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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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CP has went with some interesting color schemes lately (especially with Fury 325). This is just another. People hated Fury's colors at first, but once assembled it looked fantastic and everyone shut up for the most part. I'm sure it will look much better in the skyline than in a low resolution picture.


By the way, that's definitely dive coaster track. The spine is enormous, more than twice as big as regular track spine and even bigger looking than Sheikra or Griffon's. Also, it's interesting that it doesn't have straight crossties like the other 2 large dive coasters, but rather the regular B&M crossties. I'm no structural engineer but I'm guessing the [extra] enlarged spine accommodates for the standard track ties in a new B&M track design, similar to Intamin's new crosstie design for Taron. Or, as someone previously stated, it could be to accommodate wider dive trains with wider restraints with the vest design. Either way, I can't wait for the announcement.

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^ I wouldn't judge the colors on sort of low quality pictures. Like most B&M's, once the ride is finally constructed and you see it in person, it'll look absolutely stunning.




Because before it was complain about the fact the coaster is a dive machine, and now it's complain and out the color of the coaster. Clearly most coaster enthusiasts are impossible to please.


Instead of being happy that Cedar Point is getting a dive machine. Which you know... there are two of in the US. . .Everyone feels the need to complain about every little detail with this coaster... When in all actuality we know nothing for certian about this coaster yet.

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Let's not sound like the government now everyone! After all, I fully expect that when they finally build a fence to keep immigrants out, they'll argue for at least one term on what color to paint it


Let's talk about instead on how those track pieces look huge compared to some other dive coaster track.

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I won't lie: I seriously hope that is NOT track for CP's next coaster, especially if it is this rumored Valravn. Not only is yet another derivative of Orange the last color CP needs to add to their skyline (alongside Red and Yellow), Valravn, and its dark theme is just begging for CP to finally add a black colored coaster to their lineup. I think dark Purple would be a good accent color (and also new to the park), or something else dark.


I'll enjoy the coaster no matter the color, obviously, but I do appreciate when an amusement park shows some creativity and variance with their coasters' color schemes. I know most people don't care about such things, but as a study of color theory and somebody who does appreciate coaster aesthetics in addition to ride experience, I do take note of it.


I was also hoping for black and purple to go with the dark name and raven theme


they could also call it king james

They were supposed to name a coaster after lebron lol

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I won't lie: I seriously hope that is NOT track for CP's next coaster, especially if it is this rumored Valravn. Not only is yet another derivative of Orange the last color CP needs to add to their skyline (alongside Red and Yellow), Valravn, and its dark theme is just begging for CP to finally add a black colored coaster to their lineup. I think dark Purple would be a good accent color (and also new to the park), or something else dark.


I'll enjoy the coaster no matter the color, obviously, but I do appreciate when an amusement park shows some creativity and variance with their coasters' color schemes. I know most people don't care about such things, but as a study of color theory and somebody who does appreciate coaster aesthetics in addition to ride experience, I do take note of it.


I was also hoping for black and purple to go with the dark name and raven theme


I don't care about the color as long as its a good ride, but I am totally digging the Black and Purple. That would've been sweet!


BTW-I love the name Valravn!

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I'm going to cedar point for the first time in two weeks (Monday afternoon, staying at the breakers and then all day Tuesday)


How have the may flies been this year? I saw some videos on YouTube, these seem quite annoying...


You have to learn to embrace the mayfly. It's just a part of Lake Erie life. lol


Seriously though they don't really bother you on the midway too much, you notice them more on rides once the sun starts to go down. This is even more of an issue with rides that are well lit (like Gatekeeper) as it basically feels like riding a coaster in the rain.

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Seriously though they don't really bother you on the midway too much, you notice them more on rides once the sun starts to go down. This is even more of an issue with rides that are well lit (like Gatekeeper) as it basically feels like riding a coaster in the rain.


