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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Keep in mind that this Facebook page was almost certainly made by fans, not Cedar Point. However I would love it if Mean Streak got the same track as Outlaw Run. Maybe it would also break the speed record for woodies (maybe height too?), had an 80+ degree first drop, and was loaded with airtime. I'm totally down for a RMC treatment in general.

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I have no doubt the park will finish and open the ride on time. However, it does seem like there's still a lot of other work that needs to be done and there's only 2 months left. The park still needs to finish the station, test the ride, probably wire it, clean up the area, build the queue, work on scenery, and construct the entrance. I hope everything is successfully completed by opening day so guests can get the full effect and see the beauty of the new ride along with the entrance.

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I have no doubt the park will finish and open the ride on time. However, it does seem like there's still a lot of other work that needs to be done and there's only 2 months left. The park still needs to finish the station, test the ride, probably wire it, clean up the area, build the queue, work on scenery, and construct the entrance. I hope everything is successfully completed by opening day so guests can get the full effect and see the beauty of the new ride along with the entrance.

I see your point, but i think 2 months is enough time, they should be able to finish all these things......unless the Yolocoaster crew switch with the Gatekeeper crew

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I have no doubt the park will finish and open the ride on time. However, it does seem like there's still a lot of other work that needs to be done and there's only 2 months left. The park still needs to finish the station, test the ride, probably wire it, clean up the area, build the queue, work on scenery, and construct the entrance. I hope everything is successfully completed by opening day so guests can get the full effect and see the beauty of the new ride along with the entrance.


I think that two months will be more then enough time. Did you see how fast they put the rest of the track up of the keyholes were installed? Dont worry we all will be riding will all effects come opening day!!!

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