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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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True, but I would bet there are more marketable names once the park is full-disney and has really lost its california theme. EPCOT has kept some of its main attractions and events that EPCOT is truly known for, while calirofnia adventure has really been slowly dismantling everything california. there is still buena vista, grizzly peak, and radiator springs, but I just think the name will soon no longer be fitting at all, especially with the opening of the marvel area. I could just see them renaming the park in the years to come after more significant changes are made.

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To be fair I totally get you, coastercoaster5, but I feel they would have already changed the name when they were trying to overcome the park's terrible reputation.

The move away from the Californian theming was very much deliberate, and I think changing the name would have been a good way of underlining this, but as they didn't do this I think it'll keep the name for the foreseeable future.

I feel the name is almost generic to the point it doesn't really matter. 

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Disneyland is going membership at some point whatever that means:

From the article:


A new Disneyland membership program will be unveiled at a later date — presumably after Disneyland and Disney California Adventure reopen.

“Due to the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and limitations around the reopening of our California theme parks, we will be issuing appropriate refunds for eligible Disneyland resort Annual Passports and sunsetting the current program,” Disneyland resort president Ken Potrock said in a statement. “We are currently developing new membership offerings that will utilize consumer insights to deliver choice, flexibility and value for our biggest fans.”


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I got one week's use of my annual pass before Disneyland shut down.  If my math is correct, that means Disney will be refunding $577 of my $599 so I essentially went to Disneyland 5 times for the low price of $22.  I think I got my money's worth!  😆

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It's really amazing to read, that guest passholder systems that have been going since I-don'tknow-when, are now (most of them) becoming null-and-void with the company starting new ticketing and pass systems from scratch. I hope things work out for Disney and former passholders, etc. I'm sure it won't work out for "a few select fanzzz", heh. They'll be bitching till blah blah blah. Good for Disney to do this. 👏

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6 hours ago, SoCalJasonland said:


Disneyland is going membership at some point whatever that means:

From the article:


A new Disneyland membership program will be unveiled at a later date — presumably after Disneyland and Disney California Adventure reopen.

“Due to the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and limitations around the reopening of our California theme parks, we will be issuing appropriate refunds for eligible Disneyland resort Annual Passports and sunsetting the current program,” Disneyland resort president Ken Potrock said in a statement. “We are currently developing new membership offerings that will utilize consumer insights to deliver choice, flexibility and value for our biggest fans.”


I’m sure it means that instead of an annual  pass you will basically be buying supersized multi day tickets.  My guess is they’ll offer eventually offer park hopper (but only allow single park visits to start until covid capacity restrictions are removed), Disneyland only, or DCA only options and your tier will be just how many days available you have total to use. Reservations system was already created with the flex pass, so foundation for this was already being built. I have no doubt This was happening regardless, but the pandemic was the window to speed it up.

I bet they’ll still offer a premium option that functions as the old one did...for a lot more money and no monthly payment option.  Make it a truly high end option.



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8 hours ago, Jew said:

I’m sure it means that instead of an annual  pass you will basically be buying supersized multi day tickets.  My guess is they’ll offer eventually offer park hopper (but only allow single park visits to start until covid capacity restrictions are removed), Disneyland only, or DCA only options and your tier will be just how many days available you have total to use. Reservations system was already created with the flex pass, so foundation for this was already being built. I have no doubt This was happening regardless, but the pandemic was the window to speed it up.

I bet they’ll still offer a premium option that functions as the old one did...for a lot more money and no monthly payment option.  Make it a truly high end option.



I like the multi-day tickets but they need to fix the 14-day expiration from first use.  The tickets need to be good for use during the entire calendar year, so I can catch a couple of seasons.

They could also do something like their timeshare program where you just get a certain amount of points every payment and you can decide what days to spend your points on.  This would allow the same pass to be used during peak days but you would need to spend more points on a ticket that day.

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14 hours ago, Garet said:


This might be the most accurate post in TPR's history.

I'm glad they're completely rebuilding from the ground up.  They've needed to for years now and they won't get a better opportunity than this to just wipe everything and start fresh.  There's no need to integrate or grandfather-in older rules or make exceptions for people.  Everyone is back at square one and I'm excited to see the new structure.

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1 hour ago, SoCalJasonland said:

I like the multi-day tickets but they need to fix the 14-day expiration from first use.  The tickets need to be good for use during the entire calendar year, so I can catch a couple of seasons.

They could also do something like their timeshare program where you just get a certain amount of points every payment and you can decide what days to spend your points on.  This would allow the same pass to be used during peak days but you would need to spend more points on a ticket that day.

I’m sure That’s what will happen. You’ll buy a “membership” that allows a certain number of visits within your year period, with blackouts and Total number of visits being determined by your tier. 

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RIP Disneyland Annual Pass. I was a first time Disney passholder and got to enjoy 8 ½ months of it at Disneyland before it shut down but since I got a Premier Pass, I also go to enjoy three visits to WDW since I activated my pass in June 2019. The Premier Pass is supposed to be good at WDW through March 31 before it ends for good (according to the email I received) so I may have to squeeze in one final trip there. 

As for the membership program that replaces the Disneyland AP, what I could see working is something that limits the amount of included visits you get per month or year, so you get less "hang out" for a few hours visits OR a points system membership or pass where you only get a certain amount of points to visit per month or year and peak days and Saturdays use more points then slower weekdays. I personally wouldn't mind a pass that lets me visit 8-12 days a year especially living 200 miles away although I won't likely go back until 2022. I don't think Disneyland will implement their new passholder replacement until 2022 or when they can operate at close to full capacity. When they open later this year at reduced capacity they will have plenty of people redeeming unused purchased tickets to fill the void of APs plus anyone that really wants to go that badly will buy a ticket.  It will be interesting to see what unfolds going forward. 

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I am beginning to think Disneyland and other so Cal parks are not going to get permission to open this summer either unless they win some court lawsuit.  They just said on the morning KTLA news that Los Angeles will not likely get to vaccinating all of the people 65 and older until June and the daily case rate is still way too high.  I think it is reasonable that they refunded people's pass money instead of keeping it indefinitely.   It could easily be the end of the summer before the 18 - 64 group gets vaccinated and new strains keep popping un quicker than my local pot shop.  Okay, not that fast.



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Maybe that "Recall Newsome" attempt will pass, and then you could get a Governor that doesn't hate business who will trash his "tier" system where every tier means that things stay closed.  Hell, even Cuomo of NY has finally said "Hey, we've gotta reopen stuff, or there won't be anything left to reopen later."

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LOTS of people and businesses are not following the stay at home orders here. Not that too many are specially saying screw all the safety guidelines (most are being as safe as possible). But, there is a lot of stuff open here that shouldn't be. Only the very large, and very visible companies are still closed. Like Theme Parks and Theaters. But all the gyms around me are open, either fully outdoor, or limiting the people inside. And most restaurants are offering outdoor seating still. 


But I do agree, that at some point, you have to just reopen everything with guidelines in place. And like many, many people have suggested, it might be better to enforce the rules with actual punishment Vs telling businesses to stay closed. I have thought this was a better approach from the start. 


The current guideline are obviously not working; it's time to try something different. 

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