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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Even outside of the timely racial sensitivities, this is obviously a good branding move for the park. However, I'm sort of against the change as I suspect that placing a Princess and the Frog overlay on Splash Mountain is going to result in a worse ride.


Part of it is the theme. In order to better align with the princess branding, the designers are probably going to want this ride to be as toothless and as non-threatening as possible. And given that this is one of Disney's thrill rides, I worry that the ride is going to end up feeling conflicted and weird.


The other part of this is also purely speculative, but I wonder if Splash Mountain is an absolute bear to maintain with the ridiculous number of animatronics in splashy water proximity. I am worried that they are going to remove most of the animatronics as a matter of practicality and use mostly screens with only a smattering of new animatronics, which I personally wouldn't find as interesting as the overabundance of animatronics that the ride currently has.


Anyhow, those are my dumb thoughts on this.

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I do have faith that the Imagineers will deliver...eventually. Watch the excellent TPR POV of MMRR to see what they can do with constraints. No doubt the budget will be lower now, and it will take a while,


Don't worry about the ride having an edge...if there's one thing Disney rarely avoids, it's an edge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not feeling too good about the area right around Disneyland right now, but hopefully the mouse company can scare anyone into wearing the mask who even thinks they're want to go to Disneyland.

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  • 2 months later...

It's sounding like we have two casualties of the pandemic at DLR.  Frozen Live and Mickey & The Magical Map are both dead for now according to some friends I have in the theatre world.  In my opinion neither were very good but they were HUUUUUGE people-eaters for large chunks of the day.  This will definitely have an impact on lines when the resort finally reopens.

Here's hoping they take this opportunity to eviscerate everything from Frozen Live and install a short-form Newsies or Mary Poppins show. Frozen Live is horrible.

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With today's guidelines the park will never reopen.  To get the positive test % low enough for the yellow tier will always find more asymptomatic cases than the yellow tier permits in a county with 3.3 million people.

Virus strains circulate for years in spite of our vaccine efforts; we have never tested for them among the asymptomatic.

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Taking quotes from another thread; these are the guidelines set, and where the counties are at:

1 hour ago, SoCalJasonland said:

California amusement park guidelines are out.  The document is easier to read and more detailed than my summary:


Widespread (purple):



Substantial (red): 



Moderate (orange):

Smaller parks can open with modifications

Capacity must be limited to 25% or 500 people, whichever is less

Outdoor attractions only can open

Reservations required

Local attendees only (from the same county as the park’s location)


Minimal (yellow):

Larger parks can open with modifications

Park capacity must be limited to 25%

Reservations required


1 hour ago, SoCalJasonland said:

Here is what is required and where all of the So Cal counties with amusement parks stand as of October 20, 2020 stats


756382913_Screenshot2020-10-20124209.jpg.cc655db328179bc36f085e4734dbf0cd.jpgScreenshot 2020-10-20 124142.jpg

Screenshot 2020-10-20 124116.jpgScreenshot 2020-10-20 124039.jpg

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I feel like doing that would make everything worse. They are going to get caught if they get audited. I can totally see a wave a lawsuits headed to the state though. These new rules are completely devoid of science. 

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Disneyland Resort has sent us a collection of statements in response to the State of California's newly-released guidelines limiting park operations and capacity.



We have proven that we can responsibly reopen, with science-based health and safety protocols strictly enforced at our theme park properties around the world. Nevertheless, the State of California continues to ignore this fact, instead mandating arbitrary guidelines that it knows are unworkable and that hold us to a standard vastly different from other reopened businesses and state-operated facilities. Together with our labor unions we want to get people back to work, but these State guidelines will keep us shuttered for the foreseeable future, forcing thousands more people out of work, leading to the inevitable closure of small family-owned businesses, and irreparably devastating the Anaheim/Southern California community.



“I think for a large county like us, especially a county with institution of higher education where folks [are] coming in from outside the county and outside the state, I think it’s going to be very hard to achieve the yellow tier.”

“It depends on when the vaccine will come as well as how many doses [are] available for our populations as well as how many of our residents will readily accept the vaccine – those are the three factors that will determine how soon we can get to the yellow tier.”

“Personally, I think that we can look forward to a yellow tier by next summer, hopefully. Hopefully.” 


