:lmao: I chuckled at that when I read it. "The first floorless coaster in Maryland" when there's one in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Oh man I better get there next year to ride the ride with that selling point.


Well...it "is" the first floorless coaster in the state. Just about every park that announces a new ride that is a first for that state, cashes in on that.


Yeah I get that of course. Just seems like such a minor thing to brag about when you know way too much information about these things to begin with .

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These floorless conversions would be so much better if B&M would just get with the times (as in 2002?) and figure out a way to put lapbars on their looping coasters like every other manufacturer has done. OTSRs are sooooo last century. Still, shocked that this piece isn’t headed to th scrap yard.

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Not surprised by this announcement, but the media release could have been a little more exciting. I mean, "FIREBIRD, the only floorless roller coaster in Maryland," really isn't saying much, because Maryland is such a small A$$ state and there really are no competing amusement parks in MD! But it is what it is and I am sure it will be touted as a completely new roller coaster until the end of next season. I bet some of the GP will be upset when they go to SFA next year expecting a new coaster and realize its the same coaster with different trains.


The reason the words "only floorless roller coaster in Maryland" shouldn't be used is because the vast majority of the GP consider suspended coasters (and even flyers) to be "floorless".


True Story

Quick insight into the naming the coaster.

Project Manager: A coaster is rising from the ashes and being reborn what should we call it?

Team Member 1: Phoenix, like in Greek Mythology

Project Manager: Sounds great, it's a wrap


Legal Team: You can't use Phoenix


New meeting: The Project Manager shows pictures of the mythic Phoenix and asks Team Member to describe the picture

Team Member 1: It looks like a bird on fire

Team Member 2: Yea, a Firebird

Project Manager: Sounds great let use it.

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True Story

Quick insight into the naming the coaster.

Project Manager: A coaster is rising from the ashes and being reborn what should we call it?

Team Member 1: Phoenix, like in Greek Mythology

Project Manager: Sounds great, it's a wrap


Legal Team: You can't use Phoenix


New meeting: The Project Manager shows pictures of the mythic Phoenix and asks Team Member to describe the picture

Team Member 1: It looks like a bird on fire

Team Member 2: Yea, a Firebird

Project Manager: Sounds great let use it.


I had the same exact thought, Larry.

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Lol, some folks need to learn about marketing. The park is going to add whatever language they need to, as long as it's the truth, to sale something. They will not advertise, "we have new floorless coasters here, come and check them out". It'll be trumped up as the newest and greatest thing. They'll add whatever they feel to make it stand out.


Bottom line is that I don't want to hear it...lol.. Folks, even the naysayers, have been talking about how they should make this floorless for years. Don't back out now that they've actually done it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but they would just change the restraints on ME, right? I can't remember what SFNE changed. Though, even if they are new trains, it would still be a SLC. It would just be a more comfortable ride. This goes from stand up to sitting, and with no floor. The experience will be different.


I'm sure the fire effect will be squared away.

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I'm very happy. I'm looking forward to next year. A piece of me thinks that SF did this to guage how well this does, to make future decisions on a new coaster at this park, as well as upgrading other stand ups.


Six Flags can do whatever they want to their other Stand-Ups, but they better not touch Riddler's Revenge. In my humble opinion, of course...

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True Story

Quick insight into the naming the coaster.

Project Manager: A coaster is rising from the ashes and being reborn what should we call it?

Team Member 1: Phoenix, like in Greek Mythology

Project Manager: Sounds great, it's a wrap


Legal Team: You can't use Phoenix


New meeting: The Project Manager shows pictures of the mythic Phoenix and asks Team Member to describe the picture

Team Member 1: It looks like a bird on fire

Team Member 2: Yea, a Firebird

Project Manager: Sounds great let use it.


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I'm very happy. I'm looking forward to next year. A piece of me thinks that SF did this to guage how well this does, to make future decisions on a new coaster at this park, as well as upgrading other stand ups.


Six Flags can do whatever they want to their other Stand-Ups, but they better not touch Riddler's Revenge. In my humble opinion, of course...


I hear you. Same for Georgia Scorcher.

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While Firebird is a decent name, this announcement would've been a lot heavier if they had stuck with the Fortnite theme. I truly believe the leak was real and Six Flags changed plans last minute after seeing the online reaction.


Attached is my concept art for how cool it would've been!



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Considering every other coaster that got the floorless upgrade got better, I would be hyped on this if this was my local park.

I prefer Mantis to Rougarou.


Patriot is smoother than Vortex, but extremely boring, same thing that I expect in this situation.

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I'm the opposite on one, kind of agree on the other.


I prefer Rougarou by a wide margin. Patriot is kind of boring. I didn't get to ride it as a stand up, so I really can't compare.


Apocalypse, I've ridden quite a few times, so to me, this is going to feel like a tremendous upgrade.

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Seems like it's an okay addition, I'd prefer a floorless than a stand-up, so I think it's good.


Also, on Instagram I found someone comment on SFAs Firebird post, and I quote, "It's gonna be a copy of Superman from Fiesta Texas." (They use a little snip of SKC's POV in the video haha)

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I'm in the boat that's in favor of the floorless upgrades. Mantis was always a one-and-done for me, that's if I even ended up forcing myself on the ride at all. I can re-ride Rougarou over and over all day. I also found Patriot to be very fun, and it reminded me a lot of SFNE's Batman, which I think is underrated. This will make the ride a lot more enjoyable than it was, in my opinion.

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