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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Speaking of Travel Channel, what's up with Insane Coaster Wars. Canceled?

Havent heard anything about it, I assume it wasnt renewed. There is at least one more new show though. Kari Byron and Tori Bellici (formerly of MythBusters) are now doing a show for Travel Channel where they ride and film roller coasters, among other theme park activities. It hasn't started airing yet, but the stars have been posting photos of themselves filming it the last few weeks.



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Speaking of Travel Channel, what's up with Insane Coaster Wars. Canceled?

Havent heard anything about it, I assume it wasnt renewed. There is at least one more new show though. Kari Byron and Tori Bellici (formerly of MythBusters) are now doing a show for Travel Channel where they ride and film roller coasters, among other theme park activities. It hasn't started airing yet, but the stars have been posting photos of themselves filming it the last few weeks.




From Holiday World's Holiblog:



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Speaking of Travel Channel, what's up with Insane Coaster Wars. Canceled?

Havent heard anything about it, I assume it wasnt renewed. There is at least one more new show though. Kari Byron and Tori Bellici (formerly of MythBusters) are now doing a show for Travel Channel where they ride and film roller coasters, among other theme park activities. It hasn't started airing yet, but the stars have been posting photos of themselves filming it the last few weeks.



Just realized my wording is a bit confusing. I don't mean there's another episode of ICW, I meant an entirely new show.


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So would other CF parks hypothetically make announcements on the same day as CP? I never really paid attention to how CF did that in the past. I know Six Flags tends to shell out all their announcements in a pretty short time span.

Six Flags announces all new attractions at the same time, in the same announcement--not even just within a few days.

Cedar Fair varies park to park and depending on the attraction. Most new coasters are announced early-mid August, with other announcements generally between late August to November, with a few rare exceptions.

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Thinking about going to the park tomorrow. I planned on booking fastlane but didn't realize how huge of an increase it was in price to use it on the weekends. Can anyone give me an estimate of what lines will be like? Is it worth still going even if I don't have early entry? I plan on staying 1 night at Breakers so I could take advantage of early entry. Can someone please give me some tips & advice?

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Thinking about going to the park tomorrow. I planned on booking fastlane but didn't realize how huge of an increase it was in price to use it on the weekends. Can anyone give me an estimate of what lines will be like? Is it worth still going even if I don't have early entry? I plan on staying 1 night at Breakers so I could take advantage of early entry. Can someone please give me some tips & advice?

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I know a dive coaster is all but confirmed, but I was thinking... And wouldn't it be a nice surprise if Cedar Point's new coaster is a Gerstlauer? B&M is great and whatnot, but the park doesn't have anything from them yet. I know the odds are literally 0, but it'd be cool if we were all surprised. Plus, something tells me Gerstlauer could do more in the footprint on the island than B&M could. Again, I know it isn't a reasonable scenario-especially with this whole Smiler fiasco-, but it is one I think more than just myself would enjoy.


And RMC would be nice too, but that needs to be on the northernmost part of the island, right where a pile of rotting wood sits

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Gerstlauer is too low of a capacity ride to be seen at the point...


The infinity coaster can have 32 passenger trains, which is more than:

Blue Streak

Cedar Creek Mine RIde


Gemini running one side

Iron Dragon

Both of Maverick's trains in the station

Mean Streak

Top Thrill Dragster

Wilderness Run (It feels wrong using this one as an example)

Woodstock's Express


And is equal to:




Wicked Twister


I don't see a Gerstaluer coaster coming to the park because B&M is Cedar Fair's best friend at the moment, but what I'm trying to say is that capacity shouldn't be an issue.

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Any word on how CP's attendance is doing this year? It seems like they've had quite a bit of rain, and the park usually looks pretty dead whenever I check out the webcams.


Here is a statement from their website. Looks like a 2% increase in bodies through the gate. That's for all parks combined. Looks like Carowinds and Knotts are pulling the load.





SANDUSKY, OHIO, July 8, 2015 -- Cedar Fair Entertainment Company (NYSE: FUN), a leader in regional amusement parks, water parks and active entertainment, today reported preliminary net revenues through July 5, 2015 of approximately $491 million, an increase of $24 million, or 5%, when compared with the same period a year ago. This period traditionally represents approximately 40% of the Company’s full-year net revenues.


The higher net revenues are a result of a 2% increase in attendance, a 2% increase in average in-park guest per capita spending and a 10% increase in out-of-park revenues, including resort hotels.

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Did anyone else catch the Periscope Q&A that Tony Clark just did with Jason McClure and Tony their director of food? Among the things discussed:


- Raptor paint job is on the "to do list", no timeline

- Dragster paint job is also on the "to do list", said it will be a multi-year project.

- Pinks Hot Dogs is not leaving despite rumors to contrary

- In park WiFi and Apple Pay are on the "to do list", the latter is probably more than a year out but will probably come eventually.

- New attraction announcement to come in August, but we knew that.


RMC of Mean Streak was asked, Tony pretended not to know what RMC stood for. Jason said he likes Mean Streak and thinks it is undeserving of it's bad reputation. Several people in the chat implied he was crazy. His comments seem to me to hint at RMC for MS not currently being planned.



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As much as I'd like to see Mean Streak get the RMC treatment, I don't really think the layout is suitable for it.

They also mentioned there was extensive rehab over the off season that supposedly made it less uncomfortable..anyone who's ridden it this season agree that it's better than before?

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^ There is also the possibility of Centurion. That was trademarked last year and many thought that would be the name for what turned out to be Fury 325.


VALRAVN has had its ustpo file updated to say Cedar Point. In other news it appears most CFEC files have been updated to be park specific.


Centurion is still ambiguous though

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