After 5pm, don't ride TTD, Corkscrew, Gatekeeper, MF, or Dragon in the front. YOU are the windscreen if you do...


I did TTD in the front around 6pm last time I went, and I think I pried about 100 off me when I got off. I'm not sure how I managed not to get any in my eyes!


As to the dive track, do we know with any certainty that this track is going to CP? Did someone see an order tag that I overlooked? I agree it's a likely candidate, but maybe there's another park with it in mind. If it is a CP dive, I sure hope it has a zero G roll on it!

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To me, the track/ rails look to be the same width as other large dive coasters, but the spine looks much larger. As others have mentioned, Im wondering if this is for possibly using less supports... or even an overhaul to their large dive coasters.

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^^ I'll admit, when I saw that posted on facebook I laughed an audible laugh and immediately came to TPR to see people's response. I think it's hysterical that they did it but I find it so much funnier that people take offense to it. My only thing about them adding Pipe Scream is now they ONLY have Rougie left... And they've been putting up 2 tiles at a time... so does that mean they're gonna break the pattern? or is there going to be a teaser tile for "MAYFLY: THE CP DIVE MACHINE EXPERIENCE" next to the Rougarou tile? I wonder.......


By the way - Went to the park last week - as always it was a great time. I actually managed to get on 16 of the 17 coasters at the park (Yes I was counting Pipe Scream in that statement). The only reason I didn't get on them all is because they closed Iron Dragon for Luminosity RIGHT before I got to it! But we did stay and watch the show which was quite awesome. Definitely beats "Ignite the Night" over at my home park Darien Lake...


It went like this -- Gatekeeper, Millennium, Rougarou, Maverick, SkyHawk 3x with no wait, Gemini, Dragster, Blue Streak, Maxair, Twister, Corkscrew, Power Tower, Raptor, Magnum, Pipe Scream, Wilderness Run, Woodstock Express, Mean Streak and Mine Ride followed by the disappointment of a closed Iron Dragon and ending the night with Luminosity as it started to lightly drizzle. They Canceled the dance party... Still a great time! My only regret is ending the night with Mine Ride...

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^^ I'll admit, when I saw that posted on facebook I laughed an audible laugh and immediately came to TPR to see people's response. I think it's hysterical that they did it but I find it so much funnier that people take offense to it. My only thing about them adding Pipe Scream is now they ONLY have Rougie left... And they've been putting up 2 tiles at a time... so does that mean they're gonna break the pattern? or is there going to be a teaser tile for "MAYFLY: THE CP DIVE MACHINE EXPERIENCE" next to the Rougarou tile? I wonder.......



They can put 2 tiles up. Rougie and Valravn

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Hold on, with the track sections, did anyone notice the face that the ties are not flat on the top? I'm not entirely sure if it actually means anything, but it's an interesting look.


Vs. The track at the plant, which has the ties sloped.


The Griffon straight track...


I know the Griffon track has the sections connected with the sloped ties, however from this picture you can barely see that all the ties are sloped, not just the leading one.

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Hold on, with the track sections, did anyone notice the face that the ties are not flat on the top? I'm not entirely sure if it actually means anything, but it's an interesting look.


The last large Dive Machine opened 7 years ago, B&M very well could have slightly changed their track style by now. It's definitely a non-inverted coaster looking at the ties.

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Hold on, with the track sections, did anyone notice the face that the ties are not flat on the top? I'm not entirely sure if it actually means anything, but it's an interesting look.


The last large Dive Machine opened 7 years ago, B&M very well could have slightly changed their track style by now. It's definitely a non-inverted coaster looking at the ties.


Diving Coaster in China doesn't have flat cross ties either.


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I'm not aware of any reason that a dark coaster on a peninsula would be a problem, but I do agree that CP definitely seems to prefer bright on all of their coasters. Aside from MF, they are all on the light spectrum of color. If somebody known an official reason for this, feel free to enlighten me.


I think it's to make the park look amazing from across the lake.

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