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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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They're progress on this coaster is unbelievable, even with their weather. I see IRAT at 6 Flags Fiesta in San Antonio has posted a delay on their site to Summer 2013 from late Spring 2013. I've got to hand it to the Point, they know how to build in any kind of weather. This will be a beautiful improvement to the front entrance.


Just one question if that is the Gatekeeper, who is the Keymaster??? Also where is Zul??? -- Ghostbuster references...

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This ride is looking better and better every day. Can’t wait till May to ride this, I watched a video the other day of a tour of gatekeeper. Sounds like the ride should look really cool at night. Each train will have its own Light Package on it . should look really cool at night


Ps. Any one going to media day and looking for some help let me know .i would love to go for Media day .

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This ride is looking better and better every day. Can’t wait till May to ride this, I watched a video the other day of a tour of gatekeeper. Sounds like the ride should look really cool at night. Each train will have its own Light Package on it . should look really cool at night


Ps. Any one going to media day and looking for some help let me know .i would love to go for Media day .

Say what? Are they talking like something similar to the Rockit light packages? If so, this already sexy ride will look even better!

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As for the keyhole towers are they solid or hollow? With the distinctive roar a B&M makes, even though I supect GK to be rather quiet like X Flight is, the keyholes, if hollow, might amplify the sound of the train going through them since the towers are also supports for the track.

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As for the keyhole towers are they solid or hollow? With the distinctive roar a B&M makes, even though I supect GK to be rather quiet like X Flight is, the keyholes, if hollow, might amplify the sound of the train going through them since the towers are also supports for the track.


They were manufactured hollow. If they were solid metal, that would be crazy heavy and totally unnecessary and unimaginably expensive. If they want to get rid of the 'roar' they fill the hollow area with something that reduces the noise. Ive hear they use sand, but that also seems like it would add a lot of weight.

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