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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Some pics from last week show the crack starting. Seems a guest spotted this first and alerted the park. That is a bit crazy. 

This has the potential to be somewhat big. Wonder if any other hypers will be closed a bit for extra inspections this weekend. Wonder how many maint guys have an early call tomorrow to inspect supports. 

Lots of questions here that need to be resolved.  Crazy it got this bad and seems to have completely severed. 

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Love how someone saw this and thought "quick! Get a video!" 


Glad someone told the park before something bad happened.


Amazing that the track held up to that kind of stress WITHOUT SUPPORT. B&M has a great reputation for a reason, they know they're doing. 

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Not to be an armchair engineer here, but the more I've looked at this, it strikes me as odd...


The supports of that turn aren't braced against the force of the vehicle, they're parallel to the force.  You would expect the supported to be in opposition to the direction of the force to brace against it.  Compare it to the turn going into the Treble Clef.  But instead, they're positioned in a way where the force of the vehicle creates tensile force right at that joint area, where we would normally expect to see compression.  Obviously, a real engineer checked this and it passed the calculations, but clearly something about this element didn't work out correctly.

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16 hours ago, CedarFlags said:

Not to be an armchair engineer here, but the more I've looked at this, it strikes me as odd...


The supports of that turn aren't braced against the force of the vehicle, they're parallel to the force.  You would expect the supported to be in opposition to the direction of the force to brace against it.  Compare it to the turn going into the Treble Clef.  But instead, they're positioned in a way where the force of the vehicle creates tensile force right at that joint area, where we would normally expect to see compression.  Obviously, a real engineer checked this and it passed the calculations, but clearly something about this element didn't work out correctly.

I asked the same exact question to a friend who's an engineer and got this response:

"You have three different reactions going on. Compression from the cars coming towards the support, tension from the cars going away, and rotation because the support is so high off the ground. So you add all of them together and you can figure out the resulting force and the direction it's going in, and the support goes opposite of that."

He went on to say "The load isn't being transferred to the support. That could be because the support is too stiff or the material isn't strong enough, or they miscalculated the resultant force...if they pick steel with too little carbon in it it becomes brittle and can break like that. Or sometimes the manufacturer adds too much carbon"..."That's something that happens from the compression/decompression of the cars coming across, and the crack comes downward in the direction of the force so that would indicate the load isn't properly transferring."

This one's out of my ball park - I know nothing about engineering - hopefully they'll figure it out.

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On 7/1/2023 at 7:12 PM, CedarFlags said:

The supports of that turn aren't braced against the force of the vehicle, they're parallel to the force.  You would expect the supported to be in opposition to the direction of the force to brace against it.  Compare it to the turn going into the Treble Clef.  But instead, they're positioned in a way where the force of the vehicle creates tensile force right at that joint area, where we would normally expect to see compression.  Obviously, a real engineer checked this and it passed the calculations, but clearly something about this element didn't work out correctly.

In a nutshell, it does not matter which way the lateral support goes... It either puts that lateral column in compression or tension depending on which direction and is typically chosen based on space considerations. Nothing odd at all here.

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On 7/1/2023 at 12:12 PM, teacherkim said:

Holy crap. On Fri 6/23 Fury was on morning and evening ert for Con and we were marathoning it until midnight and doing infield walks.

Fury is worth the risk.

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On 7/8/2023 at 6:08 AM, prozach626 said:

Fury is worth the risk.

We agree which is why we were marathoning it til midnight. My husband doesn't get it, he would have gone back to the hotel several hours before for drink, a movie and bed 😏

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My guess is Carowinds and B&M are ready to roll. It's probably mostly waiting on the "third party"/state inspectors to make their way to the park and give it their all clear. I'm so happy with how Carowinds has handled this. From the press releases to the actual replacement. A+ grade. 

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