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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Great to see the second keyhole going up. Side note, did anyone notice the section of track lifted into place yesterday, was removed later in the day (along with the support that was also installed)? Interesting.


Well I'm not too sure about the track(It looks exactly the same). I don't think any supports were installed though.

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Great to see the second keyhole going up. Side note, did anyone notice the section of track lifted into place yesterday, was removed later in the day (along with the support that was also installed)? Interesting.


Well I'm not too sure about the track(It looks exactly the same). I don't think any supports were installed though. The more complex ones (the next one) usually are up quickly.

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The last part stand up vertical. Come back to this post again for updates in the next few minutes.


Edit: 3:01 PM: Keyhole replaced, now next to his end destination.

Edit: 3:03 PM: Keyhole in the air.

Edit: 3:06 PM: Keyhole at end destination. Almost ready for securing.

Edit: 3:07 PM: Keyhole is ready for Securing:


From the other side:


Keyhole on his place. Now they only need some track going through them and its perfect.

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Just thought I'd put it out there, the CoasterMania itinerary is out: http://www.cedarpoint.com/rides/Calendar-of-Events/CoasterMania



Event Itinerary


7 a.m. - Admission gates open

7:30 to 9 a.m. – ERT on Millennium Force® and GateKeeper

8:00 to 9 a.m. – ERT on Raptor®, Iron Dragon and Mantis®

9:00 to 10 a.m. – ERT on Blue Streak, Wicked Twister, WindSeeker and enjoy early entry!

10 a.m. - Park opens

1 to 2:30 p.m. - Complimentary lunch at the Point Pavilion

10 p.m. - Park closes

10:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. – ERT on Corkscrew, Mine Ride, Mean Streak and Gemini (celebrating 35 years!)

10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. – ERT on Top Thrill Dragster® (celebrating 10 years!), Magnum XL-200 and Maverick®

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Well I'm not too sure about the track(It looks exactly the same). I don't think any supports were installed though.

» Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:34 pm


That was the point I was trying to make. It looks the same as it did yesterday morning, but at one point the track and supports were further along in the circuit. Since I posted this, I found a discussion and photos to verify it. These our courtesy of a "davidw" over on Pointbuzz (Note the time stamps too):


Support and Track "Installed"


Track Removed


Support Removed


Support Loaded Back on to Truck

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Looks like a typical winter Ohio day for Gatekeeper. That lake looks nasty.




I'm sure the CP fanboys are crying over the fact that Space Spiral would be smack dab in the middle of that photo.



I haven't seen one person complain over the fact that space spiral was removed.


You don't know Pie.

*Sad music plays* R.I.P Space Spiral 1965-2012

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They should have kept Space Spiral, like CGA has kept Star Tower when Goldrusher is being built. At least we still have the Skyride in the midway to get a bird's eye view of Cedar Point, but for how long? *DUN DUN DUUN*


Power Tower is only slightly less intense and has better ridership than Space Spiral. No dirty as sin glass to obstruct the breathtaking view of north central Ohio, 'Murica either.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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They should have kept Space Spiral, like CGA has kept Star Tower when Goldrusher is being built. At least we still have the Skyride in the midway to get a bird's eye view of Cedar Point, but for how long? *DUN DUN DUUN*

Something tells me the Skyride will stick around for quite a few more years. All of the lazy people have to get to the middle of the park somehow

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They should have kept Space Spiral, like CGA has kept Star Tower when Goldrusher is being built. At least we still have the Skyride in the midway to get a bird's eye view of Cedar Point, but for how long? *DUN DUN DUUN*


Not that its exactly the same, but I heard they built this ride called Windseeker...

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