Erin Guerrero, Executive Director, California Attractions and Parks Association

“To say today’s announcement on theme parks is disappointing would be a grave understatement. The Governor has not used science or data to inform his decision. Theme parks have opened and operated safely around the world for months. Data and science prove that theme parks can operate responsibly anywhere – there is no rational reason to believe they can’t do so in California. No one cares more about park employee and guest safety than the parks themselves.

“Let me be unequivocal– the guidance issued by the Newsom Administration will keep theme parks shuttered for the foreseeable future. By forcing amusement parks to stay closed until their home county reaches Tier 4, the Governor has issued a “Keep Theme Parks Closed Indefinitely” Plan which will devastate California’s major theme park industry.

“This plan prolongs unemployment for tens of thousands of people, hastens bankruptcy for families and small business owners adjacent to parks, and contributes to insolvency for local governments whose budgets rely on parks as an anchor economic driver.

“While we appreciate the more nuanced approach in the guidance for smaller theme parks, keeping California’s larger parks closed is unfair and unreasonable. Based on the responsible reopening of parks in other countries and states, science and data do not support the indefinite closure of this iconic industry in California.

“Responsibly reopening amusement parks on a reasonable timeline can and should be done while we fight this pandemic – the two are not mutually exclusive. California’s theme parks and their phenomenal workforce are ready to reopen responsibly. Parks’ loyal guests are ready and the communities and local governments surrounding the parks are ready. We urge Governor Newsom to revise this guidance to allow for a reasonable and responsible reopening of California’s signature theme park industry in Tier 3.”

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I don't think that California is ever going to get down to yellow to reopen amusement parks / theme parks. In my county, people seem to be taking the lockdown / covid guidelines seriously and we haven't been able to move past the red tier.


So I guess no Disneyland until the vaccine is fully distributed.

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I also just want to put it out there that, at the moment, California's death rate due to COVID is .043% of the population.  That's right, the state is making absolutely ridiculous decisions based on point ZERO four three percent.

At this point, you still have a much much HIGHER chance of getting into TWO car accidents on the way to Disneyland than you do dying from COVID because you went to Disneyland.

It makes no sense at all.

And just to be clear, I am **NOT** one of those batshit crazy "Anti-Mask" "Plandemic" people.  But I 100% appreciate the businesses that have opened, and I follow the rules, wear my mask everywhere I go, and I keep my distance from people.  (I mean, i can't stand people anyway so why would i want to be anywhere near them???). I don't understand why this is so damn difficult for many people.  Actually, I do know the answer, 51% of Americans are stupid.  And that is just the sad reality of where we are at.

Also, have you seen this?  It's perfect!


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11 minutes ago, CenturyFlyer said:


Not one state is currently in the "Yellow Tier."

And yet, all over the country.... the WORLD even... I keep seeing stories like this one pop up saying that not a single COVID case has been linked to going to at theme park. It just makes zero sense...


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41 minutes ago, CenturyFlyer said:


Not one state is currently in the "Yellow Tier."

This isn't quite accurate.... pretty much everything here in Kentucky is open.... bars and restaurants are running at reduced capacity, some movie theaters are open, KK was open for awhile.

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3 minutes ago, mikeykaise said:

This isn't quite accurate.... pretty much everything here in Kentucky is open.... bars and restaurants are running at reduced capacity, some movie theaters are open, KK was open for awhile.

The point was that under Newsome's guidelines, that's how every state would qualify - not saying what each state is actually doing.

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Thing is, people are so used to following Covid protocol right now – especially in California where they have had some of the strictest restrictions and guidelines. Social distancing/mask wearing/sanitizing is so engrained in our day to day lives right now that people are just as safe going to a theme park they are as any other activity, and far safer than just about any indoor activity such as going to the grocery store or Costco. I’m also no anti-masker/Covid denier - I’ll gladly wear a mask anywhere and everywhere and I’m definitely not voting for a certain former reality TV star. I just don’t know who Mr. Newsome is attempting to appease, because I can’t imagine anyone in California - be it left or right - is happy about this.

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On 10/19/2020 at 3:55 PM, COASTER FREAK 11 said:

Frozen was a really great show, it was just too much for a theme park audience.

