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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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We weren't planning on it but I just asked for a day off from work and we're going to make the 12 hour drive for opening weekend. I've caught the Fury Fever... this thing looks great. Too bad we can't make it to preview night though.

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Carowinds posted a really nice video...


I wonder if that is the actual speed of the lift.

I hope it's just the speed of the video, but it seems to be going a little slower than in the previous test runs I've seen.

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I have to say I am super-impressed. I kind of figured the coaster itself would be pretty great looking, but all of the "extra" touches with it and the new entrance are pretty amazing. Hope to get up there this summer!

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^I like that shirt a lot. I'm just more and more impressed with the ride as the finishing touches are put up on it. I'm going to the park on June 29th so I have a ways to go until I get to ride Fury 325!

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Carowinds posted a really nice video...


I wonder if that is the actual speed of the lift.


Did anyone else notice the seatbelts at the 12-13 second mark? Sorry if it's been discussed already, I just noticed it for the first time.

Yes. When I rode Diamondback at Kings Island, I didn't even notice the seat belts. I still was floating out my seat.

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