Will the move of Legendary's Kong Skull Island film production affect Skull Island in the theme park in any way? Side note, would Godzilla vs. Kong be a good movie?
I would honestly use both resources. I visit the forums at least every other day, and it wouldn't be a problem to visit reddit more often. I think it could bring in a new wave of visitors that would find their way here too.
I was going to say that but I think people would think it would be weird to have an Intamin Mega and a Mega Lite in the same park, I personally don't, but a lot of people do. Then again, a Chance one would be great for them.
The more the merrier if you ask me. I doubt people would really care.
I'm not even big on theater productions, but this place is an architectural masterpiece. Couldn't complain seeing a show here. Never been to downtown Orlando but I would love to even more now!
Really like Pleasure Park, reminds me of when I last played RCT2. Love the re-do on your buildings, and like I found out you don't need CS to make it beautiful. Just make it look as realistic as possible. Can't wait to see more! I'm also pretty bad with names, so I know how you feel when you design something really nice.