As a theatre industry professional (backstage, design, management), I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.  Here's an non-exhaustive list of reasons why -

  • Let's get this out of the way right out in front.  Too many goddamn video/projection-based effects.  This is a stage show, so use some stagecraft.  The constant projections instead of the multitude of better, prettier illusions that could be used are a slap in the face to any stage tech worth their salt.
  • Speaking of video and projection reliance, most of the "sets" are not sets at all, just a video with a large open stage.  This is a story set in castles (stone and ice), forests, etc, yet they refused to populate the stage with anything but open space.  Those three stupid doors are the entire set for the kingdom of Arendelle.  You kidding me?
  • Holy hell the choreography.  Someone was called up from Carnival Cruise Lines for that crap.
  • The Let It Go dress transformation.  My god.  I've seen more convincing quick changes in elementary school productions.  How does the Broadway version of this gag kick all kinds of ass, yet the park version equates to literally turning the lights off for a second while Elsa pulls a zipper?  Awful.
  • The wolf chase sequence would have been incredible if they spent more than five minutes rehearsing it.  The lighting is on point and the sled is very well made with the motion base, but the cast is far too slow and not nearly as urgent as one would think while being chased by wolves.  Also, the final "Jump, Sven!" and all three characters flying into the air?  Again, it would be fantastic if they choreographed it to happen faster than a snail taking a sunday stroll.
  • The trolls are...not good.  The costumes are a train wreck themselves, but you'd think a theme park show would skip over the bad songs and stick to what people enjoy, right?  Not here!  You're gonna hear Fixer Upper from front to back and you're gonna damn well like it!
  • The finale.

And here's a list of good things -

  • Elsa's staircase.  That thing is a wonder to behold as a tech.  A full-size, cantilevered staircase that rotates over the audience with only one point of contact?  Holy crap!  Damn shame that's the only part of Elsa's castle that actually exists outside of the screens.
  • The idea and half of the execution of the wolf chase sequence.  See notes above.
  • Sven's puppet was much better than the Broadway nightmare-fuel version.

It's an amateur, half-baked, rush job that had no reason to be as bad as it was.  Frozen on stage had the potential to break new ground and really go hog wild with illusions and set design.  Instead we got what we got.

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17 hours ago, robbalvey said:

And yet, all over the country.... the WORLD even... I keep seeing stories like this one pop up saying that not a single COVID case has been linked to going to at theme park. It just makes zero sense...


So we were at a Korean park last week. Even before corona the parks tend to shut half the rides or operate them on half day shifts on off peak weekdays. I bring this up because the lines I'm talking about here aren't a handful of people, I took my son to a park on Friday and because less rides run, we waited maybe 30-40 minutes for some children's rides in cattle pens.


The park has footprints painted in the lines but people just didn't social distance or follow the stickers in any of the lines, you were packed in for 20-40 minutes. And although everyone wore masks people were constantly bringing food into these crammed queue lines and eating. There was also gloves at some Halloween games and hand sanitizers all around the queue lines but some people ignored this and rides weren't wiped from what we could see. Despite all these examples, what Korea does have is  a very good track and trace so I can tell you at least 2 positive people have been to Lotte World and 1 in Everland and yet there were 0 transmissions found to have happened in the parks.

I hiked a mountain with my wife and we passed over 140 old people mask less in 2 hours. So far more possible contact than people walking around the theme parks in masks and we had less room to maneuver around them than at any theme parks, yet there's been almost no cases of transmissions or clusters there either.


You know where it did spread in Korea? A Starbucks. And yet even in that enclosed air-con space the masked employees escaped infection: https://fortune.com/2020/08/25/covid-outbreak-starbucks-seoul-masks-employees/


It seems ridiculous to me that these giant open air spaces, where it is quite hard for it to spread have to remain closed, while so many other places can be open.

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I received an email from Knott's today asking Californians to help reopen the parks by messaging the governor.  It took me only a couple of minutes to copy and paste some stuff, so it is super easy, and please try to help out too.



California Parks Are Ready to Reopen Responsibly

California Attractions and Parks Association is the only statewide association that represents the permanent amusement park industry. The association was incorporated in 2003 and opened offices in Sacramento in February 2004.

CAPA serves as the voice of the attractions and amusement industry, working closely with legislators and regulators on issues of regulation, tourism, and ride safety. 

CAPA is also the industry's information source, providing updates on ride inspections, reporting requirements, and legislation that has the potential to impact our industry.

Sign the letter and let Governor Gavin Newson know that California parks are ready to reopen responsibly. "

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