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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Yea, once the footers are cured, it fly's by fast. Plus in the North you have to maximize what you can get done in a day, incase of major snow storms. Remember, once the snow comes down, we have such cold days that once the snow is down, it rarely goes away, so you have to be quick!

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Had nothing to do today so I headed out to Sandusky to see the ride in person even though it was from Shoreline Park near Battery Park Marina (awesome view of Millennium Force from there). Didn't take my camera as I didn't think I could get a good enough zoom on Gatekeeper but from a general view of the park from that vantage point, it's quite a skyline changer and the blue looks awesome. GK's lift makes Raptor's seem so small. Maybe it's just me but the presence of the ride seems to somewhat "complete" the skyline.


Actually it was great to see coasters since winter just seems to drag on around here.


Also, while driving along Route 6 in front of Sandusky Airport it looks quite odd not seeing Space Spiral standing there. Though we've all seen plenty of photos of CP since the ride came down to see it gone in person was still a bit odd as it was always the first thing I looked for when heading out to the park.

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This is the most minor nitpick in the world, but I wish the corkscrew and the inline twist looked more symmetrical to each other.


I do agree that part looks kinda weird, but overall it's still a beautiful ride!


Or, you take the "modern art" approach and voila it's beautiful again.


(No I don't mind. IMO it's gorgeous either way.)

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That actually looks concept-ish, and I know the scale on it is absolutely terrible, but then again I've seen worse. Ever seen Curtis D. Summer's "concept art?" No dimension at all! I think the scribble on the right side is a signature, but can't read it at all due to the poor quality.


As I never seen it before, I'm gonna say its fan made, and would have been quite impractical, mainly how much Top Thrill cost with what's just standing right now. But then again, there's no 270 degree twist on the way down, so this could very well be early concept art.

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I think I remember it being fan made after so many people complained over the years about TTD being a "one trick pony". I could be wrong. Either way, adding something like this at the end of TTD would of made it even more worth while, as long as the G's from it didn't mess it up or kill you.

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Saw this posted somewhere, and I remember seeing this from years ago, but I don't remember what this is. Is it some "fan" version of TTD or what this actually considered at some point?


I don't know where it's from, but i'd love it if they added it to the existing ride!

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That dragster concept looks cool, but I imagine if they really wanted to expand the coaster, a MCBR would be necessary in order to run multiple trains. Regardless, I'd love to see TTD expanded. Hey, why not add the world's tallest vertical loop and some airtime hills?

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That dragster concept looks cool, but I imagine if they really wanted to expand the coaster, a MCBR would be necessary in order to run multiple trains. Regardless, I'd love to see TTD expanded. Hey, why not add the world's tallest vertical loop and some airtime hills?



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If Dragster were being expanded, where would the track go? I would hate to see Iron Dragon replaced, but I can't think of much space for the layout. MF's island seems too jam packed with DA now in place. Just thinking if this would ever come to be.


NO. Just look at the size of Formula Rossa's layout. And it still has a 100 foot+ trim section.

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Saw this posted somewhere, and I remember seeing this from years ago, but I don't remember what this is. Is it some "fan" version of TTD or what this actually considered at some point?


The only place I remember seeing that was Absolutely Reliable News and Rumors.

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Given how they managed to fit Silver Bullet into Knotts, I'm sure they could have found a way. They did have to already alter the area a fair bit to begin with.


A product of my boredom. Pretty close to the drawing Robb posted two pages back. I am fully aware that this would never happen, but I can dream, can't I?

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